My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 142 Strictly Grasp Educational Issues~ (2 more. Please subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!A clear noodle soup with walnut sauce that belongs to Xiaobai's share.

Jiang Shouqin had a delicious meal.


Jiang Shouzheng stood beside Jiang Shouqin, familiar with his thoughts on everything.

What he controls now is the big scissors.

"Brother, can you not cut my noodles while I am eating?"

Although I am not afraid of Jiang Shouzheng hurting himself, I can't squat around eating noodles, uncomfortable!

"It's okay, it's the same." Jiang Shouzheng waved his hand. "The deliciousness and deliciousness of the food is secondary. The most important thing is to be able to eat enough. Don't put the cart before the cart and put the cart before the cart."

Jiang Shouqin rolled his eyes, not intending to fight.

I can't say it, but I can't beat it.

What's the point?

The noodles are cooked by the senior, and since the senior has strong magic power, he is right.

"By the way, brother, when you go to university in other places, will you take me and Sister Xiaobai?" Jiang Shouqin tentatively asked.

"I shouldn't bring it." Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while and responded.

"Oh, I will miss you then."


Jiang Shouqin, who lowered his head to eat noodles, had a glimmer of joy in his eyes.

"Since you have talked about this." Jiang Shouzheng sat back in the chair and explained to Jiang Shouqin, "Make it clear to you that you can't just eat spirit bodies, especially ghosts."

"Why!!!" Upon hearing this, Jiang Shouqin quit, "Brother, those are all nourishment. If I don't eat it, I will not develop well, and I am still growing."


The scissors began to spin around quickly, cutting the air.

Jiang Shouqin closed his mouth, put his chopsticks on the bowl, and sat upright.

"I didn't say that you are not allowed to eat, but you can't eat it casually. Each ghost represents a cause and effect. We can't get away without another cause and effect."

"But, I don't practice the Tao."


"I repaired, I repaired!" Jiang Shouqin glanced at the faster and faster scissors, and said solemnly.

"I didn't say that you must be allowed to practice the Taoism. I am also a half-hearted Taoist." Jiang Shouzheng glanced at the Buddhist scripture pavilion. There were not too many serious Taoist scriptures inside. During your absence, you should behave. If you really want to eat ghosts, you can eat them in a spirit-eliminating way."

"Yeah! You can make money, but you can also make a tooth sacrifice! Brother, you are amazing!" Jiang Shouqin palmed with a boxing, "Brother, you can go to the Lingjing market in Linjiang, I will take care of it!"


The tip of the big scissors stopped at Jiang Shouqin's forehead.

"..." Jiang Shouqin.

"In the future, watch less of Secondary 2 animations, think about it and learn, what kind of knowledge can let you know what is the use?" Jiang Shouzheng took the scissors from the air with his hands and "threw" them back to the kitchen.

After eating the noodles, wash the dishes.

"What is my use? Knowledge that makes me useful?"

Jiang Shouqin returned to the quiet room and thought for a long time.

Or, look for it online?

"Knowledge that makes yourself useful = knowledge that can be put into practice."


Brothers learn the same decoration online?

So, for him, what counts as useful knowledge for him?

Jiang Shouqin thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and he retrieved it:

"What can Lotus Seed do?"

"How to make lotus soup?"

"What does the lotus do?"

"What's the use of lotus leaves?"


Finally, Jiang Shouqin found an authoritative book-Compendium of Materia Medica.

Finding the electronic version, Jiang Shouqin clicked on it with a learning attitude.

This book should let him know what's useful for him?

When Jiang Shouzheng finished his daily work, he found that the lamp in the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion was on.

Opening his heavenly eyes and looking inside, Jiang Shouqin was looking at something and taking notes seriously.

"Not bad."

Recalling the content of "How to make children understand their inner desires and talents through effective communication", Jiang Shouzheng felt that he was doing very well today.

The effect is remarkable.

Learning to be an old master, found a place surreptitiously.Qiwu Chinese

Squat down, click on the phone, and do in-depth learning in the education section of "Parents are watching every day"——

"How to let children overcome comparison?

Is the Parenting Heart Sutra of "Boys be Poor, Girls Rich" correct?

"How to correct the child's greedy habit?

"How to effectively solve the problem of children's sleepiness so that children can spend their time on learning?

"How to let children quit mobile phone addiction?


After reading a few articles, Jiang Shouzheng nodded suddenly.

It turns out that there are so many taboos in cultivating children!

However, it is not as good as no book.

Although he didn't agree with all of the views inside, there is always no problem trying.

Jiang Shouqin and Xiao Bai are not ordinary children.

It doesn't matter if you try wrong.

[Shouzheng, do you know how to make a person really convinced when he is not convinced?]

[Disciples don’t know.]

[Just a fight.]

[Not enough for one meal?]

[Play a few more times, start with a sense of measure, avoid the vital points, just don't hurt.]

[Disciples remember.]

The old master is no longer there, and he will take responsibility for the task of educating the younger sisters and younger brothers.



Zhuang Keke, floating in the air.

It flies neither fast nor slow.

Occasionally, I encountered the same kind, and before they could say hello, the other party ran away.

"Well, please stay, I just became a ghost, I want to ask a question."

Upon hearing this, he left faster.

Avoid it, like a viper.

'what's the situation?'

Zhuang Keke continued to wander with doubts.

She had never been so comfortable before. She didn't have to worry about anything, she didn't have to worry about anything.

It seemed that all the rules were lost at once.

"Huh? Are you a new ghost?"

The sudden questioning made Zhuang Keke look in the direction of speaking.

In front of her, stood a young girl who seemed to be of the same kind.

However, there is a difference.

She couldn't tell what it was.

"I don’t even know me, it seems to be cute. Introduce myself. My name is Ye Cuilian. I turned out to be an ordinary ghost. I worked part-time as a pen fairy. Later I became an excellent ghost and god through my own hard work. Under the command of God Gu Deng, are you willing to be my deputy?"

Zhuang Keke tilted his head. It turns out that ghosts can become gods?

Still have a career?

Can you still work part-time?

It just so happened that no ghost was willing to talk to her. Now when I meet someone willing to talk, let's talk first.

As a deputy, say otherwise.

However, this can be used as an entry point...

"Well, is there any benefit in being your deputy?"

"Being my deputy, the benefits are great. At least, you can walk sideways in Linjiang Realm. You don't have to worry about ghosts being bullied or swallowed, and you don't have to worry about God's oppression."

"It sounds good, so what do I need to do?"

Ye Cuilian stepped forward and whispered:

"In the ghost group, if you encounter a disobedient ghost, report to me. I will educate and maintain the harmony and stability of Linjiang. If I still don’t repent, I will send it to Qingfengguan as a snack for the adult. eat."

Qingfeng View?

Isn't that where Jiang Shouzheng lives?

As a snack?


Zhuang Keke knew why no ghost was willing to talk to her.

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