You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After visiting the zoo, Yao Qian took Jiang Shouji to the nearest fried chicken shop.

Yao Qian ordered a two-person set meal. Just as soon as she arrived, Jiang Shouji solved it three times and five times, and greeted the surprised eyes of people around...

In the next hour, in order not to reveal their appetite, the two of them switched to seven fried chicken restaurants.

Hiding in the corner, Jiang Shouji ate the eighth whole chicken. She leaned back in the chair contentedly and patted her flat belly:

"So comfortable, so comfortable!"

Licking the grease on her fingers, Jiang Shouji looked at Yao Qian excitedly and said:

"Sister, the taste of these fried chicken is just like this, and it won't be fresh if you change it to another one."

"Can you take me to a soup? It can be stewed or boiled, as long as the raw material is chicken."

Watching Jiang Shouji rubbing her hands and begging to herself, Yao Qian touched Jiang Shouji's head pityingly: "Xiaobai, did classmate Jiang Shouzheng not eat for you?"

"Yes~ Senior brothers have given me a lot of food." Jiang Shouji pursed her mouth, "My meal must be divided into half and half with Junior Brother."

Speaking of this, Jiang Shouji complained a little bit: "But people are animals. Junior brothers are just plants. Isn't it all right for plants to eat soil? Why do you have to fight with others for food?"

Yao Qian's eyes felt more compassionate, and he took out a bank card from her mouth and pushed it to Jiang Shouji.

"Take it, don't tell Jiang Shouzheng, the password is six zeros."

Jiang Shouji picked up the bank card and smiled at Yao Qian: "Sister, did you give me all this?"

"It's all for you, it's all for you." Yao Qian stretched out her hand and rubbed Jiang Shouji's head. "It was too rush yesterday. This is my mother and your godmother's meeting gift for you. Let me carry it."

"Godmother is so nice, thank you sister, hehe~"

Jiang Shouji put the card back in his pocket, turned his hands and took out two hair-tying ropes, and tied them to Yao Qian's wrist.

"what is this?"

"Senior brother used to tie my hair. I remodeled it and gave it to my sister."

"What's the use?"

"For death."


Yao Qian looked at the rope on her wrist in a daze, and just wanted to ask...


A magnificent voice sounded in the fried chicken shop, everyone's movements stopped, and everything around seemed to be still.

Jiang Shouji was slightly surprised, her white hands turned into fox claws, and she looked in the direction of the sound source--

There, stood an acquaintance with folded hands and bare feet...

"Huh? Why are you?"

Speaking of it, Jiang Shouji still doesn't know the other party's name, but it is because of her ability to transform herself, thanks to the slogan he gave: "What's your name?"

"Wang Dazhuang." Wang Dazhuang sat beside Jiang Shouji and looked at her seriously, "You actually succeeded in your transformation. I think you are not three months old, right?"

"Of course not, they are still young!" Speaking of this, Jiang Shouji seemed to have thought of something, a little unhappy!

She has only been less than three months!!!

...Is it possible to transform in less than three months?!...The water of Qingfeng View is a little deeper than he looks.

Feeling the gentle breath beside him, Jiang Shouji returned his hand to its original shape, grabbed a chicken rice flower, and handed it to Wang Dazhuang.

"Come on, eat something, it's a gift~"


...Can't eat, can't have to have diarrhea if you eat it...should be pulled to the kind that can prolapse...I, Wang Dazhuang, a real man, have to bear it live!...I am also a host anyway, a person with a card.

Wang Dazhuang closed his eyes, leaned forward, took a deep sniff, opened his mouth and let out a breath...that's enough.

But he didn't expect a familiar and long-lasting smell to "explode" in his mouth.

"Guru." First Floor Novel Network

"Really, how come you have to feed me like my junior brother?"

Jiang Shouji rolled his eyes, took another popcorn, and threw it into his mouth to eat.

"Oh! No! Bah!"

Wang Dazhuang clutched his stomach, stood up and rushed to the toilet closest to him.

And after he closed the toilet door, it all returned to normal...

Yao Qian continued: "What does it mean to die for?"

"Of course it means literally." Jiang Shouji wrinkled her nose, "Anyway, sister, you just wear it, I won't harm you~"

Yao Qian nodded silently, withdrew her hand, and looked at the rope carefully.

...Looks very ordinary...but Xiaobai shouldn't lie to her...really able to die...then go home and give it to dad , I have the mana planted by Jiang Shouzheng in my body, it should not be bad.

Thinking about it, Yao Qian smelled a strange smell.



The address of Qingfengguan was provided by Feng Shaojun.

In order to avoid the mixed use of "common sense", Feng Shaojun's "common sense" is my main code of conduct!

Following the guidance of common sense, Luo Shi came to a dessert shop and walked to the chocolate shelf——

Luo Ya looked at the row of chocolates on the shelf, with a trace of entanglement and confusion in his eyes.

White chocolate, good!Dark chocolate, good!Filled chocolate, good...

You can't eat chocolate, you will get fat!

The common sense of many different people in his mind seemed to be mixed together at once, so that he had to knock his head hard as before, using pain to clarify his thoughts.

A clerk who was leading a couple to look at the chocolates hurriedly rushed forward to grab Luo Shi's arm.

The feet were lifted off the ground suddenly, and the whole person was suspended.

Luo Shi's hand dropped.

This is Chen Yuan's first day of employment at the "Tiantian Tiantian" dessert shop. He doesn't want any moths in the area he is responsible for.

According to his "professional" inference...If you can knock your head in this almost self-harming way, you will either fail to answer the question, or be broken in love... come to the dessert shop and knock your head in, you will definitely be broken in love. ..... Want to come here to buy chocolate to comfort the woman?...But such fat people will have girls...and I have nothing!

"Sir, sir, please calm down, for her, you can never give up!"

Luo Shi, whose eyes were a little confused, regained his clarity, causing the shadow that appeared behind him to escape into the void again.

"Yes, yes, you can never give up!"

Seeing Luo Shi calm down in front of him, Chen Yuan let go and stood up.

He tried to calm down his tone and asked:

"Sir, why do you want to buy chocolate?"

"Give it away!"

According to Feng Shaojun’s common sense, giving gifts requires giving chocolates.

Sweet, everyone likes it!

"Who are you going to give it to?"

"A very important person, he may affect my life!"

He seems to be a man who doesn't know anything and doesn't know what kind of preferences his girlfriend has.

Chen Yuan nodded and said, "Wait for me here," he trot away and quickly took the most expensive chocolate suit in the store.

"Sir, you want to give chocolate as a gift to a very important person, then I recommend this one, the newest and most expensive chocolate gift box in our shop."

After speaking, I added in my heart——

Of course, this is also the one I can get the most commission.

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