My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 179 Must leave traces.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Brother, brother, wake up, I have made money."

Jiang Shouzheng opened his eyes, looked at the stack of banknotes in front of him, wondering: "How come they are all ten yuan bills."

"Of course I bought it!" Speaking of this, Jiang Shouqin was a little proud and patted the top of the coin, "Brother, look, it seems that I have made a lot of money."

Jiang Shouqin likes to exchange large denomination banknotes for small denominations.He just went to the supermarket to buy the tribute. He used it ten times, each time only cost 30, and finally got 70 ten yuan in exchange.

There are not many supermarkets with one yuan or five yuan banknotes, and the coins are too heavy...

The list was beaten into one.

"All right, you can be happy, let it go by yourself."

"Don't you smoke a little?"

"...Since you requested it sincerely." Jiang Shouzheng said as he reached out.

Jiang Shouqin covered the pile of money and said dullly: "Brother, I didn't ask for it."

After speaking, he left with the pile of money, found a piece of greased paper, and wrapped it up.

After wandering in Taoist temple for a long time, I couldn't find a suitable place to put money.

After all, Jiang Shouzheng habitually saves money, and at most he puts it in the quiet room overnight. There is no place to hide money in Taoist temple.

After seeing the hoe in the corner of the main hall, Jiang Shouqin's eyes flashed, and he dragged the hoe to the tree behind the Taoist temple.

Digging, burying, and compacting.

Back to Taoist Temple, but no matter how unreliable, I went back and took a look.

To be safe, he took a knife from the kitchen...

He knew the story of "There is no silver and three hundred taels", so he carved on the tree—

There is money under the tree.

Nodded with satisfaction, Jiang Shouqin returned to the quiet room with confidence, dripped a few drops of walnut dew in the urn, and planted himself in it.

When the quiet room was quiet again, Xiaobai opened his eyes, looked at the unclosed window for ventilation, and jumped out.


I finally walked to the tree behind the Taoist temple in search of taste.

Tilted his head...

'Can you actually engrave?It seems that the mana of the brother is running low.'

Xiaobai thought for a while, and found that it was useless...

Started digging holes, found the paper bag, and picked it up.

Looked around vigilantly, after ensuring safety, pee...

Then, taking advantage of the night, head to the Fu village.

'Krypton gold can become stronger!'

'Who taught me this?'

The night is getting thicker.

There was no wind, but the tree trembled slightly...

'...Don' hurts...die...'

'...Don't... bump... hurt... die...'


'... camp... raise... grow... big...'

The words carved by Jiang Shouqin slowly faded.

The sky was lightening, Jiang Shouqin knelt on the ground and wailed--

"What about my money!!!"

Jiang Shouzheng looked around and asked, "Are you sure you are buried here?"

"Definitely and surely, brother, look, there are pits here!" Jiang Shouqin pointed to the pit under the tree, and then to the footprints on the ground, "Sister Xiaobai must have stole it! And, there is urine here! taste!"

"Don't directly doubt, besides this pit, are there other marks?" Jiang Shouzheng asked after thinking.

"I've also engraved it." Jiang Shouqin knelt on the ground and climbed around the tree. "Huh? Where's my writing? Isn't I buried here?"

Jiang Shouqin suspected that some stain was covering the tree roots, patted and blew.

Still no words.

"It shouldn't, shouldn't, what about the money?"

Jiang Shouqin looked for it tree by tree, Jiang Shouzheng shook his head:

"Don't look for it first, practice is important, your body is too bad."

After speaking, he dragged Jiang Shouqin back to Taoist temple.51 Pen Fun Pavilion

After practicing, eat.

"Brother, Xiaobai must have stolen my money!" Jiang Shouqin took a bite of porridge with a look of grief and anger.

"What about the evidence? Didn't you say that you have engraving?" Jiang Shouzheng glanced at it and asked.

"Uh... it must have been stolen!" Jiang Shouqin put down his chopsticks and got up, "I'm going to find my money!"

"Sit down!" Jiang Shouzheng whispered.

Jiang Shouqin's legs softened and sat back to his original position.

"Brother, the money is gone, there are thieves." Jiang Shouqin was aggrieved.

"I told you earlier to save the money and it's all right." Jiang Shouzheng pushed Jiang Shouqin's bowl, "Eating and eating, the wind blows the egg shells, and the wealth will go to people's peace."


Someone knocked on the door outside the Taoist Temple, Jiang Shouqin put down his chopsticks and took a look.

"Sister Yao Qian! Come in soon~" Jiang Shouqin was a little surprised. He found Yao Qian carrying a gift box with "Jiang Shouqin" written on it, and looked at the brother, "Brother, sister Yao Qian is here."

"Got it."

Jiang Shouzheng continued to pick up the food, he had already sensed the mana ball he planted in Yao Qian...

She lingered at the door for a long time. She thought she would leave, but she knocked on the door unexpectedly.

It's a little troublesome because it is decisive.

After Jiang Shouzheng finished eating, his index finger buckled the table.

"Eat and wash dishes."

Jiang Shouzheng got up to greet him, and he had to be polite.

"Hmm." Jiang Shouqin nodded, held up the bowl, raised his head, grunting~~ "Ha, ha, ha, it's burnt to death."

When Yao Qian saw this scene, she couldn't help laughing, and handed the gift box in her hand to Jiang Shouqin:

"Congratulations on your official status!"

"You're polite." Jiang Shouqin answered, about to open the present.


Jiang Shouzheng slapped Jiang Shouqin's hand away: "People are still there, you are very rude to be like this."

Jiang Shouqin looked at Yao Qian, then looked at the seniors, and pushed them out of the hall.

Close the door severely.

"You go and play, leave me alone."

Jiang Shouqin's dull voice came from behind the main hall door.

"People are gone now."

Excitedly opened the gift box, which contained a helmet with goggles.

Taking it out and fiddling with it, Jiang Shouqin muttered:

"Huh? Is this a helmet for riding an electric bike?"


"Sorry, it cost you money. I will supply you for how much."

"It's okay, and it's not too expensive. It's just a VR movie helmet. It's still a trial product in the research and development stage, probably, it should, and it's hundreds of thousands."

Yao Qian stretched out her hand, as if asking for money.

Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while, calculated his savings frantically, and said helplessly, "Then...thank you for the present."

"Hey~ I was joking with you, I just wanted to give a watch, but my dad must let me wear this helmet this morning." Yao Qian spread her hands and smiled, "he said Jiang Shouqin helped last night He was very busy, and asked him, he didn’t say anything, do you know."

Jiang Shouzheng had some vague guesses, but since Uncle Yao didn't talk to Yao Qian, he didn't elaborate.

Besides, he himself is not very clear.

Jiang Shouzheng shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Then count the money for the helmet as a dedication fee.

But what is it except?Turn around and ask Jiang Shouqin.


The phone vibrated wildly.

Jiang Shouzheng looked at the news. It was news, text messages, reminders...

#crack, or collapse#

Click on the picture, which was taken by several sets of diving, and you can clearly see the traces of the cracks.

Yao Qian stepped forward to take a look, and curled her lips:

"Fake news, a picture of the beginning, the content is all edited."

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