My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 180 Xiaobai City Adventures.

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But now Yao Qian is next to her, which is obviously not convenient.

"...Do you need to introduce Jiang Shouqin to your classmates?" Yao Qian had nothing to say.

"No need." Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while and shook his head, "He will find his own circle."


This should be over, and the topic seems to end here.

Jiang Shouzheng looked at the Taoist Temple gate, hoping Yao Qian would leave soon.

It is a pity that Yao Qian ignored his "suggestion", she got used to it in school.

Looking around, Yao Qian asked:

"Where is Xiao Bai?"

"I don't know where it went."

"Then let's go find it together? I heard that dog stealers are fierce during this period. If they steal Xiao Bai, then it will be troublesome."

"Xiao Bai is not an ordinary animal..."

The topic is so connected again, and the theme of the next "activity" also has——

Find Xiaobai.

After cleaning the table and kitchen, Jiang Shouqin heard the senior brother and sister Yao Qian leave the Taoist temple, and he tried to put on the helmet.

Well, just right.

Huh, what is this?Click to try.

My goodness, is this for watching a movie?

It's like riding a bicycle and listening to music with headphones. The function of this helmet is to watch a movie while riding a bicycle?

Will it be unsafe?


At a red light, a small truck slowly stopped.

The driver was a lanky young man. He pulled up the handbrake and looked at the dim carriage through the small fence.

There are sleeping dogs lying all around...

"Brother Feng, will this be unsafe?"

The thin and tall young man pursed his mouth. The dog in the carriage was stunned by the narcotics, except for the white fox squatting in the corner.

This is what they saw on the road, tricked into the car with a ham sausage.

I originally wanted to take anesthetics, but after getting in the car, I have been very behaved. If you can save anesthetics, you will save it. After all, it costs money.

They can't have reimbursement channels like the regular ones, and the cost will be reduced if it is lowered.

"No, these dogs don’t have a master at first glance. Even if the owner finds it, they won’t lose much money." The middle-aged man called Feng Ge suppressed the wind-blown hair. The margin has clearly risen, "The fox may be a bit more expensive, and the hair is so well maintained. Let's take this fox away and sell it. It should be more profitable than selling dogs."

Looking at the thin and tall young man who looked a little worried, Feng Ge patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "Don't worry, I have been in this business for a long time. Those who have lost pets are not losing children. How can they have time, Keep your energy for a lifetime? After the energy is over, what should we do. Who let them go out without chaining, they deserve to lose it, and we deserve to make money."

Feng's words are like a pack of placebos.

Novice, it is inevitable to feel a little panic when doing this kind of thing for the first time.

But seeing the predecessors so determined, in line with the idea of ​​"we deserve to make money", the guilt in my heart is gradually washed and covered.

What's more, I have been psychologically prepared before doing it, but I need to repeat confirmation and self-hypnosis. If this momentum passes, this hurdle will pass, and it will be fine.

"It's the green light, don't froze." Feng Ge urged.

The thin and tall young man put down the handbrake and kicked the accelerator.

There was a bump in the carriage, and Xiao Bai's body shook. The two people in front seemed to be arguing about something, but he didn't have much interest.

What makes it interesting is the dogs around, what happened?

I slept so hard.

In the memory of her mother's inheritance, the dog is not a good match.

Logically, it has to be scared, but right now these dogs are asleep.He boldly began to step on the sleeping dogs.

After stepping on each one, Xiao Bai sighed somewhat contentedly.


Another burst of brakes.

"Can you brake more firmly?" 85 novel

"Brother Feng, sorry, I will pay attention next time."

Xiaobai moved her ears and yawned.

I played too late last night, and now I have teased so many dogs. I am already very happy and I have to go back to Daoguan to sleep.

Thinking of this, Xiaobai pressed the carriage firmly with his paw.

Huh, huh.Huh!



The lock of the car broke, the door of the carriage was pushed open, and it slammed on the hood of the car parked behind.

Regarding the slanted and destroyed car door as a downhill, Xiaobai took elegant small steps, feeling the gaze of the people around him, and tried his best to keep his two tails close, so as not to reveal the secret of the second tail.

"Brother Feng, what should I do?"


"Mother, don't go, lose money!!! Wait for the police officer to deal with it!"

People, most of them just like bluffing, and they don't have the steadiness and grace of the brother at all.

Xiaobai avoided those who wanted to hug it. It wasn't that it had no legs, it would walk by itself.

Of course, more importantly, the aura on them is very muddy and they don't like it.

After choosing the direction, Xiao Bai quickly ran away confidently.

There is a clean breath that makes her feel very comfortable, which must be the direction of Taoism.


"life jacket."




Seeing people snapping up these strange monsters from the supermarket, Wang Dazhuang took off the wig and scratched it.

Monk Zhang Er really couldn't figure it out and couldn't understand it at all.

What are they going to do?Buying these things is completely unnecessary here.

But it does look very lively, why not join in the fun.

He likes lively, the temple is too clean.

The Lingtai is bare and there is no trace of dust. Where can I experience the sense of accomplishment and happiness after cleaning?

With his agility, Wang Dazhuang snatched "life jackets, life buoys, lifeboats, large washbasins..." in the supermarket.

Anyway, if something is robbed more, he will go forward and grab it, even if it is held in his hand, he can go along.

After the checkout, the Lingtai was covered with a light layer of dust.

Wang Dazhuang looked at the receipt, raised his hand to indicate the price code on the receipt, and shouted at the entrance of the supermarket: "Three times, who wants it."

People who were just about to squeeze into the supermarket raised their hands frantically.

Wang Dazhuang randomly chooses to trade alone by himself, and the dirt has deepened.

Seeing that the money just spent on mobile banking was twice as much, Wang Dazhuang found an online channel and donated it.

The Lingtai has returned to its former cleanness and freshness.

"Big boy, are you tossing me on purpose?"

"Aren't you nonsense? What an interesting thing."

Wang Dazhuang rolled his eyes and squeezed out of the crowd. Before taking two steps, he felt a prying eye.

Turning around suspiciously, there is no one.

Look down, it's a white fox.

It looks a bit daunting, but it seems to be hidden under a thick fog and can't feel it clearly.

It has the breath of soul-devouring lotus.

The effect of his overtime work finally appeared!

"Interesting, interesting." Wang Dazhuang squatted down, looked at the white fox, smiled, "Where did you fight?"

The white fox tilted his head and made a few imaginary strokes on the ground with his tail—

Qingfeng view.

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