My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 104 Fei Xiaochuan: Find my place by yourself!

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SMS alert tone of mobile phone.

This is the task down.

Fei Chuan glanced at the news and snapped a few bites of food.

"Xiaochuan, Dad will come back late these two days. Because picking up the candidates is one person and one delivery. I will go out now to meet with the candidates I meet. Would you like to go with me?"

"Don't go or go! Is it because the college entrance examination is going to pick up candidates to accumulate good fortune? Can you not be so feudal and superstition." Fei Xiaochuan put down the tableware, with a reluctant expression, got up, "I have eaten."

"Sit down for me, the rice in the bowl hasn't been finished yet! You child, you can't spoil the food." Fei Chuan frowned.

"I don't want to eat anymore, just take care of me. I'm going back to do my homework."

Just two steps away, I looked at the mobile phone text message interface that my father had in front of me.

Fei Xiaochuan looked intently, stepped back and sat down, chewing hard.

"Dad, I'm done, let's go to Senior Jiang Shouzheng's place together."

On weekdays, Fei Chuan was anxious that his children would sit at home and study every day.

But today is different.

During this time, there was an education channel in the car radio he was listening to.

A special column describes the "power of role models".

I don't have much culture, I can only make my family hungry.

Perhaps, when the child was young, he was his role model.

But now, definitely not anymore.

He has fallen behind.

Son, need to have a positive role model.

Go home every day, play with your phone secretly, don't assume he doesn't know.

He kept talking about "I am the man who wants to be the One Piece" all day, and was not afraid that the police station would catch him.

Pirate, even if he becomes the king, it is for the thief!

Having said it many times, I just didn't listen.

Say I'm old fashioned!

Now, looking at the light in his son's eyes, he felt that this time, it was a good opportunity.

Today, I took my son to meet Jiang Shouzheng to let him take a good look at how people with good grades study.

The old master, it seems that he is immortal, and there must be a way to train students like Jiang Shouzheng.

Now, if you go earlier, maybe you can learn from it.

The father and son soon came to Qingfeng Temple.

At this point, Jiang Shouzheng has not returned yet.

But not because of part-time jobs, but because there is a class meeting tonight.

Pseudo Lei Zhenzi Wang Qiang asked everyone to arrange the table into a "mouth".

This is not just a chicken soup like "a good mentality will lead to a good test".

As a class teacher, first give everyone some brain-tonifying nutrient solution, and then eat a portion of "Class Bucket" and "Full Bansa", open and watch "Shawshank's Redemption".

"Hey, put away books, test papers, wrong question sets, etc., all away."

"Chen Yuan, I remember a lot of snacks in your drawer, take them out."


Turn off the lights.

eat and drink.

Then, most of the college entrance examination candidates with expressionless faces became vivid.

Wang Qiang saw this scene and knew that his goal had been achieved.

Plus Chen Yuan's spicy strips...


By the way, facing Chen Yuan, who was ashamed, raised his eyebrows.

Chen Yuan picked up a piece of pizza, took a bite, and pulled silk...

Wang Qiang chewed the spicy noodles in his mouth. It was strange, why didn't it fragrant?

Movies always have a curtain call.

But life will not.

Turn on the lights.

"Everyone today, let's rest early." Seeing the students want to line up the table, Wang Qiang waved his hand, "Everyone, go back and rest early."

With that, he started rushing people.

When there was no one in the class, Wang Qiang began to rank alone.

He didn't look at the drawers. Even if there were no books on these tables, he knew where they should be placed.

Because he is the head teacher.

For three years, he has been very familiar with the table and chair here.

After half an hour, clean up the classroom.17 novels

He stood on the podium.

"stand up."



When Jiang Shouzheng returned to Taoist Temple, it was already past nine o'clock.

But as soon as I entered, I saw Lao Guanzuo rolling up his sleeves and hooking a young boy with an immature appearance: "Come on?"

"Ah!!!" The boy raised his fist and rushed forward.

The result is obvious.

The young man fell to the ground and couldn't get up anymore.

"Will you accept it?" Old Guanzhu stepped forward and kicked the boy on the shoulder.

"Take it." The boy pursed his lips and lowered his head.

"Then, who is the man who can become the One Piece?" Lao Guanzhu half squatted down and flicked the young man's eyebrows.

The boy's complexion flushed, his fists were clenched, and then he let go.

Just about to speak, Lao Guanzhu shook his head and said, "You think it through, let's talk about it."

The boy's knuckles moved, he clenched it again, and said fiercely: "I took it, but it's me!"

"speak louder."

"it's me!"

"who are you?"

"I am the man who wants to be the One Piece."

"Good job." Lao Guanzhu patted the boy on the shoulder, "Next time, when someone bullies you again, you will have this kind of momentum, then no one will dare to bully you."

After that, the old Guanzhu pulled up the boy and looked at the door: "Shouzheng, you are back. Here are two laymen looking for you."

With that, put down the rolled up sleeves and returned to the quiet room.

"Are you?" Jiang Shouzheng asked in confusion.

"I'm Fei Xiaochuan, senior, you may not know me, I..."

The teenager happily stepped forward to introduce himself, Jiang Shouzheng answered, "Your father, Fei Chuan, when he came to our Guanli last time, he talked to me about you, and he said, you are very smart, very sensible, and very good."

Fei Xiaochuan turned and looked in the direction of the hall: "But, he's at home, he didn't say that to me."

Jiang Shouzheng patted him on the shoulder and stepped into the hall.

A figure knelt down under the statue of the old man.

His body rickets, his forehead touches the ground, and there are words in his mouth.

The voice is low, but pious.

"Lao Jun, bless my child to be healthy, safe, able to read and go to a good school."

This passage keeps repeating and chanting.

Fei Xiaochuan blushed and stepped forward, trying to call his father up.

Senior Jiang Shouzheng has arrived, so how can he wait any longer?

He doesn't know what he is feeling now, is he disgusted?Or something else?

Jiang Shouzheng stopped him, shook his head, knelt on another futon, and began to sing "The Pure Heart Sutra of Taishang Laojun"...

Watching this scene, Fei Xiaochuan thought for a while and knelt beside his father.

Because there are only two Taoist priests in Guanli, and no one offers incense on weekdays, there are only two futons.

So he knelt.

But the floor is very clean.

Jiang Shouzheng used the combined magical powers to clean up today, even after an afternoon...

The four pillars of the main hall are surrounded by the sound of scripture.

[Your dad is a renter, waste!You too!]

[Do you have pocket money?Have you seen money?Can you go to a high-end restaurant?]

[I ask you to clean up for me, I am worthy of you!]

The distracting thoughts in my heart gush out involuntarily.

He felt very bored, uncomfortable, and wronged.

He knew that his father worked very hard and tired every day, but when he was being bullied, he would occasionally feel that his father was useless.

This feels very contradictory.

It's blame, and it's like a grievance, more guilt after betrayal.

He, being bullied, really deserves it?

All kinds of thoughts and emotions flooded my mind, and then extinguished.

Only one picture freezes in my mind.

Father took his hand and looked at him, caring and angry: "Is someone bullying you? Find him!"

With the sound of the scripture falling, Fei Chuan opened his eyes and looked at his son beside him, tears streaming down.

"What's wrong?" Fei Chuan asked concerned.

"Dad, some classmates at school bullied me." Fei Xiaochuan wiped away his tears. "However, I will find the place myself."

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