My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 161 A backhand report. (2 more·Subscribe!)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Sending Yao Qian away, Jiang Shouzheng returned to the gym.

Yao Qian said that the course should be "rounded up", but it seems impossible to do it.

Jiang Shouzheng was called to the manager's office after guiding the two students who had made the second appointment.

"Shouzheng, do you want to come over to us as a full-time coach?"

The manager understands the basic situation of Jiang Shouzheng.

The college entrance examination has just ended, no father and no mother, living in Podao Temple.

The clothes are very plain and the clothes are all miscellaneous. The economic situation should be worse.

But he couldn't hold back the child looking good. Not long after he arrived, he hooked up and coughed up. With his professional knowledge and good service attitude, he blended with the female students, not to mention the energy of "home-made multigrain pancakes" this morning.

This is good.

"Manager, I have no plans here." Jiang Shouzheng refused without thinking.

"Don't listen to the salary and level?" the manager wondered.

"No. No matter what job it is, no matter how much the job is, I don't want to be full-time." Jiang Shouzheng got up and owed himself.

Jiang Shouzheng's material desire is not strong, and money is enough.

The part-time time is flexible, and the full-time time will be restricted.

He doesn't like bondage.

"Okay, I wanted to say that you signed a contract with our gym as a full-time gym. Our gym has built you into a star coach. But in terms of time, you can bring aerobics when you have time. If you are not free, we will not stop you. Exercise for one hour, seven hundred. If the market feedback is good, it depends on the number of participants. The only requirement is not to sign contracts with other gyms."

Jiang Shouzheng was startled and sat down again:

"Manager, I think we can talk."

After half an hour of friendly negotiation, Jiang Shouzheng added a sentence to the contract-

"After Party B applies for class scheduling, if Party A refuses three times in total, Party B has the right to terminate this contract unconditionally, and has the right to cooperate with third-party fitness institutions, and Party A has no right to interfere. Application methods include, but are not limited to: oral application, SMS Application, VX application, mail application, paper written application."

After watching Jiang Shouzheng's signature, the manager divided them into duplicates, and said with a smile: "You little guy, are you quite cautious?"

"Isn't you always watching the news during this time? Signing exclusives for fear of being chained." Jiang Shouzheng folded the contract in half and put it back in his pocket, asking indifferently, "Manager, look, when is it more convenient for me to do exercises." "

"After two or three days, let's do a pre-marketing campaign to build momentum."

Setting the tone, Jiang Shouzheng received the news from the third student who had requested a lesson——

"Coach Jiang, I'm already in the gym, is it convenient for you?"


The message interface was shown to the manager, and the manager waved his hand cheerfully: "Go go."

When Jiang Shouzheng left, the manager opened the safe, put the contract properly, and took out a book-"On the Importance of Face Value in Marketing".

This is his unique bible for recruiting and employing people. It starts with the value of appearance, and only then has the opportunity to be loyal to talent.

No face, others ignore it.

The first feeling is very important.

Thinking of this, the manager looked in the mirror.

During this period of time, I stay up all night to socialize, and my skin is a little bad.

It's time to have another appointment with a beautician for some conditioning.

Face value, always be online.

Man, be nice to yourself.



Before departure, Xu Liang opened the suitcase again and checked again.

"It should be done."

But as soon as he closed it, he felt wrong again, and opened it again...

"Eh, it doesn't feel right at all."

Annoyed by himself, Xu Liang took out a piece of paper and recorded the contents of the suitcase.

Then check the content on the paper again.

Looking at the paper, he felt that there was no omission, so he folded it in his chest pocket, patted it, and went out.

"Strange, I always feel that I have forgotten something." Good novel

As usual, Xu Liang went to work in the security room, signed for express delivery, dismantled express delivery, delivered materials, and drove around the factory...

Glancing at the surveillance, Xu Liang smiled.

'Haha, you never thought I would run away?'

Everything is under his control.

As long as he does not tear up the "ticket", he still has the right to inherit the company.

It's nothing to escape a blind date.

At twelve o'clock at midnight, Xu Liang inadvertently pressed the flapper, and the red dot of the monitor went dark.

Then, the whole person jumped out with all his strength.

After running for a while, no one chased.

Xu Liang breathed a sigh of relief, turned at a fork, and continued to run wildly.

The more you run, the more handsome you look.

All the fat on his face disappeared.

Suddenly, his body suddenly stopped, and he stood still.

"Finally remembered that I forgot something, I didn't bring the suitcase."

Looking at the road when he came, he finally ran away, so he couldn't make any more snares.

I touched my chest. Fortunately, there is this list, so I can buy it according to the list.

As for money, it's easy to handle.

Xu Liang found an Internet cafe and put the CD that he had hidden in his CD drive.

Inside, there is a short video...

Seeing Wang Fei wearing only a big pants and twisting Yangko, Xu Liang laughed:

"Brother, don't blame me, I will repay you when I develop."

After speaking, I dialed Wang Fei's number and sent the video to Wang Fei.

"Why are you calling me so late?"

"Hey, brother Wang Fei, look at VX."

"...You have used this video to cheat me several times, and you have to delete it!!!"

Wang Fei's roar was a bit loud, and Xu Liang moved the phone farther away.

"Relax, the last time, the last time."

"Let's talk, how much do you want?" On the other end of the phone, Wang Fei took a few breaths and said bitterly.

"Give me some money, you can do it all." Xu Liang raised his mouth, and then sent the contents of the list on the paper to Wang Fei, "By the way, let me take care of these things."

"I think I can call Dong Xu now."

"Don't, we are the best brothers, you can't break, I don't want to break, in this world, no one is closer than us! You can't betray me." Xu Liang shouted.

"All right." Wang Fei, who was lying on the bed, sat up helplessly and asked, "Do you want me to help you book a hotel?"

"No, I will come now and live with you."

"Get out!" Wang Fei cursed shamelessly, and said helplessly, "It's still the old password. Go in by yourself. By the way, what happened to what I asked you to do?"

"Don't worry, I have already taken out the QR code. When the result comes out, I will know it by scanning it."

"Then you send me the QR code."

"That won't work! At least, not now."

Wang Fei looked at the hung-up phone, feeling irritable. When he was drunk, how could he dance Yangko?


I looked at the video again, the more I watched it, the more annoying, and a backhand report——

[Post inappropriate content]

After a sigh of relief, Wang Fei lay back on the bed and fell asleep.

After one hour--

"Report successful."

In his sleep, Wang Fei was caught in his neck.

"Asshole!!! My account was blocked!!! My check-in!!!"

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