My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 141 Absolute·Freedom~ (1 more·for subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Zhuang noble? Zhuang Coco?"

"Me, Zhuang Keke?"

Pushing the door handle, "Zhuang Gaoshang" walked out of the box slowly.

The noisy and bright corridor gradually calmed down, and the men and women leaning back on their shoulders stepped aside.

Someone picked up the phone and wanted to take a photo, but was stopped by his companion.

Haw, haw...

One step at a time, one sound at a time.

"Sir, you are welcome to visit next time."

When "Zhuang Gaoshang" heard this, he turned around stiffly and looked at the waiter who had just spoken blankly:

"Sir?" He tilted his head. "Yes, sir. By the way, do you have to pay?"

"When your friend left, it was settled."

"Friend? Yes, friend. Okay, thank you."

When someone leaves, clean up quickly.

Seeing blood, bad luck.

The night breeze was cool, "Zhuang Gaoshang" raised his head and looked hollowly at the sky.

"I'm dead."

"I live."

"How did I die?"

"Who the hell am I?"

Lowering his head, "Zhuang Gaoshang" began to collect the memory of this body now——

Wen Rou, divorce, Green Bank Law Firm, demolition...

Wen Rou, "he" is not clear where it is.

Then, go to Lu'an Law Firm, where you may find someone who knows Wen Rou.

This body seemed to become a little stiff.

"He" turned around and glanced, is it because of blood loss?

Stopping to think for a while, he sat down on the road and pulled out the glass slag on the soles of his feet one by one.

It's almost time to clean the ground, and with a hand brush, a thin layer of ice covers the feet.

The feet quickly became purple-red.

However, it is good to stop the blood.

The body was injured, "he" did not feel anyway.

It works, just fine.

Reach out and stop a car.

"Sir, where are you going."

"Green Bank Law Firm."

"Sir, please fasten your seat belt."

"it is good."

Then there was silence in the car.

The driver wanted to chat, but no matter what he tried, "he" did not respond.

After two clicks, I gave up.

It seems that we have to find the next passenger to chat.

It is really boring to stay in the car all day long.

However, I always feel that there seems to be something weird.

It's hard to say, but it's a bit cold.

Thinking about it, he "rolled" the window up.

In a few days, I have to talk to the company and change the car.

Everyone is not happy to take an old taxi like him.

However, after a while, it got colder.

'What the hell?'

While waiting for the red light, the driver glanced at "him."

It's strange, it's obviously a man, how does he feel like sitting up.

Is it a woman?

Thinking of this, he was clever.

There was a chill on his back.

The hairs stood up.

'Damn, hit the evil?'

But I dare not ask.

Send the "people" first, let's talk about it later.

"The green light." "He" reminded.

"Oh oh oh, good."

Throttle roared, speeding directly.

If you have a ticket or something, just eat it.

Points or something, deduct it.

The horn or something, just press it.

When encountering a section of road with heavy traffic, the driver could not restrain his curiosity and panic, and turned his head to meet "him".

Godless eyes, bloodless, expressionless face.

Looking at you, it's not like looking at you.

"What are you looking at?"

"No, nothing."

The driver settled down. Just now, he could hear clearly.


When the man spoke, there was a heavy voice!!!

The lower voice belongs to a woman.

He heard the old man in the village said that a long time ago, a man came to perform ventriloquism.

Everyone sat around, one spoke, and two separate sounds.

One man and one woman, synchronized harmony.

After the performance, everyone cheered and asked for money, but the other party said.

Just burn it to her.

"Madam, you are here."

"how much is it?"

Sure enough, called the lady, there was no refutation!I love to read novels

"No, just get out of the car."

"He" glanced at the driver and raised his mouth: "Okay, thank you."

As soon as I got off the car, the car jumped out before the door was closed.

It stopped until the downtown area.

Turn on the flashlight and take a picture of the co-pilot.

no problem.

Is it too nervous?

I took the picture down, a pair of blood-red, wet footprints.

'Today, there is no way to do business.'

Trembling open a chat group that is convenient for drivers to receive orders, dispatch orders, communicate where and where traffic is jammed, and where and where to pick up people.

"Brothers, go out today, take a moment, there is something dirty."

Then, the piggy accessories that her daughter hung in the rearview mirror yesterday were replaced with "Ping An Fu"

My heart settled a little bit.

Think about it, go home.

This car can't be driven, so spend money to find someone to wash it.

This car, change, must change!

Apply for a change tomorrow morning!



Patter, patter,...

The security guard raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound source.

It's a man.

Now, how come the sound of men’s leather shoes stepping on the ground is the same as that of women’s high heels.

Since he was a man, and he didn't look disheveled, he lost interest in watching it.

On weekdays, he is boring as a security guard.

The only hobby is to appreciate the makeup and matching of those working women.

It feels good, so I took it secretly.

Find the same style online and see the price...


Stepping into the elevator, "he" went to Green Bank Law Firm according to the instructions in the elevator.

When the floor arrived, "he" went out, walked to the corridor, and looked around.

Here, so familiar, so familiar...

The memory, like a tide, gushes out.

'Zhuang Keke, it's me.'

'I used to be a member of the Heavenly Court, born with one twin soul, the main soul was tempered and strong.'

'After the death of the body, the soul wandered because of the blood connection and the noble call of Zhuang.'

'I woke up.'

Memory, since it has woken up.

Then, there is no need to find others.

"Wow! I told you that Wen Rou is really dying, really annoying, I have never seen such a party! I will call you at one or two in the evening."

"Forbearance, just help lawyer Zhuang, eh? Someone."

The door opened.

"Excuse me, which lawyer do you look for?"

"He" shook his head and said, "I, I went wrong. Thank you."

With that, through the safe passage, left.


"Huh? Look, where he walked!"

It's strange to say that when he was alive, he was afraid of safe passages, but after death, he liked it very much.

Dim yellow sensor lights, green signs.

Comfortable and relaxed.

'What can I do now?'

'I heard that ghosts are obsessive, I don't seem to have it.'

'That's right, I'm alive, there are too many constraints, the moment of death, looking back now, it is indeed easy.'

'Have you turned into a ghost simply because your soul is strong?'

Never thought of revenge, the enemy is too strong.

From a certain point of view, it can be regarded as a relief for "him".

Step by step, "he" is thinking about future plans.

'No work, no rest, no money, nowhere to go, no home...'

'Then what am I doing?'

Go to the first floor and push the door out.

"He" fell down.

"Sir, sir?"

Drifting out of Zhuang's noble body, looking at his figure, Zhuang Keke sneered:

'Being afraid of ghosts before, don't be afraid now.'

'If you don't take the initiative to provoke some existence, you should be absolutely free, right?'

Suddenly, a strong "maliciousness" enveloped her...



Under the moonlight, Jiang Shouqin's punching gesture suddenly choked.

"what happened?"

"it's okay no problem."

While talking, Jiang Shouqin's stomach screamed.



"Then I will burn you some supper?"


Seeing Jiang Shouzheng walking into the hall, Jiang Shouqin turned and looked outside, muttering:

"When the brother goes to college, I should be able to be a little free, right?"

"If you want to eat, just eat?"

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