My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 148 The account should be calculated like this~ (1 more. Please subscribe!)

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[Save me, save me!How can you do this!]

In the realm of God, God Gu Deng sat on the position of God.

The sun, the moon, and the galaxy, the stars shift.

War, wedding

Famine, socializing;

Tyranny, prayer...

Scenes of phantoms are constantly changing in God's Domain.

Ye Cuilian was floating in the air and kept watching.

"Humans, that's it."

"First beg, then request, and last."

"If they are not satisfied, they will resent and curse."

"But, our gods can only save lives, not people. Only people can save people."

The voice of God Gu Deng constantly echoed in the realm of God.

A trace of confusion flashed in Ye Cuilian's eyes, and she soon recovered her consciousness.

He slowly knelt towards God Gu Deng and pleaded: "But, one can save one, yes one."

"So, I don't like ghosts and gods." Gu Dengshen stood up, walked to Ye Cuilian's face blankly, and slowly squatted down, "You ghosts and gods, you use ghosts to cast your bodies, but you keep your humanity. True. Yes, it's annoying."

God Realm cracked a hole, Gu Dengshen threw Ye Cuilian out.

"But I don't hate it."

Ye Cuilian looked around, and he floated at the door of Qingfengguan.

"Remember, God cannot intervene, but man can."

The words of God Gu Deng floated in Ye Cuilian's ears.

He froze for a moment, and floated forward.

Try to knock on the door--




Ha ha ha ha ~

"Brother, tell me a few words."

Jiang Shouqin pleaded while holding the food.

He thought he would say something when he was caught, but he didn't say anything, didn't ask anything, and directly brought him back to the Taoist temple.

As usual, there is no difference.

"No food, no words to sleep." Jiang Shouzheng pulled the last bite of rice clean, put down the dishes and chopsticks, "I'm done, you clean up."

"Okay." Jiang Shouqin continued eating weakly.

He didn't know if this was the calm before the storm.



Jiang Shouqin's ears moved, and he seemed to hear something.

Put down the chopsticks, walked out of the main hall, and opened the door of Taoist temple.

"Ah, boss."

Looking at Ye Cuilian, who was gradually converging with her twisted figure, Jiang Shouqin asked, "What are you doing?"

"I don't know, I just touched it, and my whole body fell apart." After Ye Cuilian recovered, her body became much lighter.

Jiang Shouqin looked at the door and suddenly said, "My brother has been strengthening Taoist temples with his magic power during this period. You are probably injured by the magic power stored on these objects by mistake."


accidental injury.

Is this door of Qingfeng view untouchable now?

Gudeng Shen'an is not so excessive!!!

Feeling that her strength was exhausted by at least half, Ye Cuilian wanted to cry without tears.

There is no disaster.

"By the way, you come to Taoist temple so late, is there anything wrong?"

"It's not that I have trouble, it's Lin Ru, your partner..."

After hearing the reason, Jiang Shouqin frowned and said: "Stomach cancer, advanced stage? How did you know?"

"I don't know." Ye Cuilian waved her hand and cut off, "Aren't they very idle? Occasionally, they are possessed by God. When there is a God possessed, I feel it, and he has been possessed for advanced gastric cancer. People, almost."


Jiang Shouqin was silent for a moment and asked: "But, you come to me, it's useless, cancer, advanced stage, don't you all have to die? I'm not a doctor, I can only express my profound understanding of what happened to my partner. sympathy."

He bowed his head and mourned for a moment, before closing the door of the hall.

"Eh eh eh, wait!" Ye Cuilian floated in front of her body, but this time she didn't dare to approach the gate of Qingfeng Temple at will, or even the steps, she didn't dare to touch, "I can, I can, I can descend miracles."

"Then you are going to descend?" Jiang Shouqin asked, confused, "Why are you here, looking for me?" Qusoshu

"I need, exchange." Ye Cuilian leaned out and said, "God, you can't interfere in personnel affairs, but people can. You and your brother are both people who can interfere."

"My brother can't be because..."

Before Jiang Shouqin finished speaking, a mana ball floated from behind him to Ye Cuilian's palm.

"You don't need to be cured, just make it benign." Jiang Shouzheng said with the broom.

Ye Cuilian's face was joyful, and disappeared behind her body.

"Brother? Isn't this a cause and effect?"

Jiang Shouzheng let the broom slam on the ground and asked:

"Your partner, did you help you today?"


"She helped you, and I will help her instead of you now."

"But, the money I made with her was 50-50%. She didn't help in vain." Jiang Shouqin said.

"Money is money, and friendship is friendship." Jiang Shouzheng reached out, "So, give money. We had brother-in-law affection before, but I didn't help in vain. Give me the money. We will have both cause and effect this time."

"..., can you owe it?" Jiang Shouqin begged.

"No, but you can change the way." Jiang Shouzheng pointed to the broom, "Tonight, I will clean the Taoist temple."

With that, walked back to the quiet room and closed the door.

"Guardian, if you are there, you should, and you will tell me to do this?"

"I, alone, really hate making choices."

"But the choice is before me, I have to choose."

"If you are here, it will be fine. You make a decision and I will implement it. It is much simpler."

Jiang Shouzheng shook his head, throwing away the unrealistic thoughts in his mind.

Continue to study--

"Silent" tactics for educating children (non-Cold War).



The surrounding surveillance did not capture the boy's face.

'It should be wrong.'

Wang Qiang stood still in front of his house and rubbed his face to make his expression look less depressed and decadent.

Open the door.

"you're back?"


Wang Qiang closed the door and smiled: "Did your baby kick you today?"

"You also said that the kick was fierce!" Kong Li leaned sideways and looked at Wang Qiang from the bedroom, grieving.

"After he is born, you have to beat him up!" Wang Qiang took off his shoes and stepped forward and kissed Kong Li on the cheek.


"I'm dirty, take a shower first."

"Oh~" Kong Li pouted and waved, "Go, go, smelly man."

The cold water from the shower refreshed Wang Qiang's spirit.

Later, there should be spirit and "mediation" with Kong Li.

Hearing Wang Qiang walking out of the bathroom, Kong Li said, "Auntie made stewed duck today. Go and drink some."

"Oh, my wife!"

Wang Qiang deliberately saluted, and made Kong Li smile.

"This duck is too old. When you are born, I will make it for you!" Wang Qiang was eating and criticizing.

"Come on, you just know how to eat and make things that are not as delicious as I did." Kong Li scolded with a smile, "unless you want to poison me."

"How can it be~"

Holding the bowl, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Wang Qiang sipped the bowl of duck soup with an exaggerated expression.

"Hey, Brother Qiang."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"These days, stay with me at home, don't go to the interview."

Wang Qiang was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Why, your wife asked you to go home, do you still have questions?"

"Dare not dare~"

After half an hour, Kong Li watched Wang Qiang who was snoring gradually rising next to him, and touched his face.

'Fool, if you are tired, take a break.'


Kong Li moaned silently, clutching her stomach.

'This is the one hundred and seventh time you kicked me. If you were a boy, I would beat you at least one hundred and seven times!'

'For girls, forget it.'


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