My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 118 Drinking and not driving (3 more, ask for tickets)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Because of the "obstacles" from the parents, only a couple was made.

The students were very sorry, and they all said that they were not kids anymore and wanted to set up their own games.

Jiang Shouzheng refused, he wanted to go back and change his clothes.

But just after finishing explaining the reason with Yao Qian, Guo Chunqiu entered the box.

"Daoist, I just saw that you were thrown up. I bought you a new set of clothes."


Very good, no reason.

A group of fifty-one people left in a mighty manner.

As soon as I went out and was blown by the cold wind, everyone remembered.

Where are you going?

Fifty-one people go to spend time together, so an amusement park is more suitable.

When Yao Qian made this proposal, everyone agreed.

It’s impossible for so many people to play board games and karaoke, right?

Call a taxi separately and gather at the gate of the playground.

Because Anping Real Estate has shares in the amusement park, everyone brushed their faces and entered.

Several classmates complained. If I knew that before, I would mention Yao Qian's name.

In response, Yao Qian shook her head and said: "It's useful to mention my name today. At other times, my dad is not happy to let me come to the playground."

Everyone is a joke, and they didn't really think about taking advantage, and they revealed it after receiving a response.

"Then let's play what we like, and gather here in two hours!"

Some people say they want a roller coaster, others want bungee jumping, go karts, banging cars, merry-go-rounds, etc., and there are no more...

With a move of his ears, Ke Zhenyuan, who had just confessed his success, decided to go to the haunted house with Wannian.

No one said this just now.

'If Nian Nian is afraid and pounces on me, then hehehehe...'

Wan Niannian looked at Ke Zhenyuan who was smirking and patted him on the head: "What the hell are you making?!"

"Shall we go to the haunted house?"

The two walked to the haunted house holding hands, and were first handed over by the staff a piece of paper-"Exemption Agreement".

"I know, this is a kind of psychological hint to tourists." Ke Zhenyuan shook the agreement, "They just made us feel that it would be terrible inside."

"I... got it."

Looking at the blood on the sign of the haunted house, Wan Niannian swallowed secretly.

"It's you guys."

Wan Niannian watched the tourists walking out of the exit with vain footsteps and pulled Ke Zhenyuan at him, and said in a low voice, "Or, let's not go?"

The staff at the tip of the ears smiled and said, "It's okay if you don't go, but you can't refund the money."

Although the haunted house is set up in the playground, it generally requires an additional fee.

The playground in Linjiang is no exception.

"Then we're not going." Ke Zhenyuan took Wan Niannian and planned to go out.

He wanted to appear in the scene he imagined, but compared with his girlfriend's wishes, he respected the latter.

"Go ahead."

Wan Niannian pulled Ke Zhenyuan back and led him to the haunted house.

She knew that the conditions of Ke Zhenyuan's house were not very good.

This has already been spent.

Anyway, the ghosts in the haunted house were all fakes, and they passed as soon as they closed their eyes.

"are you sure?"


"Then, your only equipment, if you can't walk anymore, then call "give up" and the staff will take you out."

Wan Niannian took the flashlight and handed it to Ke Zhenyuan.

The two entered the "skeleton" door together.

The aisle was dark and there was no sound.

Underground, it seems to be water, but it's extra thick.

Click, click.

From time to time, water droplets hit the necks of the two of them, making them shiver.

The two leaned closer together.

Ke Zhenyuan completely lost his mind of discord.

This place is poisonous.

It's been at least ten minutes, why, there is nothing?

No skeletons suddenly popped up, no female ghosts wandering, and no ghost hands grabbing their ankles...

There are no ways to explore the haunted house on the Internet.

Only, the dark aisle...110 e-book

The black here seems to be able to swallow the light of the flashlight.

Let them not be clear.

This is true even if the Wannian mobile phone is turned on with the flashlight.

The light is not bright, the light is not far.

The two seemed to be able to hear each other's breathing and heartbeat.

The less there is, the more afraid.

The hands that the two held each other were already sweating.

It's just that I can't tell who it is.

A ray of light suddenly flashed in front, but the two of them subconsciously stopped.

This is not a trap, right?

The hearts of the two men were raised.


Wan Niannian just said a few words gently, and echoes began to be heard throughout the aisle, non-stop...

Zhenyuan, Zhenyuan, Zhenyuan, Zhenyuan...



Ke Zhenyuan swallowed and tightened Wannian's hand: "Don't be afraid, I am here."

It was obviously encouraging words, but in the echo, it changed its appearance.

As if ecstatic.

The two looked at each other and shook their heads.

Can't talk anymore, it's too oozing.

The two of them send messages and communicate via mobile phones.

Ke Zhenyuan: In front, it should be a ghost.

Wan Niannian: Well, I'm a little scared.

Ke Zhenyuan: Don't be afraid, it's all staff, it's really impossible, kick him.

Wan Niannian: What if someone else gets injured and loses money?

Ke Zhenyuan: It's okay, it's okay.

Ke Zhenyuan patted Wan Niannian's hand, and the two moved forward hand in hand.

Toward the light, go forward.

Then they walked out of the haunted house...

They glanced at each other, then looked back, and it said-Exit.



This is out?

No, a haunted house?

Applause sounded beside them, and the staff said: "You are the fastest to come out, breaking our record."

"Refund." Ke Zhenyuan stretched out his hand, dissatisfied.

"Yes, refund the money, there is nothing in it." Wan Niannian pursed his lips and agreed, "We just walked around like this and walked out."

The staff glanced at the direction of the exit, put his hand out, closed his eyes——

[Scared to death.]

[Gosh, finally gone!]

[The power in the bodies of these two people is terrifying, terrible!]

"Hey, don't be mad at you." Ke Zhenyuan patted the staff's hands, "Call your boss out and refund the money."

The staff member smiled awkwardly, and turned his sign over, which read-Boss.

"Excuse me, there is a small problem, the money, I will double back."

"Now, the haunted house is closed and closed." After returning the money, the boss said to the customers behind, "Sorry, I will refund the money to everyone."

Ke Zhenyuan, who was walking away, looked back at the haunted house with the sign of "Suspended", shook his head and said, "Really, I was pitted."

"Yes, it's too unreliable!" Wan Niannian agreed, "Next, what are we going to do?"

"Go karting."

But when the two came to the go-kart play area, there was a "temporary suspension" sign on it.



Wan Niannian looked at Ke Zhenyuan and asked, "Did you spend all your luck after you confessed to me successfully?"

Before Wan Niannian waited for Ke Zhenyuan to reply, he heard a "Bah" coming from the amusement area.

"Don't disgust me." Chen Yuan rolled out the fence, cursing, "Jiang Shou was driving the go-kart just now and knocked all of their track protection tires into the air."

"Blam me? How did I know that the horsepower of the kart is so full?" Jiang Shou put his forehand on the guardrail and jumped easily.

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