My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 133: The Taste of Men~ (2 more. Please subscribe!)

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He ate the steamed buns with pickles, and Wang Qiang read the news.

Today's Linjiang hot search, this matter is still rare.

Some say it is a medical miracle, some say it is a miracle...

But most people, like Wang Qiang, join in the fun.

Say "Wow, that's amazing", then turn the article.

News is news, life is life.

Three under five divided by two, settle lunch.

Wang Qiang picked up his resume and proceeded to the next training institution for an interview.

This morning, he has interviewed four companies.

I plan to pass two more at noon and four in the afternoon.

Ten families a day, round up.

However, it seems that the effect of the interview is not very good.

Wang Qiang also knows the core issue.

He only gave out the honors of teachers during his tenure in the first middle school, but he did not give out a list of the students he taught.

The best test of teaching results is student performance.

He believes that every training institution in Linjiang will give him a high salary as long as he reports the results of his students in the mock test in the city.

However, the student is not a self-priced commodity.

And he didn't think that the improvement of student performance was only a unilateral cause of the teacher.

Parents, living environment, and even the mood of students during exams, etc. are all influencing factors.

Even... including miracles.

"Teacher Wang, are there any famous students you taught? Can you give me some examples?"

"Ms. Wang, we don't want to watch your recorded courses. I just want to ask, what advantages do you think you have compared to other teachers?"

"Mr. Wang, we don't need steady progress. We need strong medicine. We want parents to spend money to feel worthwhile."

"Ms. Wang, what salary do you expect? Why do you think you feel that you are worthy of the salary you expect."

"Ms. Wang, you don't need to give me a lecture and let me listen to it. I can't understand you after you talk. I'm just in charge of recruiting people. If you don't highlight your advantages, it will be difficult for me to do it."


Sure enough, content that is too commercial is difficult to deal with.

Once again, I walked out of a training institution, looked back, and guessed it was cold.

Glanced at the phone--

"Husband, the baby is kicking my stomach again."

"You must eat well outside, come on!"

Kong Li likes to speak the most. Now typing to him, are you afraid to disturb him?

Wang Qiang thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, your husband, I'm a glutton, with a dangling mouth. Although I am alone today, I ate hot pot at noon. Oh, the bottom of the pot in that store is not good, but the ingredients are still It's fresh, it feels like beef shutters, tusk, it's absolutely terrific, duck blood, tender, that beef..."

Just after sending it, Kong Li sent him a 3-second voice one minute later.

"Wang Qiang, come back and wait for you to die!"

After hearing it three times, he smiled.

It's good to have the strength to swear.

Cheer up

Go, go to the next one.

He believes that there will always be training institutions that care more about the teacher's teaching ability than his past teaching results...

By the way, I have to go to the bathroom to wipe off my sweat, otherwise I will smell on my body later.



"Wang Fei, are you sure you heard me right?"

"I am sure."

"Different forms, devouring the person in the mirror of the President of the Heavenly Court, none of this is a trivial matter."

"Elder, I think, that Jiang Shouzheng doesn't seem to be a deceiver."

"Well...Let’s take care of his affairs, please tell me to keep it secret! Isn’t he going to choose a school? Try to get to your school, and then get to your smell Go inside the women's club, that's your own person."

"Elder, Wen Shiming saw the club. The main activity is..."

"Don't beep with me, it's almost, it's almost."

Wang Fei looked at the hung up phone and scratched his head.

This is how the elders are, except for things other than making money and attracting people.127 novel

But one thing the elder said is very reasonable.

The news that Jiang Shouzheng just called him was amazing.

Got to hide!

This person has to say a friend!

He must be brought to my school!

When we chatted last time, looking at his appearance, there shouldn't be much demand for school or something.

He also investigated the results later. The college entrance examination performed normally, and he was completely qualified when he entered his school.

Even if he didn't perform normally and there was a problem with his grades, he had to solve the problem to overcome it!

The school’s problems have been arranged, so how to make a good relationship.

Now recall that Jiang Shouzheng's speech, manners and living environment must be rigid, dogmatic, and boring.

The topic and friendship between men, hehehehehe...

Talk to uncle, buy an internet cafe next to the school!

The environment should be good and the waiters should be beautiful.

The most important thing is to configure it to be high!

Think about it again. Who are the female classmates in the same class who have a good relationship with you and have good-looking girls? When the time comes, you will have a few more friendships. If you know each other, the relationship will be harmonious.

Well, the counselor who had just graduated from the senior year and stayed in school looks good, so remember.

By the way, I have to apply for a class assistant, and I have to get to know some school girls as soon as possible...


College life suddenly became interesting!

It's as interesting as helping uncle medicine.

Thinking of this, Wang Fei took out his pocket mirror and teased his bangs:

"Nima, really handsome and kind!"



Yao Qian arrived on time.

"Is there any difference between these?"

Looking at the seven "SLRs" in the rear compartment, Jiang Shouzheng asked.

"Specifically, I am not very clear." Yao Qian thought for a while and pointed to the most expensive one, "I use this one more easily."

"Then this."

Jiang Shouzheng picked it up, fiddled with it, and found that no.

Yao Qian took it, opened it, and asked, "Do you want something with the camera?"

"Taking photos, ID photos."

With that said, Jiang Shouzheng shouted at the Taoist temple: "Shouqin, come out."

Watching Jiang Shouqin "stumble" out, Yao Qian was stunned and looked at Jiang Shouzheng.

This... looks too similar, right?

"Introduction, this is my junior brother, Jiang Shouqin."

"Isn't this your brother?"

"No." Jiang Shouzheng shook his head and said to Jiang Shouqin, "This is my classmate Yao Qian."

"Hello, Yao Qian."

"Called sister."

"Sister Yao Qian is good."

Looking at Jiang Shouqin, who bowed in front of her ninety degrees, Yao Qian was a little embarrassed.

"It's not necessary, it's not necessary."

Two steps forward, Yao Qian helped Jiang Shouqin.

A faint scent of vegetation, it smells so comfortable.

"You smell so good, do you use any perfume?" Yao Qian asked.

"This should be the smell of my body." Jiang Shouqin bowed his head and sniffed, and replied.


Jiang Shouzheng hurriedly rounded up the field: "My younger brother means, deodorant!"

'Boys, do they also have body fragrance?'

But she is not without eyesight, Jiang Shouzheng obviously does not want to talk about this topic.

Yao Qian shook the camera in her hand and smiled:

"Let's take a picture."

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