My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 130 You, Hurry Up and Fear Me! (1 more·seeking subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Boss, lamb skewers, half fat, 10 skewers! Want to be abnormal and spicy."


"Chicken hearts, 5 skewers! Cumin."


"Beer, a sheaf, iced!"


Seeing that it won't rain anymore on this day, the barbecue vendors launched their own meals.

Popularity, along with the fume, gathers.

People who have been busy for a day finally got a respite.

They comfort themselves with delicious food, and the owners of the barbecue stall are also using their own efforts to earn their hard-earned money.

There is only one ghost floating in it idly...

"Hahaha, I have firewood! I am the first one."

"The god of skewers is favored!"

This shout further pushed the atmosphere of the barbecue booth up.

Ye Cuilian was floating in the air, eating one of them.

How long is it from the party at the Lu'an Police Station...

These days are so boring...

Don't scare people, don't harm people, don't dare to possess...

In case someone was entrusted to the Taoist chief, he would really want to lose his soul or be eaten... it would be difficult.

Thinking of this, the skewers in my hand are not fragrant.

[~~~Lin Ru~~~]

A lingering female voice passed through the noise and entered Ye Cuilian's ears.


Ye Cuilian stiffened and threw away the skewers, a flash of excitement flashed in her eyes.

[~~Lin Ru~~]

I go!

Ye Cuilian raised her eyebrows and looked in the direction of the sound.

Finally, someone is not afraid to play supernatural games?

[~Lin Ru~]

Ye Cuilian licked her lips, a coquettish light flashed in her eyes.

I'll just go see, go see, don't do bad things...

I am a good ghost, I inadvertently scare people, and then just eat a little fear, just eat a little...

[Lin Ru]

[Lin Ru]

[Lin Ru]




"Ruru's tuition is okay, but what about living expenses?"

"There will always be a way, there will be a way, after so many years."

"How about I go out again and take an extra job?"

"Does your body survive?"

"No way, I'm going to college soon, I always have to buy something, so I can't make our girls look down upon."

There was silence.

"Then, go to sleep first."

Inside the house, no lights were turned on.

Lin Ru opened his eyes wide, leaning back against the door.

Outside the door, the sound of the light turned off.

In the darkness, she knelt down slowly.

She still keeps her eyes wide open.

Congenital visual impairment made her a blind person by the medical definition.

She counted silently in her heart-1, 2, 3, 4...

Maybe three hours have passed, maybe four hours have passed.

Lin Ru stood up, and when his lower limbs were no longer numb, he turned around and went out.

She is familiar with the road at home.

At the door, at the hallway, she picked up her crutch, thought about it, and put it down again.

'If it's really useful, then after I die, I won't need it.'

'Parents, don't have to work so hard anymore.'

'I love this world, but I love you even more.'

'It's a pity that I haven't seen you like this in my life, what a pity.'

Turn around and bow slowly.

Get up and push the door out.

The rusty iron door makes the opening sound particularly harsh.

However, Lin Ru believed that parents would not wake up.

They work very hard during the day, and sleep very deep.

Sure enough, the snoring in the room only paused and continued to rang.


Step 7, Step 6, and Step 7, walk around with the railing, 3 steps forward, Step 13...

Slowly, firmly, walked to the first floor like a normal person.

He touched the protective door and opened it.

Go out and turn right, 15 steps, beware of the pit on the road.


Didn't avoid it, stepped on it.

Forget it, it's okay.

Sucking on cloth shoes full of water, walking all the way, crackling...Battle novel

Turn right again, it is the alley.

[I heard that at midnight, a person walking in a wet alley, walking forward, reciting his name thirteen times in silence, it is possible to summon ghosts nearby, if it is a ghost, it may die. .]

This is what she wrote down occasionally when she heard everyone chatting.

The left is respect.

Step on your left foot first to look more formal.

He took a step forward stiffly, and said his name silently, Lin Ru.

Go ahead, the second step.

The third step, the fourth step, the fifth step...

I don't know if it is her illusion or the soundproofing effect in the alley.

The sound outside was much smaller.

No matter what, keep going.

The sixth step...

It seems that something is entangled her legs.

Lin Ru paled, gritted his teeth and continued.

The seventh step...

The surrounding air seemed to thicken.

She had to open her mouth and gasp.

The eighth step...

There was a noisy sound in my ears, listen carefully, they were all familiar sounds.

There are classmates, teachers, relatives, parents...

[Lin Ruah, if I do this to you, I will definitely not be able to stand it, you are too powerful!]

[Next, let Lin Ru share his learning experience!]

[Tell me to say how good it was to throw you into an orphanage, but now it’s not a human or a ghost.]

[Are you stupid?You can't even pass the exam for the blind in your class. Ouch, Lin Ruah, auntie didn't say what you meant.]


Step 9...

The noise gradually became clear...

[Student Lin Ru, when I'm interviewing, just say based on what I just told you.]

[Student Lin Ru, what do you feel about receiving this donation?]

[Classmate Lin Ru,...]

[Lin Ru...]

Her figure paused and murmured:

"I just want to be an ordinary student, ordinary, don't give me so much attention, I don't want it, don't!"

Gritting his teeth, walked the last four steps in one breath.

Stop, gasp.

Everything belongs to quiet.

Lin Ru could only hear his own breathing and heartbeat.

So, did it fail?

Sure enough, all the supernatural games that came from were all made up too idle...

"Huh? Can't you see me?"

The sudden question made Lin Ru breathe.

Lin Ru swallowed, feeling a little overreacted.

On the road, don’t people often ask themselves this question?

Settling down, Lin Ru "looked around" around, because he couldn't find the source of the sound, so he had to ask in front of him:

"who are you?"

"I'm a ghost? I happened to be eating skewers nearby and you were recruited."

"..." Lin Ru pursed his lips and smiled bitterly, "Um, classmate, you are a joke, it's not funny."

"I'm not kidding, did you take thirteen steps and call your name thirteen times in your heart? Lin Ru, right?"

Lin Ru opened her eyes wide, and her breathing swiftly started: "Are you really a ghost?"

"Nonsense! Strange, why are you only so scared? Can you be more scared? Fear, be scared! I'm a ghost! Can you give me some face?"

"I have tried my best to be scared, but...I can't get scared." Lin Ru embarrassed.

Ye Cuilian looked at the girl named Lin Ru in front of her, feeling that she was insulted...

'If she could see, she would definitely be scared by me!'

'I hope she can see it!'

Thoughts arose, and the breath surrounding Ye Cuilian's body these days gathered into a cluster, and it fell into Lin Ru's brow.

Lin Ru's eyes were godless, slowly focusing...

She will never forget this night, a woman shining with emerald light, smiling at her.

"Are you a god?"

"Huh? Can you see it? Quickly, be afraid of me! I'm a ghost! A fierce one!"

"No, you are a god."

"I said, I'm a ghost! A ghost!!!"

Lin Ru still wanted to argue, but the voice of his parents came from the alley.

"Ruru, Ruru? Why are you here?"

Lin Ru turned around and looked at the man running towards him.

The thin man stood still in front of her, and Lin Ru tentatively asked, "Dad?"

As he said, he reached out and touched it.

"This is the hair, this is the eyebrows, this is the nose, this is the mouth."

Then I looked at the woman with a tired face but an incredulous look, weak and weak: "Mom?"

"You... can you see it?"

"You can see it!!!"



"Huh? Jiang Shouzheng, I have to go first, there are ghosts and gods in Linjiang."

Although Gu Yu felt that watching'Jiang·Natural Enemy·Soul Eater·Shouqin' in the small square of Qingfengguan was a very interesting thing in the middle of the night, business matters mattered.

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