My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 107 Debt and Putting on the Shelves: Who is not anxious about tomorrow but greets it at the

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Hey!

"Apprentice" is about to hit the shelves...

Don't be busy deleting books...

This is a "long-planned" testimonial.



According to my WPS cloud record, the original edit record was on January 30. As of the date of publication, it has been edited 49 times.

Write a little every day, write a little every day, and write more.

During this time, I was very afraid of listings and faced real subscription support data.

Always thinking about the eunuch...

A lot of pressure.

I wrote my testimonials to urge me to list.

Don't write words.

As early as January 30th, I broke the watch.

After all, without seeing the real data, I might tell myself in the future--

Actually, I wrote pretty well, but I couldn't hold on to it.




[Available tomorrow]

If there is anything, a little, or something missing in this book that makes you feel comfortable and happy, thank you very much for your subscription!

180 degrees, holding your knees...fold in half.

People need to have feelings, and they have to eat well...

Writing online novels is purely for feelings, I dare say, can you believe it?

For five buckets of rice, ask for a subscription.

Bow again!

Keep it for a minute...

About Dream

①In my lifetime, a...fine badge?

②The drafting fee for this novel can offset a fraction of my rent.

[About adding more]

①Indebted and put on the shelves: February 5 owed 1 more, February 6 owed 2 more, owed January 23 (at the time, young and naive) plus 1 more, a total of 4 more.

②As of February 14, 2020, if the order exceeds 300, one chapter will be added.

③All orders are 500, 1000, 1500, 2000... (and so on), plus one more chapter.

④ If there is a "Leader" in this book [card surface], add 1 chapter.

④ Commitment, before the change is over, the daily minimum guarantee is 2 shifts, and no leave is required, even if you ask, I will let the two shifts of today be postponed... Sooner or later, I will pay back one day.

This is really my limit.

After all, promises are too heavy, and easy promises will lead to -

Look, I promised to add one more change on the Spring Festival day, because it has not been paid back, so I have to, for many days, continue to guarantee two changes a day, and I can’t ask for leave. Up.

Even if it’s on the shelf, I put it on the shelf with a debt, orz who can obviously ask for leave...


Do it yourself!

New year special, why not add more!!!

That is also a big chapter of two thousand words...

Roll around~~

If you do, then I will owe one less.


About Thanks


I am afraid of pain, no eunuch.


The family and girlfriend who did not support my novel writing, did not object.


The editor who supported me, Madoka, is really a woman.


The readers who voted, liked, commented, and invested are really good people getting together. The most important thing is to help me proofread the draft!!!

Come, make a split at 91 degrees.

Can't go down for a while.





(It's mainly written for myself, but I don't write it out. I'm afraid one day I will forget how I feel now):


If there is no recommendation in the follow-up, this is probably the last time I have been systematically and idlely chatting in the text, and I don’t know if anyone will read it, but I still want to write, don’t write it out, don’t pretend to talk to people, I feel bored .

Please cherish (funny).

I will write very cheerfully~

[How profitable is writing novels?

You may not have too many concepts, I will give you a "science popularization".

Recalling my junior to senior year, I wrote a supernatural side novel in Chuangshi one year.

The book has been completed before being sealed, the total number of words is 1087852, the total order is 26, the total income is 3,28.68 yuan, 3000 yuan is full attendance, and 96.89 yuan is not issued because it has not collected two hundred...

This 96.89 yuan, I probably won't be able to get it out in my life!!!!(Obsession~)

Get rich, everyone thinks about it.

But my strength is not allowed!!!(funny)

Me, it’s been almost two years since I graduated from university. I want to see if I can do my dreams while I’m not married (the current data is too cruel, I’m embarrassed to talk about dreaming).

Don't let yourself regret it.

[How difficult is the perfect attendance award?

Every day from 0:00-24:00, there must be two shifts, 2000+ per shift.

According to my girlfriend, I get up at seven in the morning and go out at eight. If I can see me at home at seven in the evening, it would be a miracle.

For me, it's really hard.

Others can do it, but I can't!

I can't make up time!Search Novels

During the Chinese New Year these few days, although I didn’t go to work, I’m Cavin!!!

It's true.

When faced with bad reviews and accusations, I... it's even more difficult to write.

[How does it feel to have no inspiration?

It feels like every time I think about buying a house, buying a car, or getting married.


This matter, in the early stage often...

Now I am used to it (laughing and crying).

Because of everyday writing, the key is often.

Often: stands for "repetition".

But it's pure everyday, no one looks at it.

Do I have to write-Jiang Shouzheng squatted beside the rice tank and counted the rice?

[About my talent?

Wasn't my account not bound to my mobile phone at first? I couldn't leave a message, so I used the number that can leave a message to leave a message under the book list.

Hope to do some "promotion", after all, sitting on the bench makes it uncomfortable.

There should be more than a dozen posts, but no response.

I also get tired.

I am not the kind of person who is very enthusiastic, and it is over if there is no response.

Later, one day, I stumbled upon two people who replied to me.

A high V responded-

"I have read a few chapters, the style is naive, the routines are old-fashioned, and the plot is illogical. Standard Xiaobaiwen..."

I am very sad.

However, he was right.

I can only reply, "Well, then I will try my best to improve my storytelling ability while writing."

There is another, saying let me add QQ, my book can add book list.

He was so excited at that time!

I tried to add, and then...

I have been recommended several basic book list products.


I thought it was someone who admired my talents, but I didn't expect...society!

I'm really naive again, where's the kindness for no reason.

Therefore, I refused.

The other party replied-don't you plan to communicate with readers more?(This is the original story.)

I think!

I want it all in my dreams!

Who doesn't want to write the article???

But, like me, the first-level author of the Reading Group who has edited all the dynamics, has a dream, and hopes that many, many people like my book, bah!

Return the author?That is, a writer.

Well, my writer——

The second time, reluctantly refused.


It hurts.

It hurts...

[This is actually a book with no taste but sound.

Girlfriend: "Can you make money by writing this?"

Me: "More or less, you can make a little bit? Let me tell you that the China Reading Group is awesome. They are all listed. There are many readers. If I become a god, then you can throw away your resignation letter. To your boss's face..."

Girlfriend: "To be honest."

Me: "Not making money."

Girlfriend: "..., can you be more mature?"

Therefore, after struggling for more than ten days, the mentality reached its peak during the New Year, and then—


Thus, there is the "Notice to Readers" on January 27, 2020.

Finish writing, feel comfortable, continue to write more.

But the prerequisite for more text is to put everything in place at home, without delaying family life and work.

I am not a child, and I cannot be too self-willed.

Therefore, most of the time, the articles you read, I take a small bench, sit in the bathroom, put the computer on my lap and write.

Hehehehehe...Fortunately, the bathroom has no smell.

The rental room has a small space and no place to put a fixed table. There is only a portable table. It is inconvenient to disassemble and assemble. It is put on the road and gets in the way.

Moreover, my girlfriend sleeps very lightly, and is afraid that the sound of typing on the keyboard in the room will noisy her. She is very tired and hard after working all day.

If she doesn't read my novel anyway, then I will tell her aloud: "Hey! I don't want you to marry."

Speaking in person, she must have said that I am not in good shape.

[About reminder]

I found that when I searched the Internet for "My Apprentice Is Invincible", there was actually... a pirated version.

There is also a netizen called "Unlimited Sword Suit" in the "Shenma Novel Channel" message——

Too little, more so.

Brother, I am the first point, where you urge you to change, I can’t see it.


① In terms of writing, I am emotionally sensitive, poorly learned, and poorly written. However, I do not accept writing guidance. Once you are instructed, I will not be able to write!I do not write well, please don't read it, don't be serious, thank you, I don't dislike readers, but...I want to find readers who empathize.It really doesn't work, you register a writer account, the starting point to register a writer is very fast, please write it yourself, okay?please!!!I beg you.

②Group: 978, 757, 390.

③ Come on, come on, come on, come on!!!!I can!Certainly possible!



Speaking out, it's more comfortable.


Ask me, I am listed, will you support subscription?

No, it doesn't matter.

I will continue to work hard.

Who doesn't greet tomorrow while worrying about tomorrow?

I am going to write my next chapter. When I am tired, I will write my final testimony.

I don’t know how many times I will write my testimonials after writing.

the above.

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