My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 200 Who Doesn't Know Who!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!I hope it will be useful this time. Judging from the uncle’s reaction just now, my catalyst should have successfully released the "vitality" contained in the artifact... But even though it was used on the uncle, But there is still a bit of a loss. That is a magic weapon. There is only one thing in my master!...If the elder knew about it, he would definitely pick up his pipe and smash my head...

Looking at the busy traffic outside the cafe, Wang Fei's thoughts drifted all around, while his right hand was shaking the phone unconsciously to ensure that his backstage "sunshine movement" step count was continuously updated.

At the end of the semester, not only cultural subjects must be assessed, but sports must also be tested.

Normal one-kilometer running, pull-ups, long jumps, etc., as a strange man, even if he does not focus on this aspect, he is above the standard.

But like this kind of background brushing exercise time, exercise cumulative number of steps, etc., I usually don't care about it, so I have to pay close attention to it now.

"It's a pity?" Xu Liang's voice brought Wang Fei's thoughts back.

"It's nothing to be a pity. Things are just for use." Wang Fei put the phone back on the table, picked up the hot coffee, blew it, took a sip, it was bitter!

Wang Fei frowned and added all the sugar in the small bowl on the side, stirring constantly.After stirring well, take another sip, and the frowning brows unfolded.

In normal times, Wang Fei basically has no habit of drinking coffee. He is really sleepy. He either drinks tea, drinks some functional beverages, or gives himself some medicine-refreshing powder, high-speed brain powder and the like.

But Xu Liang is different. When he comes back from abroad, he has no coffee every day and he has to be freshly ground coffee. I really don’t know what to drink, except for suffering...

Thinking of this, Wang Fei added the milk from another small bowl.

"You really don’t have a soul if you drink coffee like this. You have to drink pure coffee!" Xu Liang showed disdain for Wang Fei’s performance. He pointed to the cup in front of him, slightly proud, "I want to A team of people went to kill the vampire lair, the highest sequence in it, but the vampire with the strength of the duke, three days and three nights, depended on this baby to hold it."

"The vampire didn't escape?" Wang Fei asked curiously.

"No, in order to ensure weeding and rooting, our demon hunting team specially invited a magician to set up a barrier around that old castle, and they could only enter but not exit." At this point, Xu Liang's face flushed slightly, his eyes recalled. , There is no lack of pride in the tone, "Three days and three nights! I took a machete, without any protection, killed seven in and seven out, and the eyes were all red. In the end, inside the old castle The vampire saw me and ran away! I must have been full of murderous intent and murderous intent! People and ghosts can't get close. Afterwards, I went to the church, found a bishop, and prayed in the confession room. I feel better."

'No, the eyes are red, it was staying up late.'

'Vampires seem to me to be a special kind of living corpse, no matter how much you chop, there will be no murderousness, just like killing pigs and cutting pork, there is an essential difference.'

'If you go to church to pray, it's probably because you destroyed the castle while hacking vampires. It was an excuse to avoid the authorities asking you for the cost of repairing the castle.'

Wang Fei understands Xu Liang's temperament very well, and silently complains while listening, but still smiles without interrupting.

After all, I let him come out to accompany him. In addition to "escorting" him to deliver the magic weapon, there will still be places where he needs to take action later. I must not offend him now. I will satisfy his desire to talk first.

In addition, Wang Fei is also a little curious about the "supernatural circles" abroad.

He just heard from the elders that it was quite chaotic there. He didn't know exactly what the chaos was. It happened that Xu Liang was also a talkative, and Wang Fei was also taking advantage of his free time and didn't want to study, so he had a long experience.

However, because Xu Liang spoke louder, the waiter in the coffee shop quietly stepped forward and whispered:

"Sir, can you please talk... during the game, can you not be so loud? Everyone is spending here, hoping for a quieter environment, and I hope you can understand."

Xu Liang's face stagnated, and he nodded helplessly, "Okay, I know, I'm not talking anymore. I want to talk, I'll go to the Internet cafe to talk."

Wang Fei watched Xu Liang answer so skillfully and frustrated, trying to control himself...not laughing, this is the limit.

Laugh, can't hold it at all.

Xu Liang looked at Wang Fei, curled his lips, held up the cup, touched Wang Fei, said "cheers", and went down with a mouthful, showing boldness and simplicity.

...Pure coffee.Zhuiwen Novel Network

Xu Liang probably drank too quickly, choked, bent down, pressed his forehead against the table, and coughed a few times.

But after a while, it's all right.

For the rest of the time, both of them used their mobile phones to pass the time.

Xu Liang was playing a game, but Wang Fei was still shaking his phone, watching the number of steps keep rising.


Wang Fei’s mobile phone finally received "intelligence" from the Special Office. After reading it carefully, he pushed the mobile phone to Xu Liang.

"This case doesn't seem difficult. If you ask me to cooperate, you will have to give me half of the commission fee according to the rules. It is completely unnecessary...Oh! Zixia District!" Xu Liang read it carefully. Return the phone to Wang Fei and play with it, "I said, what's so scary about Zhanyunru that woman?"

At the mention of Zhan Yunru's name, Wang Fei's expression was bitter.

Although what he likes now is Zhu Gemeng's sister, it doesn't prevent him from lingering around Wanhua. Everyone, they are all fun and ambiguous at first. Who knows that Zhanyun can come across this strange flower.

Going to his house, I actually want to cook for him!

He doesn't want to be stable!

He doesn't want to break!

Seeing Xu Liang's mouth broken, Wang Fei took out a milk candy candy paper from his pocket.

Xu Liang's expression changed, and he touched his pocket——

Ok?He just stuffed a milk candy into his mouth while coughing. He obviously put the candy paper back in his pocket. How could it be in Wang Fei's hands?!

"Huh, macho?" Wang Fei said with yin and yang strange air.

Xu Liang's face was embarrassed, his hands clasped together, he looked rather...religious.

Wang Fei hit him, and chuckled softly:

"Your uncle, worship me! I'm not dead!"

"Okay, don't waste time, get this off quickly, and we can get the commission fee."

"Supper tonight!"

Xu Liang snorted softly, believing you are a ghost!

You licked it when Jiang Shouzheng didn't send you the artifact!Let me eat all kinds of hot pot instant noodles as a brother!

Now that people give you such a big advantage, you must not take the opportunity to catch up?Don't pay more?

Xu Liang vomited. He didn't think about snacks in the evening. Instead of thinking about eating well in the evening, he had to ask the coffee shop for bags of brown sugar before leaving. Anyway, it was free.

"Waiter, give me ten bags of brown sugar."

"Sir, is this too much?"

"Then...nine bags."

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