My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 132 People are poor and everything... (1 more·Subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Shouqin did not do morning exercises.

He had to change back to his body because he had a bad stem last night.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Shouzheng asked while pouring walnut dew into the urn.

[Brother, it's okay, I'll just take a stalk.]

[This was originally my ontology, and now I think it’s good not to move.]

"That's fine." Jiang Shouzheng poked Jiang Shouqin's lotus plant and asked, "Can you eat this lotus seed?"

Jiang Shouzheng can remember that the taste of this lotus seed is pretty good.



Two lotus seeds popped up on the lotus, Jiang Shouzheng took them.

One was placed in his mouth, and the other was thrown to Xiao Bai, who was squatting on his shoulders.

[Brother, this is all yours, Xiaobai can’t eat it.]


[Sister Xiaobai, it's too much.]

As soon as he sensed Jiang Shouqin's response, Xiao Bai began to stick out his tongue and shake his body.

Jiang Shouzheng slipped his neck as he watched it about to fall to the ground.

There was no reaction at all.

"Nothing will happen, right?" Jiang Shouzheng asked worriedly.

[I don’t know, maybe... how many days will you sleep?]

"You don't know the effect of the lotus seeds that you grow yourself?"

[Senior brother...Isn't the mana you cultivated yourself not sure what it can do?]

It seems that Jiang Shouqin said something reasonable.

It seems that besides spirits, his own mana can harden trees, accelerate cars, aid digestion, cook vegetables, massage, preserve freshness...

Really, there is no "Introduction to Mana Functionality" in the "Tai Shang Lao Jun Pure Heart Sutra".

"Let you talk more, give me one more."



Jiang Shouzheng took a look and put the lotus seed back to its original place: "Change to a larger one."



Jiang Shouzheng ate it with satisfaction, first put Xiao Bai back into the quiet room, and then put the urn behind the door of Taoist temple.

"You are here to watch the door. I'll go out and see if I can help you solve your identity problem."

Jiang Shouqin has now transformed into a human appearance, no different from ordinary people.

If you want to go out in the future, you have to have some documents by your side.

Ten minutes after Jiang Shouzheng left, the lotus shook.

[Come out.]

The god Gu Deng appeared in the Qingfeng Temple, followed by Ye Cuilian, the goddess and the new ghost god.

"I brought them to you to have a familiar face, can you not eat them?"

[Gu Yu, hello, I have written it down, Guru, don't worry, I promise I won't eat them, they are all on my whitelist, Guru.]

"Why do you swallow???'

This is the first time Ye Cuilian has seen a "monster" eating ghosts in Qingfeng Temple. The instinctive fear made him only want to escape.

With the assurance, God Gu Deng waved his hand, and the gods left in a hurry.

When the gods left, God Gu Deng turned into a child, sat on the steps, raised his cheek and asked:

"what are you doing?"


"Isn't this what a dog should do? Do you want me to find you a smart stray dog?"

[No, brother said that the life of a dog is too short. After the Taoist temple there is a doghouse that the brother takes care of by himself every day, but there is no dog.]

"Do you want me to chat with you?"

[No need.]

"Then can you chat with me?"

[I don’t want to, although the brother said that you can’t just refuse people, especially girls, but you are not human, so I can refuse.]

"Then can you give me... a lotus seed of yours?"

[Take it, I know, after talking for a long time, you just greedy my body.]


Jiang Shouqin chose the smallest lotus seed and bounced it into God's realm of Gu Deng.

This is the God Realm full of cracks, it recovered in an instant, and gradually stabilized.

[Goodbye, don't disturb my doorman.]

According to the teachings of the brothers, when you read a book, you are reading, and when you eat, you are eating.Ranwenba

Gatekeeper, that is gatekeeper.

When God Gu Deng left, Jiang Shouqin "stared" at the door, listened to the "hey ha ha ha ha" after the Taoist temple, and sensed the steadily stable breath of Sister Xiao Bai...

[Hey!Sister Xiaobai can't wake up these days, the walnut dew is mine!]

When he was happy, Jiang Shouqin blossomed another flower.



In the morning, Jiang Shou ran a few windows at the convenience center in Linjiang and got many solutions to his identity problem.

However, none of them apply to Jiang Shouqin.

'Or, ask Director Wang Fei?'

When I was chatting last time, looking at the appearance of Director Wang Fei, I also knew something about spirit beasts and transformations.

Although they are not strong, they are from Kyoto anyway, and they must have a broader vision than themselves.

[Shouzheng, you have to know that most of the questions in this world already have answers. We didn't get answers, but we didn't find them.]

[Disciples remember.]

Dial Wang Fei's phone——

"Hello, Director Wang Fei, is it convenient for you to answer the phone now?"

"Wait a minute, I'm in class... I slipped out, Daoist Shouzheng, please tell me."

"Uh...I want to ask, if spirit beasts are transformed, how to deal with their human identity?"

"Your little fox is transformed?"

"No, it's because another junior of mine has transformed himself. He accidentally ate a person in the mirror..."

"What are you talking about? The person in the mirror was eaten?! Boom!"

The phone was broken.

Jiang Shouzheng tried to call back, "The phone you dialed is turned off"...

However, five minutes later, an unfamiliar number dialed in.

"Hello, how are you?"

"This is Wang Fei, and my phone fell on the ground just now. Fellow Daoist Shouzheng, are you right? Did your junior ate the person in the mirror?"


"Almost what do you mean?"

"It ate the edible and let go of the inedible."

"Let it go?"

"Well, a long, smelly fart."

Although he didn't understand this, Wang Fei took it down.

He continued to ask:

"...Can you tell me conveniently, what is your junior's body?"


Jiang Shouzheng thought about it, but didn't say Jiang Shouqin's body.

After all, Jiang Shouqin was a soul-eater, but he was once locked up by the Golden Eye Temple.

Speaking out, I'm afraid there will be trouble.

Wang Fei didn't expect to be rejected so directly, but he quickly realized that his problem was too much.

Transformation into a stream of human beings, exposing the body, may be targeted due to weakness.

He was also in a hurry and forgot this taboo.

But it's not to blame him, now that it can be transformed, it's rare.

Settling down, Wang Fei said:

"In this way, you will give me a copy of the one-inch high-definition digital version of your junior's red background, blue background, and white background. Don't worry about the others. I will take care of the identity issues.

"Will this be troublesome?"

"No trouble, I...I'm the director, yes, I am the director! This is my job."

"Then, thank you very much."

Unexpectedly, I have been busy all morning and haven't made a call to be useful.

Is this the benefit of cause and effect?

Jiang Shouzheng shook his head. Although this is someone else's work, it is also personal.

Write it down first, find a chance, and pay it back.

What we have to do now is to pull Jiang Shouqin out to take photos, pass by several photo studios, and ask about the price...

Then, he remembered--

During this time, he was going to learn to drive, repair Taoist temples, buy medicinal materials to soak in medicinal baths, buy some good fabrics to sew clothes by himself, prepare for the next period of land lease fees, and save money to rent after the seminar. (Buying) A car, some money should be prepared in case of emergency, and another mobile phone should be bought for Xiaobai or Jiang Shouqin...

Money is more stressful.

He remembered that Yao Qian seemed to have a SLR, or...

Let's borrow it.

After contacting Yao Qian to meet in the afternoon, Jiang Shouzheng found a place with a socket and squatted on the ground to charge the phone.

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