My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 196 Fantasy.

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"Blood slave?"



Under the girl’s tears, Jiang Shouzheng knew for the first time that vampires really existed, and Jiang Shouqin was able to take a break.

Because of her poor high school grades, this woman was arranged by her family to go abroad.

It’s not easy to learn after changing places.

Once I went to a bar and drank a glass of wine, it became a food-like existence.

Her mind was manipulated, and her life track was clearly arranged by the vampire...

"Help me! Help me!" The girl took Jiang Shouzheng's hand, her face full of horror, she didn't dare to let go.

Jiang Shou looked serious, took out his mobile phone and called Officer Sun Lihai...

He is just a fake Taoist, fighting alone, lacking intelligence, where to find a vampire?

Deeply sympathetic, but powerless!

Otherwise, it shouldn’t be difficult for a family who can send their children abroad to give a million dollars after he settles the matter.

It's really not good. A few thousand are acceptable, and a few hundred... also do.

Reluctantly hand over his "financial resources" to professional people...

When the girl was taken away by police officer Sun Lihai, Jiang Shouqin panted exaggeratedly and leaned to Jiang Shouzheng's side. He still remembered that the senior sister said that seniors like people who are good at summarizing!

"Brother, I got my understanding from this incident!" Jiang Shouqin looked like he wanted to show.

"What realization?" Jiang Shouzheng blinked and asked strangely.

"Women can't go to the bar to drink at will!"

Jiang Shouqin thought that he had summarized it well, so that he would definitely win the favor of the seniors.

"Why don't you not go abroad?" Jiang Shouzheng asked.

"Yes, what the senior brother said is reasonable!" Jiang Shouqin didn't want to immediately agree with him. The senior sister said, what the senior brother said is correct!

Jiang Shouzheng's forehead facing Jiang Shouqin was a "chestnut".

"Oh." Jiang Shouqin asked innocently, holding his head, "Brother, why?"

"It's just a common thing. Knowing that there really is such a useless knowledge of vampires in the world, what is there to understand?!"

"However, you are credited for today! Although the method is wrong, I just added a thousand strokes, so let's jump again next time." Jiang Shouzheng brushed the damaged ground forcefully and smoothed it. "At least Luo Yao was not allowed to Our land made it worse."

"Luo Yao, brother, who is Luo Yao?"

"It's the woman who was turned into a blood slave. Didn't she just say her name?"

"It's just a person's name, why is it worth me Jiang Shouqin to write down!"

Jiang Shouzheng was silent for a while and said, "But I took it down. I am your senior."

Jiang Shouqin was taken aback for a moment, then squatted down again, raised his head to please a smile:

"Brother, there are still 987 shots left. I'd better finish the dance today. Then, just give me a little bit of senior sister's walnut dew."

Seeing Jiang Shouqin jumping happily on the ground, a faint red glow flashed through Jiang Shouzheng's eyes.

Jiang Shouqin's eyes were slightly dull, and he continued to jump mechanically and steadily, but the count in his mouth was:




One hour later, the red light in Jiang Shouzheng's eyes disappeared.

The reason why Luo Yao was able to recover was purely that the Heavenly Eye had "pulled out" the power, but when that power was mixed into the Heavenly Eye, Jiang Shouzheng felt that the diaphragm should have responded. The confusion and bloodthirsty were completely inconsistent with his state of mind. All the land is used up.

As soon as Jiang Shouqin finished yelling "9", he sat down on the ground, his cheeks twitched, and he kept slapping his calves, and said intermittently:

"Senior's limit...I only jumped 9...just a little bit of strength."

Jiang Shouqin, who thought that the brothers would not believe, heard "You are done with the dance".Qiandu Chinese Website

"Brother! You are so kind!"


Tonight’s high school third (1) class gathering, @ all members, but there are always individuals who choose not to attend for some reason...

For example, Feng Shaojun and Wan Sisi, in order to reduce "excitement" to classmates.

Getting in and out of pairs will always bring a little bit of harm to single people.

In order to let the classmates eat less dog food, the two of them chose to come to the next door in Cuckoo County tonight. There was a circus performance here, which was very beautiful.

Of course, whether it looks good or not is secondary, the important thing is who you look at.

Feng Shaojun handed the strawberry-flavored marshmallow that had just been blown out to Wan Sisi, who tore off a piece and stuffed it into Feng Shaojun's mouth.

"Hey! I don't like to eat this." Feng Shaojun said as he tore off another slice, "But in order to reduce your sugar intake, I decided to wrong myself."

Wan Sisi gave him a white look and took Feng Shaojun into the audience area quickly.

"Hurry up, don't be too slow, it will be troublesome to find a location when there are too many people."

The two found their place in front of the ticket, eating snacks while waiting for the show to start.

Trapeze, dog riding motorcycle, elephant standing pile,...

These performances watched on TV are still very shocking when they actually happen in front of you!

The audience's breath-holding, cheering, and screams are all magical and spread in the seats.

Feng Shaojun and Wan Sisi didn't bother to eat snacks, and watched the show on stage intently.

Now, it's the magic part.

The old magician took out pigeons, water bottles, pillows, watches,...

And the young magician on the side put these things back into his hat...

Those two hats are like universal bags and black holes.

As things increased, the audience's shouts almost broke through the sky, and applause sounded like thunder.

When the magicians threw their hats to the audience seats, the atmosphere reached its peak!

Feng Shaojun grabbed a hat!

It was lost by that young magician!

He put on Wan Sisi as a gift, and the two continued to enjoy the next show.

"Young Master! Is there a missing flying knife!"

"Huh? You speak louder, I can't hear you!"

A chestnut turned Feng Shaojun's gaze back to Wan Sisi.

Wan Sisi poked the phone screen, Feng Shaojun looked at it, and it said "Isn't it a flying knife?", and then glanced at the show now being performed-the clown riding a bicycle.


Without flying knives, did the program make a mistake?

However, most people did not notice this problem.

Even Feng Shaojun and his party, who discovered the problem, were puzzled and once again attracted by the performance.

A two-hour performance soon came to an end.

Feng Shaojun and Wan Sisi's complexion flushed, their voices became hoarse from shouting, and their palms were red and swollen because they didn't clap their hands...

When the two of them were about to leave and board the car back to Linjiang, a young man in circus overalls appeared in front of them, with his right hand stroking his chest and bending over to salute:

"Sorry, I'm the magician just now, can you return the hat to me?"

"I'm just such a hat, I'm playing with it, I lost it wrong."

Wan Sisi, who had planned to keep the hat as a souvenir, took off the hat and returned it to the magician reluctantly.

The magician put his hand into the hat and pulled out a bright red, dewy rose from the hat just under their eyelids.

"Sir, would you like to give this beautiful flower to the kind, elegant, angel-like lady beside you?" The magician smiled and handed the flower to Feng Shaojun.

When Feng Shaojun took the flower, the magician's pupils shrank.

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