You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Sending Wan Sisi home, Feng Shaojun had another closed door!

Why can Ke Zhenyuan walk in?

Could it be... just because that guy wants to be an air force?

Feng Shaojun went downstairs, glanced back at the direction of Wansisijia, waved to Wansisi at the window, and turned to leave.

Along the way, I tasted the comprehension of the pig who smashed other people's cabbage in the dark.

Now it's not early.

As Feng Shaojun walked, he read the news in the class group.

"It seems that everyone is having a great time today, and I have taken a lot of photos."

"Classmate Jiang Shouzheng is still the same, he still likes to sit in the corner."


Feng Shaojun was still paying attention when he first started to swipe the phone, but there was no one on the way, so he relaxed a little and put more attention on the phone.

The news in the group will soon be finished. I remembered the "Future Magician-Hou Lei" just added, and clicked on his circle of friends. In addition to the regular promotional photos, it was about Hou Lei's daily life, such as Where did the snacks taste delicious, what interesting things happened that day, and how effective the training was.

However, these contents are not too much, and they will be finished quickly. After all, Hou Lei has set "Visible for only half a year", but through these contents, Hou Lei's image in Feng Shaojun's heart has become more full-

Training hard, being kind to others, loving the collective...has the potential to become a purchasing agent.

Every time his circle of friends, he will attach the contact information of the circus, even if it is about his personal feelings...

But speaking of it, the people who took these photos have good skills, and the photos are really good-looking. He used to think that taking pictures is just pressing the shutter. During this time, he realized that taking pictures is also technical.

Taking pictures of Wan Sisi has already been rejected by her!

When you have time, ask Hou Lei how he can take good-looking photos...Huh!

So soft, is it a woman?Young life...

Feng Shaojun retreated two steps and looked awkwardly. The figure under the street lamp made him stunned--not a woman, it was Roshan.

"No... sorry."

While talking, Feng Shaojun flashed aside.

'Is this running?...It's better not to use mobile phones while walking in the future. It's a bit unsafe...Huh?Why there is no response...He runs so slowly...but he is so fat...It makes sense to run so slowly...I will definitely not in the future Be like this...It must be because I was too tired, so it doesn't matter if I didn't reply...but it doesn't make sense, there is no gasping sound when I am too tired...Weird person.'

Under Feng Shaojun's gaze and inner muttering, the "Roshan" disappeared at the corner of the street.

As soon as he got home, Feng Shaojun took the initiative to send a message to Wan Sisi and reported his safety, accompanied by a photo of a kiss.

Wan Sisi didn't reply in a second, it was probably washing.

Feng Shaojun put down his phone, went to the kitchen to find a passion fruit, plucked the pulp out, poured it into a cup, added some water and added three spoons of honey.

So sweet, just like his love.

Looking at the phone again, there is still no news, so go wash first.

But when he finished washing, he still didn't receive a response.

"It should be asleep, but why didn't she say goodnight to me?"

"Maybe I fell asleep while playing with my mobile phone, um, it must be like that."

Feng Shaojun thought he had discovered the truth, so he put on his pajamas.

Before going back to the room and going to bed, I tore up the almanac hanging on the wall by the way.

"It is not suitable to go out tomorrow. Then I have to talk to Wan Sisi and let her come to my house to play."

"But it's not good to be too direct. Let's change to a euphemistic expression. For example, I have been playing outside for a long time these days. I have been tanned. I hope I can read a book at home today. I hope she will come and accompany me. Novel


However, this is also tomorrow. The message he wants to send today is nothing more than "Good night, my dear baby, mua~".

Turn off the lights!go to bed!

Maybe in less than a minute, the light of the phone screen lit up in the room...


"You slept in my seat."


"Wan Sisi?"

Wan Niannian pushed Wan Sisi, and saw that the other party frowned slightly, and there was no sign of awakening. Maybe he was tired from watching the show, right?

Wanniannian shook his head, fell asleep in the seat that originally "belongs" to Wansisi, turned off the light, and fell asleep after a while.

'Don't come...Don't come...Help...Help!!!!mom!...Niannian you run!...Young Master, come on, I'm so scared... Young Master, go away, leave me alone... I'm not afraid of you, I'm not afraid, they are all fake... ..'

The rose in the vase gradually withered and withered.

In his sleep, Wan Sisi's brows gradually relaxed, and then he snored slightly...

'Sure enough, I didn't feel wrong, but fortunately, I am used to adding something to my props.'

Hou Lei looked at the powder in his hand, sprinkled them on the ground with his backhand, patted it, his face darkened.

'Feng Shaojun, and his little girlfriend, they are all from Linjiang, they look like ordinary people. Was the meeting with me an accident, or...warning?'

'No, it can't be an accident!The vampire was buried in the afternoon, and they were sent to me in the evening.Where would such a coincidence happen?!This is definitely a warning!'

'Although the power in their bodies will not cause me death and serious injury, it is also considerable. If I don't check it, I will still be injured!Such power cannot be planted in ordinary people for no reason.'

'The water along the river is very deep!For my own safety, don't try Linjiang anymore. I think my curiosity has been satisfied!Whoever loves to die, go, grandpa, I will not accompany you.'

Thinking of this, the hot water in the bucket was almost grounded, and I took it aside, tried to add some cold water, and tested the water temperature with my hands.

"Well, soak your feet and get a good night's sleep!"


The sun sets and rises again.

Feng Shaojun was awakened by the sound of ping-pong-pong outside the room, and his head rose a little.

'Mother is cooking again?Every day is like fighting!'

Sitting up from the bed and looking at the phone, Wan Sisi has not responded yet.

Then first send the sentence "Good morning" and invite her to play at home, and wait for her to reply.

Get out of bed, put on slippers and go out.

"Did you have any dreams last night?"

This is the daily problem of Feng Shaojun's mother.

Their family is more "exquisite" and needs to choose the lottery number according to "mother's dream + father's dream + Feng Shaojun's dream".

"I..." Feng Shaojun frowned and recalled a dream that was about to be forgotten. He suddenly recalled, "I seemed to have been having a very strange dream yesterday. My old lady kept chatting with me, as if she was saying'offend, offend', she seemed to want to catch me, but every time she touched my body, she would get white smoke... .Then the dream comes back."

"How many times did it repeat?"

"It seems... 7 or 8 times?"

"If you touch it once, it will be repeated, 1, and the number of repetitions will decrease, and it will count as 7."

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