My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 205 Little Junior Brother, No Human Rights!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"That is to say, I have to charge him to maintain the barrier in his head?" Jiang Shouzheng opened his sky eyes, curiously looking at the thin light that intertwined and wandered in Luo Shi's mind. screen.

"Yes, Master Jiang Shouzheng." Ye Cuilian looked up at the Taoist Temple at Jiang Shouqin who was still hanging on the tree, and asked in confusion, "What is the boss Jiang Shouqin doing?"

"He is..." Jiang Shouzheng glanced at Jiang Shouqin's direction and just said...

Before the word "fear of heights" was spoken, Jiang Shouqin who hung on the rope shouted:

"I'm... exercising arm strength! I'm exercising!"

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng's white eyes, Ye Cuilian nodded suddenly, as if thinking of something, a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, floating in the air.

In order to show her respect, Ye Cuilian floated a little higher, looking up at Jiang Shouqin's pale face, trembling arms, and clenched teeth, with an expression of admiration:

"It's worthy of being the boss, and still insisting on exercising even in such a strong situation, is our role model!

I decided to convene my colleagues in Linjiang to learn from the boss Jiang Shouqin!Learn this kind of swelling... Well, folk fitness program that the public likes!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Shouqin's face immediately turned red!

Thinking that he was likely to be watched by the gods of the Linjiang realm, Jiang Shouqin could imagine that the majesty he had finally built up collapsed and was trampled arbitrarily, and he could not fight back at all!

After all, the senior brother has ordered not to eat the gods and tooth sacrifices for no reason.

And as soon as he shot the spirit body, he would probably eat the opponent, and digest it cleanly as soon as he entered his stomach.

However, his Jiang Shouqin is pushing his nose to his face!

But looking at Ye Cuilian's expression of complacency, Jiang Shouqin twitched his mouth and said bitterly, "Say, what are you going to do?"

"The little god dares to ask for a lotus seed from an adult." Ye Cuilian lowered her head, stretched out her hand, and touched the water.

"You are dreaming." Jiang Shouqin's eyes twitched, and the seniors asked him to have a taste.

Lianzi, he is still thinking about how to grow a few of the same clan!

"A lotus leaf."

"Give you!"

Jiang Shouqin immediately agreed, Lotus Leaf, he could make up for it with a wave of senior mana at any time, no harm would be done.

Ye Cuilian looked at the thumb-sized lotus leaf in her hand, suppressed her instinctive desire, and floated down.

Under the control of Ye Cuilian, the lotus leaf "planted" into Luo Shi's eyebrows. Luo Shi rolled his eyes, fainted, and collapsed the chair that Jiang Shouzheng had not had time to strengthen...

"Losing money!"

Hearing the noise, hanging on the rope, Jiang Shouqin looked down and shouted.

Unfortunately, no one cares.

Jiang Shou is watching the changes in the barrier intently...

Macroscopically, the barrier has changed from colorless to green, covered with lotus leaf-like patterns.

Microscopically, it was originally round. The power structure of you touching me, I hitting you, and the ambiguous relationship are now transformed into equilateral triangles, which fit each other and become more stable...

However, something seems to be missing...

Jiang Shouzheng tapped Luo Shi's eyebrows with his fingers, filling in the missing supplies, and the "sealing glue" was completed.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang Shouzheng, and thank you, Mr. Jiang Shouqin."

After taking a look at Luo Shi, Ye Cuilian was about to leave. Of course, in order to show respect for Jiang Shouzheng, she should not hide her figure in Qingfeng Temple.

When he walked to the gate of Qingfengguan, Jiang Shouzheng asked:

"Do you have any purpose in doing this?"

For Jiang Shouzheng, the purpose of helping is not only because of the bowl of noodles that Grandma Luo Shi had before leaving, but more importantly, asking this question.

Because he provided help.

"Of course it is because of the power that Grandma Luo Shi provided to me."

"No. Your strength has not increased significantly." Jiang Shouzheng carefully looked at Ye Cuilian's body, "I hope to get a real answer."

"The real answer, I'm not afraid of adult jokes." Ye Cuilian turned to look at Jiang Shouzheng, her eyes gleaming, "I just think, don't forget how I felt when I was a human, and don't forget the emotions of sympathy, compassion, and dedication ."

After saying this, Ye Cuilian took a step back and hid in the void.

Jiang Shouzheng's eyes showed thoughts.

He got the "fruit", unexpectedly and logically.

"Ah~ He lied to me!"

Jiang Shouji turned back into a human form, a little uncomfortable, "When she told me, she said it was for strength!" The first Chinese website

Jiang Shouzheng lowered his head, looked at Jiang Shouji, and smiled:

"Then certain foxes recognize their godmother, why don't I know?"

Jiang Shouji smiled awkwardly, and quickly turned off the subject, and took out a bank card from her pocket:

"Brother, Sister Yao Qian gave me a bank card. I shirk and refused in every possible way. She just won't take it back! I have no choice but to take it back and give you a decision."

"Oh? So firm!" Jiang Shouzheng picked up the bank card, looked at it, and asked, "What about the password?"

"Password...password, password..." Jiang Shouji walked back and forth on the ground a little anxiously, even anxious enough to pull under the rope that Jiang Shouqin was still hanging, swaying constantly, with more and more amplitude Bigger...

"Help, help..." Jiang Shouqin couldn't help it, and shouted.

However, Jiang Shouzheng did not respond at all. He looked straight at Jiang Shouji with a smile on his lips: "What's wrong? Don't want to tell me the password? Want to use your junior to divert my attention?"

Jiang Shouji continued to sway the rope, shook her head with a serious and aggrieved expression: "Brother, no, I can be anxious now, but I can't remember it, I am using this way to wake up my hidden The password in your head!"

Jiang Shouji's expression does not seem to be fake, but... she is a fox!

Jiang Shouzheng laughed and said, "Are you willing to make your younger brother so miserable?"

Hearing that someone cared about him finally, Jiang Shouqin desperately shouted, "Brother, brother, I love you, let me down."

Watching Jiang Shouqin really looked terrified, Jiang Shouzheng waved to let him land steadily.

As soon as she landed, Jiang Shouji collapsed to the ground, motionless.

Jiang Shouji trot forward and kicked Jiang Shouqin's calf: "Brother, look, he didn't start to pee on his pants, which means he was not frightened at all."

"Senior Sister...I don't sweat, even if I shed tears, I immediately agglomerated, how can I pee?" Jiang Shouqin didn't dare to let Jiang Shouji go on, and immediately prove himself innocent!

If the brother sends him up again, it will be really fun.

"Okay, don't make a fuss." Jiang Shouzheng asked, playing with the bank card, "What is the password?"



"Oh! Six zeros...I remember." Jiang Shouji patted his head with surprise on his face.

Throwing the bank card into Jiang Shouqin's pocket, Jiang Shouzheng ordered: "Tomorrow, transfer the money in the bank card to your bank card and return it to Yao Qian."

Jiang Shouqin felt the... murderous intent emanating from Senior Sister's body, this murderous intent was more intense than when he controlled her to play on her mobile phone!

"Brother, I can go now!" Jiang Shouqin didn't want to stay in Qingfengguan for a moment. Both senior brother and senior sister are demons!

They completely use themselves as a buffer for the "clash"!

Little brother, there is no human rights!

"It's not convenient to go out now, you forgot, it will rain soon?" Jiang Shouzheng said.

"Brother, it's okay for me. I am a plant and I am not afraid of rain." Jiang Shouqin slid up and patted his chest.

"But, the rain coming later is...acid rain."

"I think it would be nice to go tomorrow." Watching Jiang Shouzheng walking towards the quiet room, Jiang Shouqin glanced at the senior sister, smiled awkwardly, and immediately followed.

"Jiang Shouji, send the guests to the main hall. By the way, fix the chair that has just been crushed."

This is Jiang Shouzheng's punishment for Jiang Shouji's indiscriminate causality with others.

small theater

...I want to be rich...I want to be idler...I want bungee jumping...I want bungee jumping...I want Put a toothbrush into the landlord’s nostrils and let him increase his rent...I want a girlfriend...

In his mind, many "common sense", "dreams", "desires" and so on are intertwined in Luo Ya's mind.

However, none of his own and deep thoughts seem to be these.

Those are other people's.

He, Luo Shi, don't live according to other people's ideas!

When he opened his eyes, the first clear thought was--

"I want to be thin!"

The second thought, why does one's lying place move up and down?

Turning to his side, Luo Shi rolled to the ground with a cry of "Oh!"

He saw that the place where he had just lay down was a wooden board, and under the wooden board, a young and beautiful little head protruded.

"Hi~ my load."

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