You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Student Jiang Shouzheng, you have changed."

"Fatty water does not flow to outsiders' fields!"

The money Jiang Shouzheng gave... ahem, the "I promise to attend the party at night" signed by Jiang Shouzheng, folded the note in half and put it in the backpack, and Chen Yuan also left.

By the way, I sent a message to Yao Qian and attached a picture of "Classmate Jiang Shouzheng and a short-haired strange girl whispering" with a smiling face.

The next thing has nothing to do with him.

Qingfeng View, in front of the main hall.

"Are you a monster?" Jiang Shou was sitting on the steps, looking at the trembling girl kneeling in front of him, and asked.

"No, it's not." The girl's face was pale, her fingers were unconsciously bent stiffly, and the "plow" on the ground slightly reinforced by mana made claw marks, but her fingers were not injured.

Standing on Jiang Shouzheng's right hand, Jiang Shouqin, who consciously "acted" as a guard to his senior brother, raised his arms with his fingers, raised his aura, pointed at the girl and shouted:

"Bold evildoer, don't report it quickly!"

Therefore, Jiang Shouzheng watched the girl gradually turn white, and then collapsed to the ground.

Jiang Shouzheng lightly stroked his forehead, read about the other party's clothing, and sent her to the straw mat behind the main hall. Then he looked at the direction of the door, then glanced at Jiang Shouqin whose legs were still trembling, and sighed:

"Jiang Shouqin, do you want to jump a thousand more today?"

No... I certainly don't want to... But according to the method taught by Sister Xiaobai, I can't deny the authority of bruising brother... I should express my non-troublesome character in the form of approval... Be cute and likable.

"Okay." Jiang Shouqin promised.

"Student Jiang Shouzheng, no physical punishment!" Yao Qian's figure appeared in front of the door without a surprise.

Jiang Shouzheng got up and bounced, so that the clothes on his body were not wrinkled.

"I'm not corporal punishment. You just heard that Jiang Shouqin is very willing. He has fully realized the weakness of his physical fitness and urgently needs special training to enhance his own quality." Seeing what Yao Qian has to say, Jiang Shouzheng smiled and asked, "The effect of the last special training should be pretty good? Would you like to join Jiang Shouqin?"

"I don't need it, my physical fitness is pretty good now." Yao Qian smiled awkwardly, shook her head again and again, and cheered Jiang Shouqin by making a fist, "Work hard! After improving your physical fitness, don't suffer the crime~"

Jiang Shouqin looked bitter...

"By the way, what are you doing here?" Jiang Shouzheng asked.

"Also... nothing." Yao Qian's eyes were a little erratic, and she looked around Qingfeng, "Yes, I just miss Xiao Bai a bit."

"Sister Yao Qian, did you call me?"

A young female voice came from behind Yao Qian, following the voice, she didn't know when a little girl in plain white was standing behind her.

Yao Qian was at a loss for a while, and then thought that Jiang Shouzheng once said that Xiao Bai was a vixen...

With her hands on her knees, she leaned over to look at the little girl with bright eyes and white teeth, and asked tentatively: "Are you Xiaobai?"

"Yeah~ I am Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai is my nickname." Jiang Shouji carried her hands on her back, stepped her feet up, and made herself look at Yao Qian. "However, I hope that sister Yao Qian can call me Jiang Shouji. An adult should have a name. However, you and I are good, you call me Xiaobai, I am not unacceptable."

A gleam of light flashed across Jiang Shouji's eyes.


So cute~

Yao Qian tentatively picked up Jiang Shouji, and couldn't help but pecked her little cheek.The first novel

"Okay, Xiaobai, you want to go out. I'll take you out to buy beautiful clothes, OK?" Yao Qian asked slightly excitedly.

"Brother~ That's okay, I want to go out too." Jiang Shouji's voice has a harmless "charm", of course, this will not have any effect on Jiang Shouzheng.

"Go." Jiang Shouzheng waved his hand again and again.

When Yao Qian "carried" Jiang Shouji to leave, Jiang Shouzheng recruited the girl again and placed it on the small square.

In the eyes of the sky, the girl's whole body exudes milky white that is not human, purple that is not demon, dark gray that is not ghost, ... but grayish blue.

What is gray blue?

While Jiang Shouzheng was still wondering, the girl who was in a coma opened her eyes without warning, her eyes turned into scarlet vertical pupils, and she looked straight at Jiang Shouzheng, grinning, and her mouth grew sharp. Fangs, pure face, gray-blue blood vessels bulged, and his voice was sharp:

"come on!"

"Being sincerely to me, you will enjoy an eternal life span!"

"You will be my eternal servant now! Running for me will be your eternal mission!"

Jiang Shouzheng felt a faint aura and power of confusion, constantly "hit" his eyes.

'This kind of power seems to be has a little paralyzing seems to be distracting...If you distract your opponent during a fight, Then this is a very good ability...I really envy it, I hope I have this ability too.'

Just when Jiang Shouzheng had this thought, a gentleman with raised cheekbones and sunken eye sockets sitting on a circus seat, with blond hair and red eyes, suddenly screamed, covered his eyes, rolled to the ground, blood flowing from his fingers. Ooze out.


Seeing this scene, Hou Lei shrugged and put down the curtains, with a frustrated expression: "It seems that we can't be friends anymore. It's a pity."

Slightly fiddled with the pendant on his right ear, the roar stopped abruptly, and it seemed to be buried.

Someone opened the curtain and looked inside, muttering "Who is practicing acting, it's really real", and then left.

The corners of Hou Lei's mouth curled up, his eyes jokingly.

"Boy! You ate my banana again!!!"

Upon hearing this sound, Hou Lei, who had a calm expression, panicked and ran away.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up, the magician was so angry that he pulled the magic wand on his waist and smashed it forward!


The magic wand was spinning continuously in the air, Hou Lei bent down, and when the magic wand was picked up by him, it was still spinning in his palm.

"Old man! Do you want me to die?" Hou Lei grabbed the magic wand and threw it to the magician.

The magic wand with pure iron heart hurts when hitting the body!

"Do you know what you are capable of?" The magician took it smoothly, letting the magic wand turn his wrist around and then inserting it back into his back. "Tonight, you starred, and I assisted."

"Me? Old..." Hou Lei pointed to his nose with a look of surprise, but seeing the magician stared, he shrank his neck, "Master, I haven't been studying for long, you just Dare to let me on stage?!"

"It's okay, this time, your assistant, my lord." The magician smiled, and the wrinkles on his face deepened. "We magicians don't make a mistake like the flying swordsman, which may kill you. Just practice more. Taiwan The last minute, the audience has worked for ten years."

"I haven't practiced for ten years." Seeing that the magician took up the magic wand and was about to hit it again, Hou Lei curled his lips and folded his hands to beg for mercy. "Master, what you always said is right! I will leave the teacher earlier, and you will use the empty girl. Up!"

The magic wand was raised high again.

"Niezha, watch and fight!"

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