My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 109 Chen Yuan: It doesn't work for money.

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Outside the house, there was a patter of rain.

Pushing the door out, Jiang Shouzheng looked at the dark clouds outside...

[Student Jiang Shouzheng, my father asked artificial rain in advance. It will never rain on the day of the college entrance examination. I will definitely perform normally this time!]

It seems that Yao Qian can't perform normally today.

Turn around and pick up the walnut dew.

"It just so happens that I have walnut dew, so I can give her a little help."

Turn it upside down and put it in your pocket.

Even if it rains, everything is as usual.

Fighting and cooking.

I wiped my hair and changed clothes.

Although there is no need to guess the college entrance examination questions now, Jiang Shouzheng has developed a habit of reading the news.

#Spherical lightning, natural wonders#


# Bomb bombing the dam, how boring are people#

#Official refutation: people caught, all soil, no bombs#

#protect the owner, #


## in the room

These are all non-college entrance examination related information...

Last night, what happened in Linjiang?

The local channel actually looks very lively.

I wanted to see the details, but Fei Chuan called.

Forget it, today, let's read the title first.

For details, wait until the college entrance examination is over.

As a college entrance examination student, you should still prepare for the exam without distraction.

Line connected.

"Student Jiang Shouzheng, I'm at the gate of Taoist Temple, are you ready to leave?"

As he said, the sound of car horns came from the outside view.

Toot toot~~

"Jushi Fei, wait a moment, I will count things, ten minutes."


After speaking, hang up the phone.

Based on the list, Jiang Shouzheng checked his test preparation materials.

By the way, bring Jiang Shouqin's Qingfeng Shui today.

"Lord, I'm going to take the exam."

"Go go, be careful on the way."

Old Guanzhu sat on the steps, looked at the phone, and waved his hand to Jiang Shouzheng.

College entrance examination, trivial matter.

He didn't take the test anyway, and he had no intuitive feeling.

He is now watching the food and broadcasting evaluation, and he is not free—

"How to cook a delicious, refreshing and bursting roast duck with a rice cooker".

Shouldn't roast duck be roasted on a rack?

Put the pot with electricity, there is no soul!

This is heresy!

However, if you have seen it all, let's finish it.

Jiang Shouqin climbed onto the shoulders of Lao Guanzhu and looked down at the phone screen.


"Lord, what is this?"



Jiang Shou was picked up by Fei Chuan and arrived at the school on time.

Oh, it should be called a test center now.

Entering the door, he was first handed a cup of hot ginger tea.

"Come on!"

"Be sure to take the exam!"

"The future of the motherland!"

Are these strange men and women cheering for his exam?

Jiang Shouzheng thought about it, he didn't even know them.

Why are they so enthusiastic?

Out of courtesy, Jiang Shouzheng nodded and said, "I will take the exam well."

There was a strong wind behind him.

Someone attacked!

Jiang Shouzheng moved sideways, causing Chen Yuan who wanted to hook his shoulders to almost fall.

"Student Jiang Shouzheng, do you have eyes behind your head?" Chen Yuan finally stood still and closed his umbrella.

Today's Chen Yuan is wearing a bright red dress.

On the chest, the word "Meng" is big.

Jiang Shouzheng turned around, touched the back of his head, and turned back again: "As you can see, no."


Chen Yuan rolled his eyes and took the initiative to take the ginger tea from the volunteers in the red vests, freed his right hand and made a fist.

"Uncle and Auntie! Ollie here!"

"..., that, um, O... classmate, come on!"

Chen Yuan was taken aback, frustrated, bowed his head, and weakly said to Jiang Shouzheng, "Student Jiang Shouzheng, you can support me for a while."

When the two returned to the classroom, Jiang Shouzheng was about to throw away the empty cup, but Chen Yuan took it.Feiku Novel Network

"I, I will help you throw it together."

After speaking, he left without a word.

Jiang Shouzheng looked down at the trash can by his feet...

"Student Jiang Shouzheng, what are you looking at?"

Yao Qian's hand shook in front of Jiang Shou.

"I didn't see anything." As he said, Jiang Shouzheng took out the walnut dew from his pocket, unscrewed the lid, and handed it to Yao Qian, "Drink, don't touch your mouth."

Yao Qian took the walnut dew in her hand and looked at it. There was no trademark or logo...

She didn't know what was thinking, and blushed.

Close your eyes and take a mouthful, boring.

Opened his eyes, his face was shocked.

The knowledge from childhood to university suddenly flashed through her mind like running water.


Jiang Shouzheng took the walnut dew back, and replied, "Don't ask more, it's magic."

After that, pass the Qingfeng Shui for today to the other party.

Yao Qian took the glass and left with a blushing face.

Bang bang bang!

A fat doll stood on the podium at some point.

Now he is knocking on the blackboard.

"Everyone, be quiet."

Students in the audience, look at me and I will look at you.

[This is the old class?]

[It sounds similar.]

[I'm mad?]

[I'm blind?]

The doll clapped its hands and made a muffled sound.

"First of all, I first wish everyone."

With that, the doll turned slowly, sluggishly, and awkwardly—

"As long as you study hard! You can far exceed the score of a book!"

"Secondly, superstitious, I wish you all will be successful in the exam, and you will be right."

There was applause from the audience.

"Finally, the most important thing."

The doll patted the podium table and said fiercely:

"Definitely, definitely, must be reviewed!"

"Never, never, never right answer!"

"Don't change the answers to multiple choice questions at the last minute! Unless you are 100% sure!"

"have you understood?!"

There was a sparse response from the audience.

"Be neat." The doll raised his hand.

"Listen!" *51

The doll nodded and walked out of the classroom with a swing.

Wait until the corner and take off the headgear.

Shaking his head, sweat on his forehead.

"Suffocated me to death."

Chen Yuan did not know when he came to him, handed him a pack of tissues, and patted the doll on the belly.

Then left.

"This kid." Wang Qiang tore off the tissue and wiped his sweat. "What do you mean?"

Wang Qiang tried to pat his stomach, hey, it feels good, so he rubbed it more.

Then, couldn't help but laugh.

He didn't notice that everyone passing by was avoiding him...

The preparation bell for the exam soon rang.

Chen Yuan took his place in the examination room.

Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

After this exam, my parents should have a showdown with him.

"Student, there is no water in your water glass, do you want to add some?" The invigilator passed by, picked up the water glass and observed it, and confirmed that there was no mark.

"No, thank you teacher, this is my lucky cup." Chen Yuan smiled and took the empty water cup and placed it at the foot of the table.

This is the cup that Jiang Shouzheng drank.

Absolutely can suppress your own exam luck!

The classmate sitting behind Chen Yuan patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder and asked, "Classmate, which school are you from?"

"One in one."

"Then I will take the exam later, I can trouble you..."

"No." Before the other party had finished speaking, Chen Yuan refused without even thinking about it. To show his determination, he added, "No money is allowed. Um, no."

Ding Ding Ding!

Linjiang City is quiet.

There is no car whistle, no loud noise, no announcement in the square.

Even the clerks tapped the keyboard softly.

In the wind, there was a rustle of writing.

Jiang Shouzheng shook the paper and quickly scanned it.

"Is it that simple?"

Suddenly, feeling something in my heart, he raised his head and opened his eyes.

Test God, stand above Linjiang City and absorb the power of faith.

This is the change that occurred after the cultural sacrifice. His appearance is remembered by the world.

"Hey, fish oil capsules are distributed randomly~"

"Huh? This cup has the breath of Jiang Shouzheng, give him one."

"Huh? I have this cup too, and give her one too."

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