My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 204 Piety ≠ Heart.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Godmother, I won't eat dinner~"

"Don't worry, I can go back alone."

Jiang Shouji waved at Yao Qian and her mother, and, by the way, blinked at Yao Qian.

Yao Qian smiled knowingly...This little girl is a vixen, where can anyone trouble her?

Jiang Shouji turned around, her smile narrowed, her expression was almost gloomy, and she walked a few steps. When she turned around and saw Yao Qian's door closed, she ran away and left.

...Some things that brother can’t do, then I have to do it...if my awakened memory is not wrong, as a standard, pollution-free, and does not disturb the normal order of society The vixen, the survival rule in the world is "deceive, but do not hurt"... Sister Yao Qian, sorry... But I will try to make you not feel deceived~

Jiang Shouji ran into an alley quickly, with no one around and no monitoring, a leap, made a diving, and once landed, it turned into a body, tightening the tail!

"I'm going! What a big white dog! Oh, no, it's a fox."

Luo Shi, who had just bought chocolates, was shocked by the white fox shadow rushing out of the alley while carrying the box full of love.

But this fox is quite interesting. After running far, he actually ran back towards him and swayed around his feet.


"Go go go~"

Luo Shi waved his hand, and the white fox was not afraid at all, and continued to hang behind him.

He scratched his head in an annoyed way, thinking about it, let's continue walking, this fox should leave after a certain distance...

"Ye Cuilian, what are you doing with this fat man?" Jiang Shouji took a light step, followed Luo Shi, who trembled after a step in front of him, wondering.

"Master Jiang Shouji, this is the case. I made a deal with his grandma..." Ye Cuilian stepped out of the void, slowly telling the truth.

God Gu Deng basically doesn't care about things. Now Linjiang is the only ghost and god.

Just catch him, then use it to death, anyway...not to use it.

Ye Cuilian's work is mainly responsible for dealing with ghosts that wander in the world. Ye Cuilian has been a ghost and compared ghosts to ghosts. His methods are basically relatively gentle.

Complete the unfinished wish of ghosts in the world through divine power and send them away.

Just like Grandma Luo Shi, the most worrying thing before death was Luo Shi, who wandered around the world and refused to leave. Ye Cuilian restored him to his mind and guided him to fundamentally solve the problem.

But the brain is the place of the spirit and the abode of the soul. It can only temporarily stabilize and cannot cure it.

However, he knew that although he could only stabilize temporarily, if Jiang Shouzheng shot, he could continue to stabilize.

So Ye Cuilian "set up" Jiang Shouzheng to "just" appear in that store, and saw Luo Shi's grandma, and planted a seed of compassion in his heart.

This "coincidence" did no harm to Jiang Shouzheng, so naturally he didn't notice it.

After all, people's lives are full of coincidences, but this time the coincidence is only "arranged."

Jiang Shouji stopped, tilted her head and looked at Ye Cuilian: "You told me this, probably because you want me to tell the brother and help you speak nice things."

"Yeah." Ye Cuilian nodded.

After all, if this matter was discovered by Jiang Shouzheng himself, it would inevitably be grudged, it would be better to admit it generously.

When I first shot, there was not so much, like a little help, but after thinking about it...Gu Dengshen went on!It’s Jiang Shouzheng who arranged it myself?!

"Let me tell, it's okay." Jiang Shouji squinted and smiled, "However, you have to help me arrange a coincidence."

"no problem."

Ye Cuilian agreed without thinking.

Anyway, I can’t refuse Jiang Shouji’s request, unless I don’t want to live anymore...

After all, Jiang Shouqin is her junior.

Jiang Shouji, who received a positive reply, was very happy. In her plan, if the cooperation of the gods is added, then her plan for Yao Qian will be seamless!

And, Yao Qian will never be hated!

The most important thing is...When Yao Qian and her brother are both going to college, she is embarrassed to go to Yao Qian's house to be a good goddaughter, and go to Cengfan!

Senior brother added salt crazy to the "preparation" they made, they already knew...

The fox can die after eating it, and the lotus flower becomes dehydrated.

"By the way, what do you do if the ghost's request is excessive?"

"For example?"

"For example... let you go to Qingfeng to watch and beat my senior."

"Then I will let it fly away." Love my e-book

"You can't beat it?"

"Strategic retreat and report to Qingfengguan!"


Along the way, Luo Shi listened to the white fox behind him constantly calling, so he wouldn't look back!

A family with seven stray cats told him the "common sense" of a person——

Look at animals, they will either kill you or rely on you.

After finally walking to Qingfeng Temple, Luo Shi wiped the sweat from his forehead and placed the chocolate gift box set at the gate of Taoist Temple.

...Luo Shi, grandma said the last sentence to you, you must remember...when you come to visit, you must be pious...definitely!!!

Turn around and leave.

Jiang Shouji: "He won't go in?"

Ye Cuilian: "I don't know."

'One, two, three, four... one hundred.'

Luo Shi took small steps, took a hundred steps, turned around again, looked at Qingfeng View, one step, one kneel, and one kowtow.

This is the most religious way he can think of.


Jiang Shouzheng sensed the breath of Jiang Shouji who was hovering at the door of the Taoist temple and did not enter the temple, and then looked at Jiang Shouqin who was still hanging on the top of the rope and did not dare to come down...

"There is really no peace of mind."

"If you don't come down for me, just hang up for me! It will rain soon!"

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng leaving, Jiang Shouqin wanted to speak, but... so high!Dare not look!

Jiang Shouqin grasped the rope tighter.

Coming to the door, Jiang Shouzheng just wanted to greet Jiang Shouji, who turned into a body and lay on the threshold, when he heard a high-pitched trill:


This is the soul?

Looking along the voice, familiar meat...Bah!Very familiar person.

"Should you not be in the hospital now? No!" Jiang Shouzheng looked at Luo Shi's no longer stupid face, sensing the ghostly spirit lingering around him...

After thinking about it, Jiang Shouzheng had a trace of comprehension.

Ye Cuilian, who was hiding in the void, was caught out.

Ye Cuilian calmed down in the air, standing tall, she was a god too!

No matter what he usually does, he still wants to maintain the nobility of the gods as much as possible in front of his own "undious believers."

But when he opened his mouth--

"Master Jiang Shouzheng, how are you, have you eaten?"

"It's going to rain soon, do you want me to help you clean up your clothes in Qingfeng Temple?"


small theater

"Sir, how are you?"

"Not yet...Don't...Don't go! You can call an ambulance for me."

Looking at the blood stains on the tissues, Wang Dazhuang looked sad and murmured:

"I'm just afraid of the fox demon hurting people!"

"I just smell the chicken!"

"Who did I provoke me!"

"I don't want to be a monk, I want to pay back..."

Before he finished speaking, his stomach churned again.

"It's so good to be a monk. The Dharma cleanses people's hearts, lives with a pure heart and lacks desires, and penetrates the sufferings of the world... There is no worry about overwhelming.

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