My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 119: The Operation Behind the Fox Fairy

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Laugh, shout, then vomit.

It's uncomfortable, but there is also a different kind of ease.

It seems that some burden has been removed.

'This is the function of wine?'

Jiang Shouzheng shook his head and denied.

The alcohol slightly numbed his body and nerves.

However, he is still "awake".

He can clearly perceive what he is thinking and what makes him so happy.

"Are you OK?"

"I'll go, Jiang Shouzheng, can you do it, tears are coming out?"

"I have a little hot water here, can you drink something?"

Looking at the concerned gazes around, Jiang Shouzheng knew.

This is cause and effect.

[Shouzheng, cause and effect are hard to tell.]

"Yes, it's hard to tell the cause and effect."

Chen Yuan patted Jiang Shouzheng on the shoulder and leaned to his ear and asked, "What are you talking about, are you confused?"

"It must be, you guys, just drink beer. Jiang Shouzheng drank it. That's white wine." Yao Qian pushed Chen Yuan away, holding Jiang Shouzheng, and said to him, "I'll go to the hospital."

"No need to!"

"I'm fine!" Jiang Shouzheng stood up, wiped his mouth, and smiled presumptuously, "I will show you a magic trick!"

After speaking, Chen Yuan and Yao Qian, who surrounded Jiang Shouzheng, saw—

The vomit that Jiang Shouzheng had just thrown on the ground floated into the trash can.

"Ha, wonderful, applaud."

Jiang Shouzheng clapped his hands and was very satisfied.

Chen Yuan looked at Jiang Shouzheng, then looked at the trash can...

Recalling the scene in the hotel.

'I go!What kind of trouble is this?'

'I said, I sprayed forward, how come back to my face, the feeling is like this!'

"Huh? Didn't I perform well enough?" Jiang Shouzheng frowned as he watched no reaction around him, "Then, I will..."

Before he finished speaking, Yao Qian covered his mouth.

"Well, he was drunk, I asked someone to take him back."

While talking, he dragged Jiang Shouzheng.

"No! I'm not drunk."

"you're drunk!"

"No! No!"


Wait a minute after Jiang Shouzheng and Yao Qian left.

Chen Yuan scratched his hair: "I'll go, was that true just now?"

After speaking, he opened the trash can and took a look.

"I, shit!"

When Yao Qian came back again, she looked at Chen Yuan who was staying where she was, pretending to be puzzled: "Why didn't you go to play?"

"Look at your performance just now, you already knew it." Chen Yuan didn't get around by her.

Seeing the confusion, Yao Qian had no choice but to say: "In fact, I only met once, that time..."

Yao Qian only talked about the floating pen and concealed the walnut dew.

"Right! That makes sense."

Chen Yuan looked happy: "I just said that the test of the gods I founded by myself is so effective! Why every time I read Jiang Shouzheng in the exam, I feel clear.

Seeing what Yao Qian had to say, Chen Yuan waved his hand:

"Don't worry, I will keep it secret, and you don't need to tell you. Hehehehe..."



The sun shone in the quiet room.

Even if you close your eyes, you can feel the dazzling light.

Jiang Shouzheng opened his eyes in a daze.

Head hurts.

He propped up, sat up, and shook his head.

The next second, he froze.

[I will show you a magic trick!]


Jiang Shouzheng was holding his head, a little crazy.

"What did I do?"

How he hoped, his memory was wrong.

But his memory has never been wrong.

——Read the vomit and put it in the trash can.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

It seems that there is a knock on the door.


Jiang Shouzheng was too late to think about it, put on his clothes, and left the quiet room.

Because he was sent back last night, the door was not fastened.

I saw Chen Yuan leaning on the door and knocking "bang-bang-bang".

Jiang Shouzheng was about to return to the quiet room subconsciously...quietly.

Chen Yuan saw him and shouted: "Jiang Shouzheng, I'm bringing you food."

With that said, he also raised the thermos pot in his handle.

"Ah? Oh, classmate Chen Yuan, thank you, just leave it at the door."

"Don't be like this, I didn't eat either. Let's go together. I'm here now."

After speaking, Chen Yuan walked into Taoist Temple and into the main hall.

There are tables in there.

Here, he cooked it. Before dinner, Jiang Shouzheng and...who would cook with?

Forget it, if you can't think of it, it's not important.

Jiang Shouzheng rolled his eyes, and went through the "Purification Heart Sutra of Taishang Laojun" in his mind...

'It's okay, it's just showing the Nian Yu everything in front of people, it's not a big deal.'

'My abilities are not the kind of ugly.'

'Maybe, it was dark last night and Chen Yuan didn't see it clearly.'

Of course, in the last sentence, Jiang Shou lied to himself.

Chen Yuan had a surprised expression on his face last night, but he remembered it clearly and clearly.

'It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided.'

Jiang Shouzheng took a wash and walked into the hall.

"Come, eat."

Jiang Shou was sitting still.

"Come on, eat vegetables."

Jiang Shouzheng picks up vegetables.

"Huh? Don't be so cautious!"

Chen Yuan's tone was a little ridiculous, and he said calmly: "It's not a shameful thing."

When it was all said and done, Jiang Shouzheng had to smile wryly: "What do you want to know."

"This time the college entrance examination, did you really'bless' me?"

Chen Yuan didn't sleep well last night.

What he wants to find out most now is-when he was taking the college entrance examination, he had a clear thinking about the exam, whether Jiang Shouzheng brought him.

"It's not me." Jiang Shouzheng put down the bowl. "However, it has something to do with me. You can go to the Cultural Square to see what the gods look like, and you'll know."

"Thank you."

Chen Yuan was somewhat impressed by the look of God.

When he first saw it, he felt very similar to Jiang Shouzheng.

Could it be that Jiang Shouzheng can communicate with the gods?

Or is he not superpower, but divine power?

With noisy mind, Chen Yuan has many questions to ask.

However, after three years of classmates, he also knew what kind of temper Jiang Shou was.

And if it hadn't been for drinking yesterday, Jiang Shouzheng's "true identity" would probably never be known for his entire life.

So, this is a secret.

Secret, don’t ask more.

Just like his "trade secret".

He calmed down and swallowed many questions to the bottom of his heart. Chen Yuan stretched out a finger and asked, in a begging tone: "Can I ask you one question, just one."

After being silent for a while at the dinner table, Jiang Shouzheng nodded: "If I can answer, I will answer."

"Your ability can make my parents reconcile?"

"No, sorry."

Chen Yuan lowered his head and sighed. When he raised his head again, he shook his head and his eyes were reddish: "Hey, I don't have any hope, you say, what's the matter?"

The two of them sat down and finished their meal.

Did not say a word.

Chen Yuan packed his things and said seriously before leaving: "Don't worry, your secret will always be your secret, and I won't tell it."


"Your college entrance examination helped me so much, I just kept a secret, and after all, I earned it."

Chen Yuan waved his hand and left.

Seeing Chen's far away figure, Jiang Shou was in the bottom of his heart, slightly relieved.

He has also watched the "Mutants" series of movies and knows how things that are beyond the scope of human cognition will be excluded.

Fortunately, Chen Yuan and Yao Qian saw his abilities.

Putting down the worries in his heart, Jiang Shouzheng found the greeting card on the merit box.

"Wang Fei?"

"do not know."

Putting the greeting card back in his pocket, he walked out of the main hall and circled the Taoist temple.

Strange, where are Xiao Bai and Jiang Shouqin?



Fu Rural, the family of Ge Zhu.

"Ge Zhu" quickly clicked the mouse and keyboard, and the hero he controlled took another blood from the enemy.

Sitting on the table, Jiang Shouqin looked up at the computer screen motionlessly, exclaiming:

"Sister Xiaobai, you are so amazing."

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