My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 110 Flower Picking Road Wang Fei: I want to blow up the Qingfeng view of selling fakes to me

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Chinese volume, composition title——

According to the following materials, choose the angle, draft the title, and write an article of no less than 800 words; except for poetry, the style is optional.

Things, each has sex, sweet, bitter, hot and salty, and five flavors; people each have desires, joy, anger, worry, fear, fear, and seven emotions.With ever-changing things and diverse people, who will be you who are about to enter society?

Which side will I be?

There is enough food, enough money, enough time, no competition in the world.

However, of course the composition cannot be written like this.

Review the questions, frame the frame, recall famous quotes, and enhance the style...

Jiang Shou is quickly building a structure in his mind, and his pen is flying.

Write the title first-"House, Contribution to the Country".




The door lock opens.

The young man who stepped into it first glanced around.

"Tsk tusk tusk, popular and loose, yes, living in a secret room can make such a big movement."

There was only Feng Xingsong in the secret room.

He leaned on the massage chair, closed his eyes, his body heaving with the operation of the massage chair.

"Hey, kind of enjoy it."

The young man found a massage chair by himself, turned on the switch, and started it.

Time setting, 45 minutes.

Feng Xingsong opened his eyes: "Aren't you afraid of me running away?"

"You stay here, go out with me obediently, and you can live." The young man waved his hand indifferently, "You have to die when you go out. Choose your own choice."

As soon as the voice fell, Feng Xingsong's figure appeared in front of the young man like a ghost, pinching his neck.

But originally lying on the massage chair "Feng Xing Song", slammed, scattered into tiny flying insects.

"Now that I have a hostage, can you live if I go out?"

The young man yawned and said, "Will you try it."

Feng Xingsong frowned, suddenly, a tingling sensation appeared in his palm.

"Poison?" Feng Xingsong sneered, "My Feng family has been raising Gu for generations, so why have you ever been afraid of..."


"This is a drug, not a poison." The young man looked at the sluggish ground, and curled his lips. "Your family raises Gu for generations, and our teacher still picks flowers for generations. Everyone is of the same kind, who has no inheritance? Who looks down on who Yeah!"

The young man sighed with satisfaction and closed his eyes: "I flew from Kyoto to Linjiang early in the morning, and I'm not paying overtime. I will sleep for a while."

After a while, snoring started.

"Head, after going in for so long, nothing will happen, right?"

"The strange man at the special office handles things. Do you have a long idle life?"

"Yes, no matter who comes out, let's wait and see first."

The staff outside the special office guarding the secret room went from standing, squatting, to sitting.

"I brought poker, do you guys play a few?"

"That's not good?"

"It's okay, no matter who comes out, you can't attack us. We are ordinary people."


Not to mention, rich people are nice, this massage chair is really comfortable to press.

The young man slept in a daze, and from time to time he heard "Call the Landlord", "Three Belts One", and "Wang Bo". Participating in the online poker tournament during this time really had a serious impact on his sleep.



This is all to blame for the store selling fakes!

Said it was the talisman paper produced by Shangqingmen, I yuck!

When I sent it, it looked wrinkled and delicate.

Thought it was Taobao.

But I didn't expect to use it, it is completely useless.

The place he was directed to was actually the entrance to Zhao Jingfei's house.

If people are in the hallway, will they not see it?!

Are they really blind???

This time a mistake, naturally someone had to lift the tank, and the elders in the same company were highly respected, so...

From a Beijing drifter, he was "exiled" to the small place Linjiang.

The more I think, the more mad, the more I think, the more mad.

By the way, there is even more annoying!

When he wanted a refund, that store actually cancelled?!

Through the system platform, traced to Linjiang City.Yoyo Book Union

The original registration place of the online shop, Qingfeng View.

Hey!it's fate!

When this happens, I'm going to teach the store how to behave.

He must be a fellow man, and he actually sells fakes!

The more I think about it, the more awake and the more unable to sleep!

The youth simply opened his eyes, got up, and tied Feng Xing loose with the "locking buckle" of the special office.

He patted the other person on the cheek: "Hey, wake up."

Feng Xingsong woke up in a daze, looked at the young man in front of him, and turned his face to the side: "If you want to kill, you have to smash it, listen to it."

"If you don't kill or plunder, your crime will be judged by the judiciary." The young man's hand pressed against the pubic area of ​​Feng Xingsong and pushed gently.

Feng Xingsong's face was pale, and Dou Da's sweat flowed down, but he didn't groan.

"Let's talk, where did the rest of your Feng family go?"

"do not know."

"Well, okay, I really don't have the talent for interrogation." Interrogation is not his job. Just one question is enough.

The young man pulled Feng Xingsong's collar and dragged him out of the door.

'The weight of the rich is proportional to the money.Evil money is so heavy.'

After dragging the road for a while, the young man lost his energy, sat down to rest, and asked casually, "Do you know the Qingfeng View?"

Feng Xing Song had a strange light in his eyes and gasped, "I know, there is one teacher and one apprentice inside, and the dojo is rented from the village."

The young man rolled his eyes, how old is it, there is such a heritage?

The status of Qingfeng View in his heart is even lower.

Feel free to chat with Feng Xingsong, the young man once again picked up Feng Xingsong, with his hands hard, one two one!

Finally dragged to the door, he opened the door——



"Fried, hey, I won, give money to money."

"..., cough cough cough!"

The three people sitting outside the door quickly stood up: "I'm sorry, sir."

"I'm sorry? I'm sorry? I'm so embarrassed to say I'm sorry!" The young man pulled off his tie, and drew them one by one.

The three looked down at each other--




The young man pointed to Feng Xingsong lying on the ground and said: "It's solved, you carry it."

With that said, the four of them walked out of the secret road and came out of a "Fengjia Tofu" shop.

"Not to mention, this kind of operation really feels like being hidden in the city."

The young man picked up the umbrella at the door, opened it, and swung it around.

This place is a real vegetable market with people coming and going.

Not a few steps away, Feng Xingsong suddenly struggled and shouted to the young man: "The old way in front is the Qingfeng watch the subject."

The youth took the opportunity to look forward, and an old Taoist who looked like an immortal spirit was carrying a live duck.


This is the fate!

The young man stepped forward, looked up and down the old Taoist priest, and asked, "You, are Qingfeng watching the subject?"

"Exactly, what does the layman have to do when looking for a poor way?" Old Guanzhu looked at the strange young man in front of him, and said.

"It's important, it's nothing important, but there are some things, I have to be with you..."

Watching the youth squeeze his fist and walk forward, the old master left the duck behind him with his left hand.

This, but I have to take it back to make the rice cooker roast duck, Jiang Shouzheng has to make up for the college entrance examination today.

"You are going to fight?"

Protecting the duck, the old view master squeezed his right fist and lifted his internal force.

The youth's face suddenly turned purple, and he waved his hands repeatedly.

From his pocket, he took out a painted gold...

"...I have to study with you, a senior! The junior has just moved from Kyoto to Linjiang. He has long heard of the name of the senior, and heard that the senior is righteous, robbing the rich and helping the poor, and righteous Lingran. Bravely crowned the three armies, I happened to meet the seniors today, so I wanted to visit him another day."

Old Guanzhu accepted the greeting and turned over, "Wang Fei?"

"It's a junior."

"I heard my name?"

"Like Leiguaner."

"Come on, what's Pindao's name?"


It can be said that when I left, he was arrogant, and when he returned, he was impoverished.

"Robbery the rich and help the poor? Since you have said so, huh!" The old Guanzhu shook the money in his hand, put it back in his pocket, carried the living duck, and left, "These days, there are people who bring so much cash? "

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