My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 178 The bear child who refuses to suffer.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!At 11:23 in the evening.

After his daughter and wife fell asleep, Yao Genmin went out quietly, and Li Bo was already waiting outside.

The situation has just been said on the phone.

After receiving the note Li Bo handed him, Yao Genmin looked at——

"Abandon the investigation of Guden River's diversion, and return the ledger at nine tomorrow. It's a small warning."

Times New Roman, No. 2, bold.

It is a torn strip of paper after printing, and there is no way to trace the owner of the handwriting.

"Is there no monitoring?" Yao Genmin tried to suppress his anger.

Is your company's account book rudely taken away in your own company and on your own site?

This feeling of being violated, insulted, and contempt has not been seen for a long time.

"No, it has been hacked. There is no way to restore the data." Li Bo subconsciously observed Yao Genmin.

He wants to see how Mr. Yao handles this matter.

Losing the account book is simply terrible for the company.

Especially when it was taken away so "easy".


Yao Genmin looked at his mobile phone. It was another shareholder's call, and he answered it.

"Hey, Lao Zhang, what advice can you call me so late?"

"Hey, what's the matter, don't believe the rumors, how could the company's accounts be stolen by others? If it is really stolen, why not call the police!"

"Yeah, don't you still trust me? Hang up now. I'm really worried. You can come to the company after nine o'clock tomorrow. You are a shareholder. The right to check accounts is your right to enjoy."

"Really not coming? Let's do this. Tomorrow night, our shareholders will gather for a meal or something."

He hung up the phone calmly, and Yao Genmin turned off the dome light in the car.

"Go, go to the company."

Li Bo started the car at the sound, and the closer he was to the company, the more relaxed the atmosphere in the car seemed.

Has Mr. Yao already thought of a solution?

When he arrived in the underground garage, Yao Genmin waved his hand at Li Bo and said, "You go out first and let me be quiet."

Li Bo nodded, turned off, and left the car.

Seeing Li Bo consciously turning his back, Yao Genmin nodded in satisfaction, then looked to the back row: "Ms. Gu, is this really easy?"

"I summoned the matter for you. I will naturally give you a solution." God Gu Deng sat in the back row and smiled, "This number, remember."

After that, Yao Genmin’s mobile phone screen flashed, and there was an additional contact in his personal phone address book——

Jiang Shouqin.

"You call and talk to him about this, and promise him that if the matter is settled, you will pay him." Gu Dengshen thought it over and said, "One thousand, it's almost done."

Yao Genmin looked at the empty back row, and then looked at the number on the phone, feeling a little unreliable.

Isn't it supposed to show great power?

Give a number to solve the problem?

However, considering Jiang Shouqin's identity, Yao Genmin still fought.

Even if this solution is a bit low-end.


A treacherous wave passed through the crack of the Taoist temple and turned into a message, which was received by Jiang Shouqin.

"what happened?"

"Senior brother, there is... the spirit removal incident, I'll go see it."

Jiang Shouqin responded, unplugged the mobile phone charger, and left happily.

I have an identity~

"Be careful."

"Do not worry."

Compared with Jiang Shouzheng who needs to be passive because of his studies and student status, Jiang Shouqin has no worries in this regard.

Wear a mask. According to the information provided by Gu Dengshen, Jiang Shouqin is out.

At this point, the door of Taoism has been closed.

I took out the ladder from the main hall and turned it out with difficulty.

The moment he left the Taoist temple, a strand of mana was wrapped around his wrist, feeding him back strength.The first novel

"Thank you brother."

Farther away from Taoist Temple, Jiang Shouqin waited for the bus by the side of the road and mumbled: "Gu Yu, take 30% to buy you tribute, it's too much, a little less."

The stars gather, and the figure of God Gu Deng appears in the sky.

"The special effects are good, but we still have to talk about the price." Jiang Shouqin admired it, not letting go.

"I control the channels for everything in Linjiang, and I draw 30%. I think it's very reasonable." Gu Dengshen's voice is a little vague and looks very mysterious.

Jiang Shouqin thought for a while, opened his mouth, wailing~

Jiang Shouqin's aura and atmosphere built by God Gu Deng's divine power were eaten by Jiang Shouqin.

"Then...I only need 20%?"

Jiang Shouqin rubbed his hands and pulled in the air, Gu Dengshen instantly lost contact with his body.

His face changed drastically in vain:

"I do not want it!"

"Really, I don't want to get it, hurry up and let me restore the contact with the ontology!!!"


Jiang Shouqin pursed his lips and shrank his neck, his eyes flickering.

When God Guden regained contact with the body, He immediately disappeared in place.

"Cut..... It's just a place for gods. What's so fierce? If it wasn't for my brother, I would eat one by one."

Jiang Shouqin cursed and stopped the taxi, just in time, Yao Genmin called.

After making an appointment and negotiating the price, Jiang Shouqin hung up, sat in the car and began to order:

"Ye Cuilian, you just heard about the incident."

"Under your hand, mobilize everything for me. I must find things as quickly as possible."

"Whoever is unfavorable, I will eat it, there is no dross left."

The driver glanced at the rearview mirror and shook his head slightly.

The children of this year are all fascinated by playing games, and they are very good in the second grade.

When they played games back then, they weren't so obsessed. At most, they roared in the Internet cafe after the siege was successful.

When he arrived at the place, Jiang Shouqin got out of the car and walked to a dark place. Ye Cuilian held a thick account book and handed it to him.

He took it, flipped it, and saw the numbers, Jiang Shouqin suddenly closed his head.

"Go down."

"That..." Ye Cuilian looked at Jiang Shouqin, her expression a little awkward, whistling.

"Oh." Jiang Shouqin pulled out one of his hair and handed it to Ye Cuilian, "I won't eat the ghost that tied it."

Ye Cuilian left happily, while Jiang Shouqin found a place to hide the account book.

In a moment, he can find this account book through "casting" and point out the ghost in public!

Start his reputation and establish his status in the arena!

"Accounting Zhou, the sinner is you!"

These words must be shouted vigorously!

Jiang Shouqin practiced repeatedly, his eyes, gestures, voice...


Click... Click...

The cracking speed finally dropped.

God Gu Deng breathed a long sigh of relief and murmured:

"This Jiang Shouqin is too bearish."

She couldn't imagine the consequences if the dam cracked.

The spirit was a little tired, and he wanted to go back to the statue to rest.

In the next moment, he appeared in the temple.


Have a tribute?

Gu Deng Shenpiao looked at the snacks that had not been untied, and looked at the small ticket inside—


He smiled bitterly: "It's so accurate, really, I don't want to eat any loss."

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