You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Doctor, did you really trouble you?"


"There is no end, there is no end!! Annoying! I'm just a little fatter, as for?!"


"Thank you so much, I won't say more to interfere with your inspection."


"Sure enough, it's not suitable to go out today. I didn't choose to go out anymore, but I didn't expect that when people sit at home, disaster will come from the sky."



The gear slid quickly in the fixed interval, and the hospital bed surrounded by curtains was exposed. The doctor wearing a blue mask leaned at the man in front of him.

"Mr. Luo Shi, I'm sorry to have lost your time."

The man stood up from the hospital bed, originally a slightly concave and curved bed, and groaned softly.

"Mr. Luo Shi, I suggest you suggest if you can, yes, I personally suggest that I hope you can lose weight. Your current weight is a bit exaggerated."

"I usually...have the habit of running at night."

Luo Shi's expression was not obvious because of the fat accumulation on his face, but the sadness in his eyes could not be concealed.

"This person's personality is a bit contradictory, but at least it is not a cerebral palsy after the examination. Is there a problem with the previous hospital examination? Do you want to communicate with them."

"No, it's not necessary, this is not a big deal, so let's not add to the traffic."


People who are leaning against the wall, squatting on the ground, or lying on the back of the chair are tired, anxious, or numb.

There are the crying of children, the relief of parents, and the elderly who can't cough up and slap their chests because of thick sputum in their throats...

"This is a kid."

"This is a woman."

"This is a man. Because the ring finger of his left hand is wearing a ring, it means... that he is married."

When we walked out of the hospital, the sun set westward, and the sky was rendered into a layered blush, lighter or thicker, and the plane passed by one after another...




Without a doctor's examination, Luo Shi's mind completely "relaxed" while muttering to himself.

There were tears in the corners of his eyes, his shoulders quivered slightly, and then he squatted down, howling and crying...

"Grandma! Grandma!"

His chest is suffocated, his heart is tingling, his eyes seem to be smoked by onions... He knows this feeling, this is in the "common sense" that grandma gave him, this is called-


For the first time, for the first time he could express his emotions accurately.

The illusory figure appeared beside Luo Shi, surrounded by holy white light.

It seems that I owed myself and wanted to pat the other person’s head, but when he touched the other person’s head, he retracted his hand and stood up straight--

"You shouldn't cry anymore."

"My blessing can only last for two more days. After two days, if you don't find a solution to your brain problems, you will change back to your former self."

"By the way, I would like to remind you that the'common sense' that your grandma caught in a dream after a night run is too complicated, you need to digest it, or someone will think that your personality is split. Also, once again clarify with you to solve you The mind’s approach, Qingfeng View may have, but it may have."

"If there is still no way to solve your problem, you'd better come to the hospital by yourself before your mind returns to chaos, and don't trouble others." Novel Home

"Simply say this, your grandma has rested in peace and liberated, and I have completely collected the power that was sacrificed to me, so far the two owe nothing."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure seemed to carry the skirt and spin in a circle.

......Correct!...Can't cry anymore!...Otherwise, my grandma would sacrifice her power in vain...Qingfeng View, I know this place, it is common sense provided by Feng Shaojun.

Luo Shi suppressed the sadness in his heart, wiped away his tears, and looked around. The figure had disappeared, so he could not express his gratitude.

But at this moment, a security guard in black squatted beside him, watching him try to stop crying, and handed him a pack of tissues.

"Brother, man, you have to look forward, life, there is no barrier to life....Come, get up, go two steps forward, yes, very good, don't block the door of our hospital. "

Luo Shi raised his hand and patted the opponent on the shoulder again, which would appear polite:

"Thank you!"


A short whine.

"You're welcome, hiss~"


Today, Yao Qian brought Jiang Shouji straight to the playground.

However, the carousels, ocean balls, slides, rainbow nets and the like in the amusement park are too naive.

Roller coasters, rock climbing, bungee jumping... these thrills, Jiang Shouji is limited to "age" and can't play.

Yao Qian suggested to go to the haunted house, but found that the sign of going out of business had been hung up.

After strolling around the amusement park, Jiang Shouji didn’t have a favorite item, so they made a temporary diversion to the zoo——

"Xiao Bai, stop drooling at this chicken."

Yao Qian looked around, covered Jiang Shouji's mouth, and dragged Jiang Shouji away.

...Peacocks, bean geese, white cranes, hat chickens, white pheasants, etc. Yao Qian can still understand why Jiang Shouji looks like he really wants to eat... But now they are standing there Tiger Garden.

Yao Qian squatted down and looked at the tigers in the tiger park. She was a little scared in her heart, but she was a little better looking at the fence.

"Xiaobai, why do you look greedy?" Yao Qian said, leaning closer, "He is not a chicken, he is a tiger!"

Jiang Shouji stretched out her hand and pointed at the tiger: "But, you see that it has chicken feathers on its mouth. It must have eaten chicken. If I can eat it, wouldn't I eat chicken indirectly?"

With that, Jiang Shouji swallowed again, and her belly made a slight noise.

The tiger pointed at by Jiang Shouji seemed to be offended, straightened up, and yelled at Jiang Shouji.

"Just how would you call it?!" Jiang Shouji puffed up her cheeks, "Ah!"

Yao Qian looked a little funny. Jiang Shouji looked like she was really horrible. She just wanted to say, "What's the use of your voice so low?"...

But under her gaze, the tiger's body seemed to stiffen a bit, then he knelt down on the ground, leaned sideways, exposing his belly.

Jiang Shouji pierced her waist, stared wide-eyed, looked at the tiger in the cage, and said "cruelly":

"Why are you murdering me! I didn't do anything to you?!"

This sentence seems to be beyond Tiger’s understanding...


Yao Qian supported her forehead with her right hand and couldn't bear to look straight. Fortunately, she didn't say what she said just now. She slapped her face.

But Jiang Shouji's current appearance really makes people unprepared. Who can think that she is a fox?

When the two of them strolled to the fox park, a group of foxes lying on the ground raised their ears, rushed forward, flapping their tails...

This time, Jiang Shouji barked at them, blushing and unhappy, pulling Yao Qian away.

"what happened?"

"Huh! Oh! Those guys are so annoying..."

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