My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 160 Training and eating. (1 more·Subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Jiang Shouzheng locked the car and went upstairs in three steps in two steps to the gym.

"Coach Jiang, the guests are waiting for you."

Jiang Shou was facing the front desk and leaned slightly, looking in the direction indicated by the other party.

This figure is very familiar.

When people turn around, it's not Yao Qian.

This dress was also the same in the physical exam.

The excitement suddenly dropped a lot. It turned out that the classmates took care of the business.

"Are you surprised or surprised?" Yao Qian leaped in front of Jiang Shouzheng, raised her head slightly, and jokingly said, "Coach Jiang, how do you think I should practice?"

Jiang Shouzheng did not respond directly, but carefully looked at Yao Qian with a "surveillance" eye.

After being watched for a long time, Yao Qian's face flushed slightly, she secretly glanced at Jiang Shouzheng's nose, and dropped her eyelids in a panic.

This was the first time that Jiang Shouzheng looked at her seriously.

The observation place is almost done, Jiang Shouzheng retracted his gaze, Yao Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

"The proportions of the body are all very coordinated. Let's check the latest body fat data."

According to the requirements of the gym, it is always necessary to record the client's physical data in a timely manner.

The purpose is to have positive feedback.

"Yeah." Yao Qian looked at her toes and responded gently.

"Student Yao Qian, is your throat uncomfortable?" Jiang Shouzheng asked.

"Oh." Yao Qian looked up and gave Jiang Shouzheng a blank look, and strode towards the area of ​​the body fat measuring machine.

After looking at the report, Jiang Shouzheng handed it to Yao Qian.

"The data is pretty normal, just keep it."

"Jiang Shouzhengtong, oh, coach, can you take me one step further? There are vest lines. I will go swimming in a while.

"In a few days?"

"Uh... three or four days?"

Three or four days, challenge the vest line?

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at the equipment in the gym. After thinking about it, he said, "We have to change the place for special training."

Twenty minutes later.

Jiang Shouzheng pointed at the tree behind the Taoist Temple and directed Yao Qian:

"Bump it."

"Yes, great, try harder."

"Take a side, it's fine, now I hit the back with my back, one set of fifteen times, five sets."

Xiaobai lay on the hall, flicking his tail, and squinted.

~~ So silly~~

~~ The effect of sleeping with brother is much better than hitting a tree~~

~~Ah, sleepy~~

Xiaobai got up, shook his body, and jumped off the hall.

Tilting his head, he took out walnut dew from the quiet room and placed it beside Jiang Shouqin's urn.

I found a straw happily again, babbling...

~~ Little soul, do you want to drink?~~

~~ Yeah, it's delicious, it tastes really good.~~

~~ I'm finished, I'm going to sleep in the quiet room, you watch the door carefully.~~



"Tonight, I have to escape."

"Door, don't look."

"Who brought the bride price, the household registration book, and the real estate certificate for a blind date!"

"I want to pursue my own love."

Xu Liang checked his suitcase--

Regular clothing, shoes, computers, fever eye mask, hydrating mask, hair tonic, razor, shoulder and neck massager, cupping device, active oil...

Well, good, almost done.

Take a look at the staff dormitory again.

"Oh, yes." Xu Liang raised his eyebrows and lifted the mattress.

A small square box with a CD inside.

Take it out carefully and hide it in your pocket.

This is the big treasure to ensure that he has a place to stay after he escapes, and it must not be lost.

Check it again, close the suitcase and push it to the corner quietly.

I did a push-up and uploaded a video in the Kuaku group, which attracted a group of Kua friends to watch and praise.

"My family's Liangliang is excellent." 56 Novel

"Yes, yes, do one push-up every day, develop good habits, keep a good figure, come on!"

"Under Liangliang's influence, I have developed the habit of putting down my phone for five minutes a day."

Swipe the news, enjoy the admiration of everyone, and leave a message in the comment area of ​​others.

Nibbling on fried chicken, just drink coke.

It smells so good.

Five minutes later, the number of comments reached the standard and the number of exaggerations reached the standard.

The money invested yesterday will be returned, and there will be a chance to share the investment of those who did not check in and praise others.

This can be more profitable than saving money.

Tonight, I have to escape.

There are still many places where money will be needed in the future.

Mindful of this, Xu Liang chooses tomorrow's investment fund-10,000.

If you vote more, you have a chance to get more.

He will definitely punch in on time.



"Can you not do push-ups?"

Yao Qian panted and lay on the small square of Taoist temple without any image.

She is not dirty at all, and there is no gray in this square.

Jiang Shouzheng = Qiren = Cleaning Specialization.

"It has to be done to stimulate the large muscles, which will help reduce body fat in a short-term and efficient manner." Jiang Shouzheng estimated that the time is almost up, clapping his hands, "Yao Qian, keep working hard, come on! You can."

"No, I can't do it anymore." Yao Qian lay on the ground and waved her hand, indicating that she has no strength.

Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while, helped Yao Qian up, took her to the Taoist temple, and pointed at a tree at random.

Yao Qian squatted on the ground, looked blankly, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Shou grimned his face and patted the tree fiercely.



Watching the tree slowly fall in front of her, Yao Qian swallowed and stood up.

"Shall I pat your shoulder to cheer you up?" Jiang Shouzheng turned around and asked seriously.

"Student Jiang Shouzheng, I suddenly feel that I have strength again." Yao Qian stood up and shook her head desperately.

"Oh, isn't it? That's good." Jiang Shouzheng said with satisfaction.

Leading Yao Qian back to the small square, she looked at Yao Qian, who gritted her teeth, blushed, and worked harder.

Jiang Shou was applauding and cheering in a professional way.

"There are the last three."

"Yes, come on, there are the last two!"

"one point five!"

"One Four!"

Yao Qian: "......"

Finally, another hour later, Yao Qian finally completed the special training set by Jiang Shouzheng.

The whole person is like fished out of the water.

", do you have a bath here?"


"I'm drenched now, what should I do?"

Jiang Shouzheng blew a whistle, and Ge Daying fell from the sky and slammed Yao Qian.

Because of her body shape, Jiang Shouzheng thought to protect everything and stood still.

The clothes dries quickly.

"Thank you."

"It is my honor to serve adults."

Ge Daying left, looking at Yao Qian who was a little messy, Jiang Shouzheng motioned to Jiang Shouqin to prepare Yao Qian some fresh feng shui slowly.

As for him, he is going to the kitchen to cook for Yao Qian.

Three-point training, seven-point training, no matter how good it is, it is useless.

After replenishing water and eating food after training, Yao Qian left the Taoist temple blankly.

Her driver has been guarding at the gate of Taoist temple.

"Let's continue tomorrow."

Jiang Shouzheng waved at Yao Qian, who was sitting back in the passenger seat.

Yao Qian nodded, indicating that she...heard.

When the car drove far, he took out the platinum card and broke it.

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