My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 129 That Hidden Love (3 more·Subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Damn! How could God Gu Deng have such power?!"

In the void, there is a group of unknown matter that is invisible to the naked eye...

"Huh? How could this tree have so much aura?"

Unidentified matter began to drift downward...

"Could it be that there are spiritual veins under here? Don't worry, just eat it first."


Ha ha ha ha ~

Xiao Bai watched Jiang Shouqin's belly suddenly grow smaller and smaller, and called Jiang Shouzheng with some worry...

"You guy, what did you eat?"

But this is doomed to no response.

Xiao Bai, can't speak yet.

Jiang Shouqin closed his eyes tightly, his face twisted, and couldn't answer.

Jiang Shouzheng was worried, but he didn't know what to do.

Xiaobai pushed Jiang Shouzheng's hand and motioned him to place it on Jiang Shouqin's head.

With the index finger of his left hand tapping on Jiang Shouqin’s head, Jiang Shouzheng felt a longing--

"Brother! Give me some mana! Help! I can't digest it!"

'Do you want mana?'

Before he could think carefully, Jiang Shouzheng tentatively poured mana into his body.

Then, Jiang Shouqin ascended and grew up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From the size of a palm, to the size of a suitcase, to a height similar to Jiang Shouzheng's visual observation.

Fortunately, Jiang Shouqin's clothes are self-contained and deformable...

Jiang Shouqin's stomach has calmed down a lot, but his desire for mana has not been reduced.

Jiang Shouzheng was still pouring mana into his body. One hour later, feeling a little bored, he asked Xiaobai to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to get a book.


Jiang Shouzheng frowned slightly when he looked at the "College Entrance Examination Filling in Volunteers, One Book" in his hand.

"Xiao Bai, are you sure this was taken out of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?"

Shouldn't the old Guanzhu only leave manga, figures, and some of his notebooks in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?

Of course, those books are now in the eyes of Xiao Bai and Jiang Shouqin.

Xiaobai tilted his head and nodded seriously.

Forget it, I can't go away now, and I won't pursue the origin of this book for now.

Jiang Shouzheng turned the first page, and what caught his eyes were familiar handwriting:

[Criteria for major selection: ①More girls; ②Less classes; ③A wide range of graduate employment.If there are enough girls, the second item can be ignored.]

[Reference major: ①Law; ②Social work; ③Nursing; ④Art; ⑤Foreign language; ⑥]

Obviously, the reference major of the old view subject record has not yet been written, and the others are no longer there.

Jiang Shouzheng recalled the notes he had made on "Professional Selection".

"No matter what the college entrance examination results are, what school you choose, then choose law."

Speaking of it, it was Zhuang Keke who asked him to add "law" to his professional selection...

"You, get me another book."

Watching Xiaobai’s "The Distress of Adolescence" and "How to Be a Qualified Adoptive Father?"", "How to make parents appear majestic",...

Looking at the handwriting above, Jiang Shouzheng's eyes are slightly red.

He understands--

Although he usually organizes the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, there are still books he does not know in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

It seems that it was hidden by the observer.

If it weren't for Xiao Bai, Jiang Shouzheng probably wouldn't know in this life.

"Xiaobai, how do you know where these books are?"

Xiaobai tilted his head, frowned slightly, then shook his head.

It seems that Xiaobai once saw the place where the old Guanzhu put the book, but Xiaobai forgot the old Guanzhu.

Then you should remember the old masters firmly.

Maybe, in this world, only he remembers him.

Four more hours passed...

"Huh! I'm to death!"

Jiang Shouqin opened his eyes and took a big breath. He was about to thank Jiang Shouzheng, his face changed.

"leave me alone!"

Jiang Shouzheng didn't know what was going on, but he still held Xiaobai's neck and jumped aside.


A long, loud voice was born.

One minute......

Two minutes...

five minutes......

ten minutes......

Jiang Shouzheng went from being five meters away from Jiang Shouqin, ten meters away, to quitting Taoist temple...

By the way, closed the door.Thousand Books

"Xiao Bai, you can't eat anything in the future."

Xiaobai sniffed, rolled his eyes, and nodded wildly.

Listening to the voice tending to fall, Jiang Shouzheng sighed, "It's a pity."

I heard that in some countries, some countries have fart contests.

Let Jiang Shouqin go, and he will definitely win the prize.

Twenty minutes later, the door of the Taoist temple opened, and Jiang Shouqin ran out, pinching his nose.

"It's finished?"

"It's over."

"Stay away from me and let the smell go away." + "Ruawww!!!"

The five senses of Jiang Shouzheng and Xiao Bai are still very good.

Jiang Shouqin scratched his head in embarrassment and ran back and forth in place.

Although the ground was wet and muddy after the rain, there was no stain on his body.

"Brother, I'm all right."

"Okay, don't eat anything indiscriminately in the future, or, before eating, tell me."

"Brother, there is something delicious again, this time I can eat it alone! I don't need your help." Jiang Shouqin nodded, his eyes lit up, "Can I eat it?"

Following Jiang Shouqin's gaze, there was nothing...

Open the sky and take a look, it is God Gu Deng.

Jiang Shouzheng patted Jiang Shouqin's head: "This, you can't eat it."

"Huh? Can't eat? What a pity."

God Gu Deng, who had just fought a battle with the man in the mirror, recovered a little bit, and hurried to the outside of Qingfengguan.

He remembered that when Jiang Shouzheng came to him the most recent time to inquire about the heavenly court, he was a little bit fierce.

However, before he had time to say hello to Jiang Shouzheng, his back was cold.

The young man next to Jiang Shouzheng...

Damn it, natural enemy!!!

In an instant, he disappeared in the same place, hiding in the statue of Gudeng Shen'an——

"Scared to death, scared to death, scared to death..."

"..." Jiang Shouzheng, who had just raised his hand and was about to say hello, put his hand down again.

Jiang Shouqin wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth awkwardly: "Brother, I can't hold it back, I can't hold it back."

Forget it, this is the nature of Soul Eater Clean Lotus.

Don't blame him.

[Jiang Shouzheng, you don't need to run over to me in the future, Linjiang Realm, you can call my name directly, and I can come to you.]

"When someone comes, be polite." Jiang Shouzheng warned.

"Ok, yes, it must be polite!" Jiang Shouqin assured.

Jiang Shouzheng closed his eyes and silently "prayed": "Gu Yu, Gu Yu, it's okay, just a misunderstanding, come on."

In the next second, God Gu Deng once again appeared in front of Jiang Shou, but now, looking like a child, grabbed Jiang Shouzheng by the corner of his clothes.

The whole body shrank behind Jiang Shouzheng, poked his head out slightly, and looked at Jiang Shouqin.

Jiang Shouqin recalled Jiang Shouzheng's teachings and greeted him politely:

"Hello, food."

Jiang Shouzheng: "..."

Gu Dengshen: "..."

Jiang Shouzheng put Xiao Bai on the ground and whispered: "Bite him."

"Sister Xiaobai, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"Don't bite me, don't scratch me!"

"Brother, help! I'm going to die!!"

Jiang Shouzheng ignored the howling Jiang Shouqin, squatting down and looking up at Gu Yu, and asked:

"Gu Yu, are you looking for me?"

"Didn’t you ask about Heavenly Court last night? Just last night, I found one, whose strength is about the same as mine, and we drew it." Gu Yu calmed his emotions and continued, "After the other party took the heavenly oath, I He didn't have the strength to fight anymore, so he let the opponent leave. When he heard his swear, he seemed to be called the person in the mirror.

"Did you ask anything?"

"I'm sorry, no."


If it had the same power as Gu Yu, then he could completely take the opponent down, for information.



Gu Yu's gaze turned towards Qingfeng View: "In your view, there is his remaining breath."

Jiang Shou's face was serious. Could it be that the person in the mirror had come to his Taoist temple, but he didn't know?

Then his concealment skills are amazing.

In the next second, Gu Yuxian appeared at the door of Qingfengguan.

He opened the door, took a breath, pinched his nose, and flashed back to Jiang Shouzheng again:

"This smelly smell is his remnant."


Jiang Shouzheng stood up, looked at Jiang Shouqin, and clenched his fists blankly.

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