My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 150: Useful as it is, the content format...not important. (1 more·Subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After listening to Ye Cuilian's "Debriefing Report" in front of the Taoist Temple, Jiang Shouqin raised his head as much as possible and waved his hand.

Then, close the door.

"The boss in those movies is really tiring."

"I look up, I can't see anyone."

Walking back to the quiet room, Jiang Shouqin glanced at Xiao Bai, who was still sleeping.

I picked up the walnut dew, put it in front of Little Bai sister's nose for a while, watched it flow out of the halazi, picked it up satisfied, and drank it.

Hey, life, most of the time, is this monotonous and repetitive.

As for him, he can only drink walnut dew every day to supplement nutrition and grow his body...

However, the next second, Xiao Bai opened his eyes in a daze.

Turned over and shook his body.

Jiang Shouqin: "..."

Jiang Shou was listening to the wailing and screams next door, and he blocked his ears with his hands.

"Brother! Help!"

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die!!!"

Playing around can help promote emotional communication.

Jiang Shouqin always likes to make things serious and doesn't need to be bothered.

"Sister Xiaobai, I was wrong, I was wrong!!!"

"The next three days, no, I will give you my share for one week!"

"Brother's, I don't want it too!!! Let me go~"

The wailing sound gradually decreased.


The door was pushed open.

Xiaobai walked in with his two tails, Jiang Shou was beckoning to him, and it jumped into his arms lightly.

Just in time, the door opened, and Jiang Shouzheng waved his hand.

The scissors that had been bought a long time ago floated into his hands.

"Xiao Bai, you have two tails, it is not convenient to go out. Let's cut one off."

With that said, Jiang Shouzheng opened and closed the scissors back and forth, indicating that it was sharp.

"Which one are you going to break?"


Before Jiang Shouzheng could react, Xiao Bai ran out of the Buddhist scripture pavilion...

However, after a while, it "floats" in again.

If Xiao Bai ran away before, Jiang Shouzheng would really not be able to catch up.

However, during this period of time, Nianyu has improved, and it can directly lock the “objects” moving at high speed.

"Without a tail, it will be convenient for you to go out. It's okay. Dogs, geckos and the like can be docked."

Xiaobai floating in the air struggled frantically.

The voice went from the high-pitched "Ruaww!!!" to...




Jiang Shouzheng tilted his head and asked, "Are you good at talking?"

"I'll translate." Jiang Shouqin, who had just entered the door, clutched his scratched face and said dullly: "Sister Xiaobai said, its tail, just cut it."

Struggling, suddenly became violent.

I can't control everything I can't control!

Xiaobai broke free, landed, and jumped directly onto Jiang Shouqin's body, biting his arm hard.

"Ahhhhh! Brother, help!"

"Sister Xiaobai said, you can't cut it, you can't cut it, it won't be pretty if you cut it."

"Sister Xiaobai, for two weeks, I don't want it anymore. Give it all to you. Just let me go."

"Sister Xiaobai can solve it herself!"

Jiang Shouzheng let the scissors "return" to the original place, looking at Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai fell to the ground with her two tails close together, swinging synchronously...

Because of the fluffy fox fur, it is visually as if there is only one tail.

Jiang Shouzheng thought about it, this is not impossible.

"Will you have a long tail in the future?"

Xiaobai whimpered a few times, and Jiang Shouqin translated, imitating the "girl" tone:

"Brother~ I don’t know how many mailings, it seems that under certain conditions, nine tails can grow~"

After Jiang Shouzheng listened, goose bumps all over his body.

The male and female voices, especially Jiang Shouqin’s appearance, still use him as a template...

This feeling, absolutely.

"Keep tailing, that's up to you, pay attention. Nine or ten, it doesn't matter, just don't be found abnormal." Crouched down, patted Xiaobai's head, leaned to his ear, and whispered," However, your younger brother is a bit too pragmatic. As a younger sister, you have to educate you."

Jiang Shouqin: "..., brother, I can hear you."

This night, the sorrowful wailing sound continued from the Taoist temple.





Who is it early in the morning?Zilang Literature

Holding the spatula, Jiang Shouzheng opened the door of Taoist temple.

Outside the door, a man and a woman stood.

Woman, he met once, called Lin Ru.

Lin Ru looked at Jiang Shouzheng, a little surprised, but quickly converged:

"Hello, is this Qingfeng Temple?"

"Yes, I would like to ask you all the laymen here today, what's the matter?"

"Dao Master, do we want to offer incense, unsign, and seek fortune here?"


There are reserves on weekdays, this is no problem.



Qingfengguan, for more than ten years, I haven't made any gimmicks for publicity, and there are no serious pilgrims to come.

At most, when the villagers in the Fu countryside are on major festivals, the picture is near, meaning to come to the door.

No incense.

Therefore, the unsigned papers, the unsigned papers, and the lottery barrels were not prepared at all.

Let alone the resolution, there is no way to draw lots.

Seeking symbols?

Old Guanzhu never wrote, Jiang Shouzheng never saw it.

The thoughts in his mind flashed by, Jiang Shouzheng bowed and saluted:

"In the original view, only incense can be given. If two laymen come to offer incense, congratulations to both of you, it is today's top incense."

Father Lin and Lin Ru responded and entered the door.

Jiang Shouqin, who was chased by Xiaobai every day, saw "outsiders" coming, and he also politely saluted.

However, he subconsciously "winked his eyebrows" at Lin Ru.

Naturally, Father Lin saw this scene, and his heart was stunned.

It's no wonder that after hearing the "good news" in the early morning, I took him to this little-known Taoist temple.

It turns out that there are acquaintances.

"Ah! What a cute dog~ I tied a bow."

Looking at Xiao Bai standing upright, Lin Ru couldn't help but exclaimed.

The bow on Xiao Bai's tail was tied by Jiang Shouzheng with a shoelace last night, fearing that Xiao Bai couldn't help but flick his tails out of sync.

"It's a fox." Jiang Shouqin reminded hurriedly, seeing the signs of Xiaobai's seizure.

"Oh, it turns out that a fox looks like this."

Lin Ru's eyesight didn't recover long. He had heard of many things, but had never seen it.

She leaned forward, trying to touch Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai, who can be regarded as a "dog", is angry, how can she touch it.

Ran away all at once.

"Excuse me, Shangxiang?" Jiang Shouzheng's words called the father and daughter's attention.

Father Lin glanced at Lin Ru and Jiang Shouqin, and said with a smile: "Just me."

After finishing talking, follow Jiang Shouzheng into the hall.

"Yesterday, thank you very much." Lin Ru walked to Jiang Shouqin's side and bowed.

"You're welcome, it's mainly the hands of my senior brother and younger brother. It has nothing to do with me." Jiang Shouqin waved his hand, "Right, where's the money?"

"Oh oh oh." Lin Ru opened the small schoolbag on his back and took out two stacks of banknotes clipped with clothespins, "I'll divide it."

Jiang Shouqin took the money and said cheerfully, "This is the first time I have my own money."

After speaking, his smile froze.


If the Taoist temple is cleaned, there is no need to pay the brother.

However, Xiaobai sister woke up.

Taoist temple, he didn't clean it well, this money...

Looking at the money in his hand, Jiang Shouqin felt distressed.

Glancing at the pile in Lin Ru's hand, Jiang Shouqin thought for a while and asked:

"You guys, do you still want to find talisman? What kind of talisman do you want."

"Ping An Fu."

"Anyone who can avoid the demons, do you count?"

"Forget it."

"Then I can write." Jiang Shouqin pointed to the stack of money in Lin Ru's hand and said, "Give me half."

"It's okay to give it all to you. I didn't contribute any money for this money."

"No, half is enough. One yard goes to one yard, and we will get rich together in the future!"

Jiang Shouqin took the money "belongs" to him, put it back in his pocket, and took Lin Ru to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Tore off a blank page from Jiang Shouzheng's notebook, took a pen, thought for a while, and wrote:

"Go away, I covered this person.-Jiang Shouqin"

After Jiang Shouqin finished writing, he glanced at Lin Ru.

"Do you think it's okay to write like this?"

Lin Ru: "..."

After thinking for a while, Lin Ru tentatively asked, "Can you write two more? My dad and my mom want too."

"No problem." Jiang Shouqin blew his hair, assumed a handsome posture, and tore two pages from Jiang Shouzheng's notebook.

"Those who are not afraid of death come to Qingfeng View.-Jiang Shouqin"

"Small, you dare to try to hurt others.-Jiang Shouqin"

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