My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 147 Clown, ignorant. (2 more·Subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!'This interview, it's probably going to be cold again.'

Wang Qiang found a cool place to sit down.

Sometimes, he would think that what everyone says every day probably has his own limits.

If you say too much, then one day, you will not want to say more.

Today, he is almost at the limit.

However, we have to continue.

Confinement money, milk powder money, confinement fees, toy money, down payment for your own house...

Must continue, can't stop.

At home, lack of money.

Lili, at home alone, she must be very sad and wronged.

Her legs are very swollen.

At night, I can't sleep over and over again.


With a low sigh, Wang Qiang took out a bottle of water from his handbag and poured it in gruntingly.

But, so tired.

Interviews were repeatedly denied, and it felt bad.

He wanted to find someone to talk to, but no one could talk to.


Afraid to worry her.


Oh, it's a former colleague, I'm afraid they will persuade him to go back.

Finally made up my mind.


After work, there are not too many friends.


The biological parents, never met.

This is probably the reason why he is so obsessed with Jiang Shouzheng's future.

He saw his shadow on Jiang Shouzheng.


Having said that, they will definitely pick up Lili, right?

Sometimes, I have to approve what they said.

Lili followed him and suffered.

"Get out and get out, don't let you sit here!"

The security guard, began to rush people.

Wang Qiang immediately got up, bowed and apologized and left.

"Slow down, slow down, I can't run anymore!"

"You have to run quickly, or you will catch up!"

The boy led the girl and ran past him.

"Youth, so good."

Wang Qiang was just stunned for a moment of joy.

The boy just now looked like Jiang Shouzheng.

Could it be that his family failed?

Wang Qiang turned around subconsciously, stared at the two, and quickly followed.

"Hey! Wait! Wait!"


The phone rang, a string of strange numbers.

People who are out of work do not even have the right to hang up.

Wang Qiang answered the phone and stared at the front.

"Hello, Wang Qiang?"

"Hmm, yes, it's me."

"Your interview will start in ten minutes, is it here?"

"Sorry, sorry, can you wait?"

"I'm very busy, I don't have time to wait for you, can you be there on time?"

"I...I really have something temporary now, can you forgive me?"

Tone, begging.

His gaze locked in the front.

Physical strength, some can't keep up.

How can these two kids run so fast?

"Your interview is cancelled, don't come."

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, then said slowly:

"Wang Qiang, I think you are old and younger, right? Me, be kind and tell you something."

"In Linjiang training institutions, there is a manpower group. Your resume, courseware, we have known for a long time. If you are not hired, it is mainly because you are not sensible, ah, you are not sensible, how could we let Do you have a job?"

"Anyone who has the ability, there are more, not bad for you, you are not too young, why are you immature? Unless, unless you have the ability to teach a national college entrance examination champion."

"Oh, by the way, teachers who have the ability to teach the top students in the college entrance examination, where do they need to find a job. Don't be arrogant, when you go to the next place for an interview, be mature."

"Some things, just give some money, it will be easier to handle."

Because of these words, Wang Qiang was divided.

People, lost.

He stopped, a little angry.

After a few breaths, he gritted his teeth and said slowly:

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Dushuci Novel Network

The phone hung up.

Wang Qiang bent down and propped his knees.

He turned his head and looked at the window glass on the street.

Hey, it looks like a clown.

No wonder, it's no wonder that those humans look at me so strange and impatient.

Straighten up, wiped his sweat, found a wall, and rested.

Forget it, now I'm sweating profusely and drenched all over.

It should not be suitable for an interview.

Let's go to the police station first and see if we can adjust the surveillance of this section of the road to find the boy.

Work, not bad for this long time.

If you can help Jiang Shouzheng find his family, perhaps, better.

No, or wrong, at least, peace of mind.

Who calls him a teacher?

On the way to the police station, Wang Qiang turned out the telephone number of the interview agency scheduled in the afternoon and called them one by one.

"Sorry, I have something in the afternoon and I can't come to the interview."

"I'm very sorry, sorry sorry!"

"There is something temporary at my house, I can't come, it's wasting your time."



Running to an empty corner, Jiang Shouqin gasped:

"This money, put it here first! It's not convenient for me to take it home."

"I, have a chance to contact you through my little brother!"

"If you have any questions, you can ask my little brother directly!"

"When we meet next time, call me Boss Jiang and Boss. Both are fine."

"Don't embezzle my money, we're half-and-half, we are done!"

After the explanation, Jiang Shouqin ran away.

He sensed the brother's breath, and was quickly "approaching".

If you want to get the brother away, you have to "hid" the money first.

Lin Ru stared at the bag of money, always feeling that this hour was a bit magical.

Ye Cuilian suddenly appeared in front of her and urged:

"Run! Run!"


More magical.

Holding the money, ran home.

There is no one at home, so hide the money first.

Where should I put it?

Lin Ru turned around in his room and found that it seemed that he could only hide under the bed.

There is no other place to put so much money.

But as soon as it was finished, mother's voice came from behind her:

"Ruru, what are you doing?"

"Huh? Huh."

Lin Ru was taken aback, raised his head and bumped.

He got out of the bed and said, "Mom, why are you at home?"

"I feel a little sick in my stomach today and I came back from leave."

It must be uncomfortable to make my mother uncomfortable enough to ask for leave to go home.

Lin Ru asked with concern: "Mom, do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No need, spend money."

Lin Ru's mother bent over to look under the bed subconsciously, Lin Ru hurriedly stood in front of her.

"What's the secret? Let me see."

When the bag of money was taken out from under the bed, Lin Ru's mother's face was completely black:

"If you are so thin, are you hiding your money and reluctant to eat?!"

"No, no!" Lin Ru waved his hand again and again, "Mom, you look at the money, it's so new, not the ones you gave me."

"That's right." Lin Ru's mother looked at the money in the bag, and then said, "Well, where did it come from?"

Where did this money come from?

how to say?

It's hard to explain.

be honest?

When I went out to look for work early in the morning, I ran into an eye-catching teenager.He sold things first, then pretended to be a beggar, then somehow treated her as a partner, and then summoned God...

Then God took them to a place where everyone lined up to buy.

She dare to say this, her mother believes?

Just when Lin Ru lowered his head and quickly figured out a solution.

Her mother, screamed, clutching her belly and fell to the ground.


"It's okay!"

"Mom! Wake up, wake up!"

"Phone, phone!"

"Help, help, help..."

After hanging up the emergency call, Lin Ru knelt on the ground, kowtow:

"God, is there a God?!"

Ye Cuilian wanted to show up, but was "caught" by God Gu Deng.

Don't interfere with all personnel.

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