My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 149: Just remember what is useful. (2 more·Subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Late at night.

But in some places, it will always be more lively.


"Mom, you are awake."

"Ruru, you look at your mother, I'll call a doctor."

Lin Ru held the hospital bed, her father quickly pressed the paging button next to the bed several times, and then rushed out of the ward like flying.

"Doctor, doctor, my wife is awake."

After two minutes, the doctor dragged his exhausted body to Lin Mu's bed.

"Here, does it hurt?"


"What about here?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"What about here?"


After some inquiries, the doctor closed the notebook and said with relief: "For specific questions, wait for the results of the photo and laboratory tests."

"Then bother the doctor!" Lin Ru's father kept bowing and sent the doctor out of the ward.

"Wife, good, why did you faint?" Father Lin twisted the towel and wiped Mother Lin's face.

"I don't know." Mother Lin sighed unconsciously, and looked at Lin Ru with a look of concern, "Maybe our family Ruru is getting better, so let me relax. It's okay, it's okay. Our family is poor, The poor can make things, but nothing will happen."

Lin Rugang wanted to speak, but the person next to the hospital bed was impatient:

"You guys, it's endless, what time is it, what time is it!"

Lin Ru frowned, stood up suddenly, but was stopped by Father Lin.

He shook his head and motioned not to argue.

"Brother, I'm sorry." Father Lin walked to the next hospital bed and bowed to apologize.

"It's okay, just don't worry about it anymore."

"Eh eh eh, no more, no more."

Seeing Lin Ru approaching with an unhappy look, Father Lin pulled her out of the ward.

"Dad, why is that person like this."

"Shhh! Be quiet." Father Lin closed the door of the ward quietly and whispered, "I asked the nurse when you were taking care of your mother early. The bed next door had a problem with his feet. If it can't be cured, I have to amputate, it’s so late, a bit tempered, normal, normal."

In the past, Lin Ru always came to the hospital when his eyes were bad.

Although I know it's useless, I have to try my best.

After a small conflict occurred once or twice, Lin's father would take the initiative to collect information about the patients who had sex with him to minimize friction.

It's bad enough to come to the hospital, and it's not worth arguing with others.

"Ah. That's it." Lin Ru covered his mouth with sympathy.

"Okay, don't tell me if you know it." Father Lin rubbed Lin Ru's hair. "The people who came to the hospital are all poor people."

Lin Ru opened the door and saw Ye Cuilian.

Subconsciously exclaimed.


Ye Cuilian blinked at Lin Ru.

Lin Ru nodded.

"Ruru, what's the matter?" Father Lin glanced at the direction of the hospital bed in confusion.

"No, it's nothing." Lin Ru waved his hand and pushed the round chair to Ye Cuilian's side.

"I said, listen." Ye Cuilian's right hand flicked in the void, holding the mana ball Jiang Shouzheng gave him.

"Our gods generally don't respond to people's requests."

"However, you are lucky to meet your partner today."

Speaking of this, Ye Cuilian slowly integrated this mana ball into his body, and his body gradually consolidated.

Then, he lightly tapped Lin's eyebrows.

A burst of brilliance "lighted up" in the ward, and quickly fell back.

Mother Lin fell asleep deeply, and Father Lin was a little sleepy.

"This world, there are not many miracles, but occasionally a little bit of luck is acceptable."

"Am I right?"

Ye Cuilian's figure slowly faded.

Lin Ru got up, looked at him, and said seriously: "Thank you, thank you."

"Child, just say thank you once."

"Another sentence, go to Qingfeng View."

The voice fell, and the figure was no longer.

Father Lin stepped forward with some worry, patted Lin Ru on the shoulder, and whispered:

"Child, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Lin Ru waved his hand awkwardly.

"It's okay, don't talk to a place where no one is. It's unlucky." Father Lin looked around. "The other day, let's go and ask for a blessing."

"Okay, Dad, have you heard of Qingfengguan?"

The conversation gradually fell.


"Strange, am I dazzled? Why is this film a bit different from just now?"

"Is this benign? Observe for a while and just cut it off." Look at the novel

"This patient came to the hospital with low blood sugar. I was really lucky to find this!"



'Too annoying!'

'Too annoying!'

'Ask a fart at night!'

'There is no end!Let people not sleep!'

Zhuang Gaoshang put the quilt on his head irritably and tried to move his toes.

Sure enough, there is still no feeling at all.

Are these feet really going to be abolished?!

[Noble, now the doctor says that your feet are already seriously inadequately supplied with blood. If you don't have your limbs amputated, it won't be a matter of a pair of feet.]

[Your feet, Linjiang can't see at all. I went to Kyoto. It is also a difficult disease. It is not enough to tear down a few houses. Now the medical expenses are so expensive, you don't know.]

[Amputation, the two of us, did the same.Hello and I’m good, the little ball will also have a mother, don’t drag it, the longer it is, the more troublesome it is.]

[Think carefully about it yourself, yes, I am plotting your money now, but who doesn't?]

Damn, damn, damn!!!!

When I had no money, I was eaten to death by that woman!

Seems to be rich soon!

Still like this!

Oh my god!You are against me!

Those people must be watching my jokes!

Laughing I am disabled!!!!


Talking again?!

Too annoying!

Zhuang Gaoshang tossed on the bed and plugged his ears.

Still feel, very noisy and noisy.

Why should I live in a ward with these people?!

Talking at night, no education!

Say it again and continue, no quality!

Most importantly, these people look like people with no money in their dresses.

Poor disease is contagious.

I finally got money, and I will have money soon.

I don't want to be poor anymore, no, no.

As Zhuang Gaoshang felt more and more irritable, he felt that his feet seemed to feel a little bit.

He sat up all of a sudden.

Try to squeeze.

Yes, I feel it, yes!

I feel it, I have it!

Zhuang Gaoshang immediately shouted: "Doctor! Doctor! What about the doctor!!!"

"Sir, if you press that button, a doctor will come. Can you keep your voice down? My wife just fell asleep." Father Lin asked in a low voice.

"Go away, poor ghost!"

Zhuang Gaoshang didn't want to bother him, and continued to shout: "Doctor! Doctor! I feel my feet! Come on!"

If he can be cured, get divorced immediately. He doesn't want to keep his status as a husband and wife with that snob Wen Rou.

Find one, young, kid-like, beautiful, and remarried.

The little ball may be a bit resistant at first.

But, children, immature ones, after a long time, they get used to it.

"Doctor, how about people?"

"No more, I have a complaint!"

The doctor opened the door and said, "Here's here, keep your voice down, don't affect other patients."

"Come on! I feel it!"

The doctor curled his mouth and stood at the end of the bed.

"You close your eyes first."

"What are you doing!"

"You close your eyes first, so I can determine whether you really feel or if you have an illusion."

"Your attitude is no good, you! When I get better, I will complain to you!"

Zhuang Gaoshang cursed and closed his eyes.

"Where am I pinching now?"

"Have you... pinched?"

Ye Cuilian just disappeared in the ward, and did not leave.


"I just accidentally used too much energy."

"Retract, retract. I must remember the teachings of God Gu Deng!"

Annoying, hide away.

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