My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 201 Fully exercise physical fitness.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In the afternoon, after writing down the contents of the two books again, Jiang Shouzheng decided to leave.

Remember, it doesn't mean you understand. If you're too greedy, you can't chew, so let's go back to Taoism and understand it slowly.

After he left, some studying girls who were sitting near him also left together, and it was time to go home for dinner.

After leaving the library, Jiang Shouzheng stopped by the noodle restaurant and found that the door was closed.

He was probably picked up.

That's good.

Let him run a store alone, let alone sell food to customers, he may not be able to figure it out.

Either with emotion or regret, Jiang Shouzheng swept the car next to him.

I wanted to look back directly, but thought that salt was quite expensive during this period, so I turned around and went to the supermarket.

Before going in, Jiang Shouzheng first made a list of items to buy in his mind.

This can greatly increase the speed at which you can buy things. Time is money, and his time is precious.

However, life always has some unexpected things happen.

For example, today’s supermarkets have been broadcasting broadcasts that make the people at home excited.

"Dear customers and friends, dear customers and friends! Today, the total merchandise in the show, the full one hundred minus 50, the full two hundred minus one hundred, the full three hundred minus one hundred and five, the more you buy, the more you reduce, There are also special offers, all at 30% off, all at 30% off, you earn when you buy! You earn when you buy!"

Repeat this way, loop playback.

Putting the wheelbarrow just pushed back, such a large object was too influential, so I rolled up my sleeves...

With crowds of people, Jiang Shouzheng displayed the "crowding bus bravely striving for the top position", wandering back and forth in the crowd like a snake, and when he got a total of one hundred goods, he put it at the cashier first, making it clear that it was his own business. Need, don’t clean up.

This kind of efficiency is much faster than carts and others...

Half an hour later, Jiang Shouzheng, who originally only wanted to buy five bags of salt, waited until he came out of the supermarket, and it was a big bag again.

With such a large discount, if you don’t buy more daily necessities, can you wait until the original price is restored?

After walking a few steps, he found that there were too many things to pick up, so Jiang Shouzheng called Jiang Shouqin and gave him a position.

After a while, Jiang Shouqin appeared in front of him, his mouth turned into an "o" shape and his face was dumbfounded.

"Brother, didn't you say that there are good things waiting for me?" Jiang Shouqin pointed to the plastic bag Jiang Shou was holding in his hand, and said bitterly, "Isn't you the one who asked me to get things?! What is a good thing? what?!"

"Isn't it good for you to exercise?" Jiang Shouzheng raised the bag in his right hand to Jiang Shouqin.

One bag, two bags, three bags...

At the beginning, Jiang Shouqin still felt relaxed, and tried to look at the contents of the bag...

"Brother, why are you buying so many chickens?"


Seven bags, eight bags, nine bags...

The fingertips of Jiang Shouqin's fingers were strangled red, and the blue veins on his neck began to bulge slightly...

"Brother, why is this bag so heavy? And why is this bag a cloth bag?"

"There are dumbbells for you, thirty pounds."

"Brother, I am a plant!!!"

"No, you are not an ordinary plant, you can become a unique plant through exercise!"


On the roof of the Yidong Building not far from Jiang Shouzheng and Jiang Shouqin, Wang Dazhuang with his head reflecting off the children's brand telescope hanging on his chest out of the roof, and a mirror at the end, adjusting the angle, and observing the scene below through the mirror. ...

"Is that the master of Taoism? Have you completely tamed the soul-devouring lotus?"

"Will it exist like you?"

"No, it should be better than you. Everyone has their own physical body, and you can only rely on my body!"

"It looks like it should be a kind person, find a lucky day to visit."

"..." Keyuan Novel

Talking about it, Wang Dazhuang felt that he was almost observing, so he didn't dare to watch more.

Some people can detect peeping through their eyes...I rely on!Head up!...I can be spotted through the mirror?!

Wang Dazhuang immediately shrank his hands with a guilty conscience, first leaned his back against the guardrail of the roof, squatted forward with his left foot and right foot, and walked a few steps forward, a little farther away from the roof, before he stood up.


The door handle on the roof began to rotate downward...

Wang Dazhuang was so frightened that his heart leaked for a while, wouldn't it? He came up so soon?!

But since I can detect my gaze, it is not unacceptable to come upstairs so quickly!

Wang Dazhuang looked around and ran towards the left.

Slightly, slightly, slightly~

An uncle in a security uniform went upstairs for inspections as usual. After all, a young man often sneaked up to an open-air barbecue. The captain found him, but his salary would be deducted!

But today...

"do not!!!"

As soon as the uncle shouted, it was too late.

Only the young man can be seen stepping on the guardrail of the rooftop, kicking forward!

The back fell, and a slipper turned in the air, as if to embrace the bright sunny day, but finally fell weakly.

The security guard swallowed, and there seemed to be an electric current in his body rushing to the surface of the skin, causing all the hairs on his arms to stand up.

Take a deep breath, step forward, and look down.

"Huh? What about people?"

On the street, people were still coming and going, no one fleeing around, and no one forming a circle.

"I read it wrong?"

The security guard heaved a sigh of relief, raised his head slightly, and his pupils shrank suddenly--

There is a young man facing the building close by, stepping on the outside of the air conditioner...


The word popped out of my mind, the security guard did not even think about it, call the police!

"You can run if you want, but don't come to my building and run!"

"Don't trouble others, isn't it the most basic quality?"

"You're dead, it's me who is in trouble!"


"Brother, what are you looking up at?"

"No...nothing. Just God Gu Deng gave me a voice message, saying that there will be a light rain in half an hour, reminding me to go back and collect my clothes."

Jiang Shouzheng retracted his gaze, a little puzzled, just... was someone "checking" him?

Forget it, this feeling is gone, so don't care.

Looking back with Jiang Shouqin, Jiang Shouzheng closed the door, ignoring Jiang Shouqin, who was sticking out his tongue and looking dying. He opened one of the bags, took out the climbing rope bought in the supermarket, and tried to pull it. It's pretty strict.

He looked up at the tree next to the quiet room, and found a branch that looked thick and in a good position.

The two ropes in the bag "jumped" up and knotted.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Jiang Shouzheng didn't respond, walked to the end of the rope, pulled it, and it became strong.

"During this period of time, you have been leaping frogs. What you exercise is your lower body strength. Now, I will prepare a rope for you to practice climbing."

"...There are two here, the other one belongs to Xiaobai?"

"No, in order to keep you fresh, you are allowed to use one and keep one."

Jiang Shouqin opened his mouth: "So... so luxurious?"

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