My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 105 Class Teacher Wang Qiang: My lovely classmates, were you surprised or surprised on the l

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Fei Chuan and Jiang Shouzheng confirmed the departure time, and based on the content of the text message, they provided Jiang Shouzheng with a "List of Items Required for College Entrance Examinations (Officially Produced by Tianfeng Group).

After all the handovers were confirmed, Fei Chuan wanted to take his son away.

He has many questions to ask Fei Xiaochuan.

"Senior, can I ask you a question alone?"

Jiang Shouzheng nodded in agreement.

Fei Xiaochuan closed his eyes first, seeming to remember something--

[Fei Xiaochuan, hello, my name is Ye Cuilian, I met for the first time, and I will take care of it in the future.]

[I, I used to be a part-time pen fairy and I was inspired by people, but now I am a good ghost, don't worry, it won't hurt people.]

[Fei Xiaochuan, when you are in school, you need to be more brave, just a little bit.]

[Fei Xiaochuan, Ollie...Give it?]

Fei Xiaochuan motioned to his dad to stand further, and then asked in a low voice, "Senior, do you know Ye Cuilian?"

Ye Cuilian, isn't it the name of the pen fairy?

Fei Xiaochuan, how did you know her name?

Jiang Shouzheng frowned and asked, "How did you know the name Ye Cuilian?"

"I dream about her these days, and I often dream of her, she said let me bring you a word." Fei Xiaochuan pursed his lips, learning the tone of the dream, "Dao Master, hello, I am Ye Cuilian, because Your guidance and teachings, my ghost life is very fulfilling, because I can't get close to the Taoist temple. I hope Fei Xiaochuan will convey my gratitude to you on my behalf. You let me understand that ghost life should not be wasted."

"......,I ​​know."

Jiang Shouzheng recalled his contact with Ye Cuilian. When did he guide and teach Ye Cuilian?

He is still a student himself, how can he be a guide for ghosts?

However, Ye Cuilian's words shouldn't be unreasonable.

Perhaps, I did something that did have an impact on her.

"Then I'm leaving." Fei Xiaochuan waved his hand to Jiang Shouzheng.

"Aren't you afraid of ghosts?"

Fei Xiaochuan paused and said, "I was scared at first, but later I got used to it."

In Fei Xiaochuan's dream, Ye Cuilian looked only a few years older than him.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

As for Jiang Shouzheng's ability to communicate with ghosts, Fei Xiaochuan said that he could accept it.

Learning tyrants, there are some weird things, which are always not surprising.

Moreover, the place where scholars live is Taoism.

It was said that he could communicate with Daozu, but at most he would pick it up after dropping his chin on the ground, Ann went back, and shouted "666".

At this moment, Ye Cuilian, mentioned by Fei Xiaochuan and Jiang Shouzheng, was lingering in many barbecue stalls.

Logically, after Ye Cuilian saw the old Guanzhu, her heart knot was already gone, so she should have disappeared from this world.

However, by coincidence, she had already been "invited" to participate in the evening party at the Lu'an Police Station, as a necessary auxiliary staff, designated the "magic show" link...

Now, there are still many months before the party.

What can you do?

Harmful and scary things cannot be done.

I didn't dare to go out and wander around, if I was not careful, I would be sucked in by Qingfengguan.

That's the feeling of being swallowed.

Then, what is it!

Don't even let go of ghosts?!

This is too much!

But Ye Cuilian didn't dare to ask such questions in person.

Isn't that looking for death?

So, what can she do?

The thing Ye Cuilian does most now is to stay still during the day...

I really can’t get through it at night. Just before going out for a walk, I "divide" myself into multiple portions, in case I am "eaten", I can "resurrect".

Now, the place she visits most at night is the barbecue stall.

At the beginning, there was only one here.

She can only have a taste.

After all, you can’t just stare at one to eat. What should I do if I’m poor?

Well now, as time goes by, there are more and more barbecue stalls on this street at night, and the types are more and more complete.Biquge Novel

She eats whatever she wants.

Eat some to the east and some to the west.

Every day, when I go, some strange "breath" is taken away.

These breaths were harmless to her, but made her soul more solid.

[God of skewers, take care of our shop.]

[God of string, thank you for coming today.]

[Today, my family has the most unflavored skewers, which means that God of skewers thinks mine is the best.]

The most is the smoke and flames in the world, swinging leisurely to Qingming.

The next day.

Open your eyes and wake up.

I sensed my mana, and it grew as usual.

Well, relax your mind.

Jiang Shouzheng started his new day as usual.

Last night, when he sent away Fei Chuan's family, Jiang Shouzheng finally taught Xiao Bai and Jiang Shouqin "nightly", and they knew the connection between the moves and breathing.

That's why, today Lao Guanzhu, Jiang Shouzheng, Xiaobai, and Jiang Shouqin, the two of them fight together.

No rice was sprinkled, but birds came.

"Watch the Lord, do these birds think you will have something to eat when you punch?"

While complaining, Jiang Shouzheng opened the rice jar, scooped a spoonful of white rice, and sprinkled it on the square.

The birds feast on their food and are extremely happy.

Xiaobai licked his tongue, wanting...

Before it moved, the angle of view was suspended.

Jiang Shouzheng slipped its neck, threw it back to the hall, and threw a rag on it by the way.

"If you have nothing to do, clean it yourself."

Xiaobai blinked and looked at Jiang Shouzheng.

"Don't look at me, don't look at me, don't eat wild animals casually."

Jiang Shouqin laughed low, and was also picked up by Jiang Shouzheng and threw it to Xiao Bai.

"You also go to work."

Jiang Shouqin was held by Xiaobai, his smile gradually solidified...

The rag is bigger than him.

After everything was cleaned up, Jiang Shouzheng set off for school. He hadn't even reached the door of the classroom. He heard it from a distance. The class seemed to be noisy--

"Where is my table?"

"I am here, but where is mine?"

"I'm here."

When I walked to the door, everyone was moving the table...

What's going on here?

Jiang Shouzheng returned to his place and took out a book from inside——

Chen Yuan's...

"Chen Yuan, your table is with me, where is my table?"

In the classroom, there was a "horse and chaos"...

Class teacher Wang Qiang hasn't walked into the classroom yet——

Strange, why is it so noisy today?

"Yesterday, didn't the old class say that he would arrange our seats?"

"Why are the locations all messed up?"

"Maybe the old class feels that the class is too inactive during this period, so do something for us?"


Leaning against the wall, Wang Qiang sighed, "I, I overestimated myself again."

When the classroom resumed reading, he calmed down, walked into the classroom, knocked on the door and attracted everyone's attention——

"A surprise this morning?"

Today, the last day before the college entrance examination.

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