My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 106 Boxing Coach Xue Dazhi: One of my punches can teach you how to behave... well, excuse me

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Each time is divided equally.

Without time, it will be especially important.

Tomorrow, the college entrance examination will be taken.

Tomorrow, it seems important.

But tomorrow is just tomorrow, nothing more.

Workers outside are installing signal shielding devices;

At the school gate, an open-air tent was erected and banners hung up;

Several piles were placed on the ground, pulling up one cordon after another.

The classrooms of Grade One and Grade Two have now been vacated into examination rooms.

In the multi-functional classrooms on each floor, A4 paper is pasted outside the door, and the rest area is written on it.

The school seems to have changed its appearance.

The students in the third year of high school studied all morning.

In the afternoon, the classroom area of ​​the senior year also began to install equipment.

This is a student in the examination room of No. 1 Middle School, and was arranged to review books in the chemistry and physics laboratory.

Under the guidance of the teacher, the students in the other test centers successively boarded buses to the test centers in Linjiang.

Similarly, candidates from other schools came one after another.

The school is lively and quiet.

Sitting in the back row of the laboratory, Jiang Shouzheng opened his palm, and a green leaf outside the window fell onto the palm of his hand.

Here, some students read aloud, some murmured words, some closed their eyes and thought.

Someone would hammer his palm with his fist and say loudly that he understood.

Some people scratch their heads, regret and remember.

Everyone's timbre and tone are different, but they are in harmony with each other.

Jiang Shouzheng didn't like the atmosphere, it was too noisy and noisy, but it was not too annoying.

Everyone's mind is very pure at this moment.

He liked this kind of purity, without distracting thoughts, without worrying.

He clamped the leaves in his palms in his notebook, and just sat withered all afternoon.


Anyway, he has learned what should and should not be learned in high school.

Not bad for these hours.

When the school bell rang, everyone got up and went to the cafeteria for dinner.

Yao Qian asked, "Student Jiang Shouzheng, you have been sitting all afternoon, is there something bothering you?"

"No." Jiang Shouzheng picked up his backpack and said before leaving, "Tomorrow, besides bringing you fresh feng shui, we will also bring you a small...can of special drinks."

After speaking, with the crowd left.

Buy vegetables and bargain.

Cooking and cooking.

Tonight, the stars are dotted.

Lao Guanzhu and Jiang Shou were sitting on the steps while Jiang Shouqin and Xiao Bai were frolicking in the square.

"Shouzheng, the exam tomorrow, are you nervous?"

"not nervous."

"Then, take the test." After the instruction, Laoguan stood up, "Tonight, do you want to watch TV series with me?"

"No." Jiang Shouzheng thought the imperial rag, got up, and carefully wiped up the statue of Laojun.

One inch, another inch.

Lao Jun seems to be peeling off paint, and when the college entrance examination is over, he happens to have a long vacation.

Go buy some paint and fix it.

When it was late at night, Jiang Shouzheng closed the gate and plugged it in.

I wanted to go back to the quiet room to rest, but I thought about it over and over again.

Xiaobai and Jiang Shouqin wanted to keep up, but the old Guanzhu didn't know when to appear behind them and said, "Give me back to rest."

An hour later, Jiang Shouzheng came to Gu Deng Temple and dropped a large, compressed mana ball that needed ten days of training. In order to facilitate Gu Yu's absorption, he deliberately made the mana ball less stable...

When Jiang Shouzheng left, Gu Yu's figure appeared outside the door.

Looking up at the mana ball...

"He is going to blow me up here.....did it?"

For safety's sake, Gu Yu took the mana ball back into his god's realm.

Returning to the realm of God, looking at the area specially opened for the placement of these "bombs"...

"What the hell is Jiang Shouzheng? Is he a god?"

"Forget it, these are not the main points."

Pulling apart the realm of God, his figure constantly shuttles between Gudeng Lake and the reservoir.

When the idol is wounded, he will be severely wounded.

If the dam falls, the karma formed by the gathering of people's grievances will make him unbearable.



Time, ticking away...

In a blink of an eye it was three thirty in the morning.

The people of the Feng family have already surrounded the temple.69 school bag

And they planted their own people, and placed...bombs on the top of the dam.

After strict estimation, such a bomb will only blow a gap at the top of the dam without harming the roots.

It will detonate until four o'clock in the morning.

At the same time, open the live broadcast, upload the network, and guide public opinion...

Let the people panic.

Those who detonated the bombs and helped live the broadcast will definitely be locked up eventually.

Their father, mother, wife, and children will be taken care of properly.

Seeing that the layout on both sides has been secured.

Looking at the scene of a screen, Feng Xingsong dialed the phone of the black bear spirit.

"Sir, the arrangement on our side has been secured, how about the arrangement on your side."

"Relax, everything is under control."

Hei Xiong Jing hung up the phone and tried to contact the "High Price Purchase of Pig Blood (Small No. 1)", but the other party did not respond.

"It will be four o'clock in the morning, how did you arrange it?"

"You guys tell me somehow. When I say it, I'm one of you, right? I always have the right to know, right?"


"The Feng Family is calling me again now, I don't know how to reply to them at all."

"You make it hard for me to do this, what happens if you reply to a message?"

"If it is inconvenient to reply directly to the message, can you give me an expression or something to prove that someone is reading my message?"

Hei Xiong Jing glanced at the time in the upper right corner of the phone, 3:47.

He edited the message again-"It is only thirteen minutes before the agreed hands-on time."

As soon as the message was sent, there was an immediate response—"The message was sent, but was rejected by the other party."

The black bear spirit was dumbfounded, and clicked to resend-"The message has been sent, but was rejected by the other party."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he glanced at the last news he received.

Such a "response" does prove that someone read his news...

But what he wanted was not this response!!!

The mentality of the black bear spirit is a little broken.

"Damn! It's poisonous!!!"

Just after shouting, there was a knock on the wall next door.

Through the wall, a word came dully: "Neurotic! Don't sleep at night! If you don't go to work, others have to work!"

Being blamed as a monster, can you bear it?!

"I'll shout! How can you drop it! Come here, do it!"

The black bear spirit also knocked on the wall a few times, and there was no movement next door.


Human beings are just like that, bullying the soft and fearing the hard.

After the black bear spirit vented his emotions, he continued to try to send a message to the "acquisition of pig blood at a high price (small number 1)".




The time is already 3:49.

It was only eleven minutes before the agreed hands-on time.

However, the connection with the heaven was broken.

The black bear spirit smashed the phone on the bed and walked out the door step by step.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Boy, you have a seed out."

"I won't sleep at night, I'm sick!"

Outside, stood Xue Dazhi, a boxing coach with strong muscles and strong backs.

He put on his headgear, squeezed his gloves, and slammed the door.

Today he will let the people in this room know what is called...


The door opened.

"sorry for disturbance."


The door was closed again by him.



When I got to the first floor, I turned around, only the empty corridor.

He took off his gloves and dialed 110.

"Hello, police?"

"I called the police, my neighbor next door raised a bear! Live, really, my mouth is bigger than my head!!!"

"You guys will go out of the police!"

"Ah? This matter is not yours? Looking for 119?"

"Aren't they catching snakes?"

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