My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 134 I hate accidents! (3 more·Subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"It's done, right? Come and take a photo for me, just to save some money."

Yao Qian squeezed her fist, so angry, why is Chen Yuan making shit...Bah, baah!

Why does Chen Yuanpian come to watch the breeze at this point!!!

"Then Jiang Shouqin, come on, lend me the suit."

Yao Qian shook her teeth, thinking that Jiang Shouzheng was going to take a photo. This was originally prepared for him, and many of them were careful.

However, I did not expect to take pictures of Jiang Shouqin.

Jiang Shouqin is considered Jiang Shouzheng's younger brother anyway, and it doesn't matter if he wears it to Jiang Shouqin, what's the matter with Chen Yuan wearing it?!

"Student Yao Qian, you are an advanced camera, but your photography skills are not good, you see, you took my eyes small, deleted, and this one is not good, the lighting is wrong, deleted,... , This one, this one is barely ok, just this one."

"Give it money." Yao Qian stretched out her hand.

"Isn't it free?" Chen Yuan was a little confused.

"People call my sister, of course it's free."


"You, you want a face?!"

"No, who will have trouble with money."

Jiang Shouqin held two bowls of water he ordered, and handed them to them: "Sister, brother, drink water."

Taking a sip of Qingfengshui, Yao Qian asked, "Shouqin, the smell on you is similar to Qingfengshui. Qingfengshui, did you make it?"

"Yeah." After watching Jiang Shouzheng nodded, Jiang Shouqin admitted.

"It's amazing, now there is a technique, unlike some people..." Yao Qian glanced at Chen Yuan and shook her head.

Chen Yuan shrugged indifferently and raised his eyebrows-how do you like to say, anyway, no money.

"By the way, I came to see Jiang Shouzheng to be a bit serious, Yao Qian, if you are okay, leave first."


Why do these two people keep quarreling?

"Chen Yuan, what's the matter, go to the hall and talk about it." Jiang Shouzheng pulled Chen Yuan aside, turned around and walked to Yao Qian's side, apologizing, "Xiao Bai is in the quiet room, it is...sleeping, Maybe a bit heavy sleep."

After Chen Yuan and Jiang Shouzheng entered the hall, they closed the door.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Shouzheng asked.

"Did my grandma come to you and entrust you to get rid of the spirit?" Chen Yuan put away the appearance of playing outside.

"It does."

"Then, I also want to entrust you, the thing is like this, my grandma, may have been scammed..."

After listening to the story, Jiang Shouzheng frowned: "You are a man-made disaster, entrust me, it's useless."

"It's useful, the old man believes this, promise." Chen Yuan took out a piece of paper from his arms, "I have written the script for you, and you will pretend to be possessed by the gods then tell her that she was cheated! "

Jiang Shouzheng: "..., you may have misunderstood, I'm not the kind of spirit removal."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the hall was suddenly opened, Yao Qian ran in and said in a panic:

"It's not good, it's not good! Shoudu's leg cramps!"

"Isn't it just cramps? Why are you so flustered? You scared me to death, let me know!" Chen Yuan patted his chest, his expression depressed.

"But... he smoked, turned into a lotus flower, and then ran into the urn."

Jiang Shouzheng: "..."

"And, just now I went to the quiet room, Xiao Bai's butt had an extra bag, and I poked it and it became a little tail!" Yao Qian sighed and continued.

Jiang Shouzheng: "..."

One by one, none of them made him worry.

Looking at Yao Qian and Chen Yuan who were watching him, Jiang Shouzheng raised his hands and said calmly:

"This, I can explain."

When things are told, that's what happened.

Xiaobai, vixen.

Jiang Shouqin, Lotus Essence.

After Chen Yuan was surprised, he still felt that it was more important to get grandma out of the fraud.

"Student Jiang Shouzheng, when you speak, my grandma may not believe it, so you have to jump into a god and pretend to have invited a god, so that my grandma will believe it!"

After watching Chen Yuanfang's several online videos (recreational activities), Jiang Shouzheng wrote down one by one.

The basic operations of jumping a god: ①Exaggeration of jumping; ②Imitating "God".

Jiang Shouzheng's learning ability and physical coordination are quite good, and he jumped down again and again, and he looked alike.

Chen Yuan has already inquired about the "Eagle God" called Eagle Immortal in Linjiang, which is fine.

When the time comes, grandma sounds like it sounds, and it will pass.

Therefore, during the simulation, Jiang Shouzheng also imitated the barking of the eagle while jumping.

Vivid.Biquge Novel

Chen Yuan felt good and satisfied.

But what happened to the eagle lying on the ground that fell on the square?

Jiang Shouzheng watched the two focus on himself again, he waved his hands again and again:

"This has nothing to do with me."

The eagle raised his head, grievingly tight:

[Sir, didn’t you call me over?But, your body, I can't do it, too.]

Chen Yuan opened his mouth, his eyes lit up, he poked Jiang Shouzheng, and whispered: "Jiang Shouzheng, you don't have to be a god, let this eagle walk with me."

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at the eagle--

[It is Kitty's blessing to be able to serve adults.]

"Then, trouble you." Jiang Shouzheng thanked him, reaching out and gathering a mana ball.

[How can I be paid for helping adults?But if adults must give it, one tenth is the limit of Kitty Hawk.No matter how much, Kitty might die.]

Seeing Chen Yuan leading the eagle, uh... Eagle God left, Yao Qian imitated the action of a Jiang Shouzheng detective.

"What do you mean by this?"

"I gave him a little bit of mana in my body as a reward."

"Wow! Is that mana powerful?"

"Fortunately, there is also an exactly the same in your body, which is not one-tenth."


Yao Qian opened her mouth and patted her body: "You, don't scare me."

She "heard" what the eagle "said" just now.

[Kitty Hawk may die.]

"However, your structure is different. The one I gave it can be absorbed and used, and the one given to you is for protection." Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while, "For example, if the eagle just now If you attack you, the mana in your body will protect you from harm, and it will die."

Really, why are you panting for words?

"You are to me..." Yao Qian's eyes were touched.

"All classmates, there are, you have to keep it secret."

After speaking in one breath, you will die!

"Oh." Yao Qian stomped her feet, "I'm going home."

"Please send me the photo as soon as possible."

"Got it!"

"Thank you!"

Wait until the Taoist temple is clean again.

Jiang Shouzheng picked up the urn and put it back into the quiet room together.

"Don't mess with me anymore!"

[Brother, I couldn't hold back for a while.]

"It's okay, I blame it for this. I made you leap too many times."

Jiang Shouzheng curled his lips. Who knew that more frogs would have this effect.

I knew it, let him do push-ups.

Putting Jiang Shouqin in place, Jiang Shouzheng pulled Xiao Bai's tail.

'With more tails, you can't go out.'

The fox is running outside, everyone sees it, at best it is a new look.

A fox with two tails is running outside, if this is seen...

I will definitely consider whether to eat it or not.

'How about cut off the tail?'

I heard that there is a kind of dog called Corgi, and it can live well even when its tail is docked.

Jiang Shou gestured to Xiaobai's newly grown tail.

The phone rang.

"Hey, Chen Yuan, how is it going."

"Very hoo hoo hoo hoo~"

"The wind is a little loud in your place, louder."

"Very successful! That is, something happened! Hahahaha, Jiang Shouzheng, on the Eagle God! I'm flying!!!"

The phone hung up.

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at his phone, Jiang Shouqin, Xiao Bai...

Sighed, closed my eyes, and prayed: "Gu Yu, can you find someone for me?"

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