My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 207 Qingfeng View Fantasy Travel Notes.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!#I have guests temporarily, what should I do?#

This is a common problem that Jiang Shouji faced after hiding the "stock trading" simulator interface and Jiang Shouqin cleared the background data of the mobile phone.

However, the two of them looked at each other and knew that they could not contact the brother for the time being!

The data has not been processed yet!

If the brother rushed back, they did not restore the things that should be dealt with to the "original state", then they would have to be punished again!

You have to find a way to stabilize them, and you can't let them contact the brother!


#In the face of two transformation bosses, what should I do?#

In order to live up to Xu's father's request, Xu Liang was urged to visit Jiang Shouzheng with him. Before Wang Fei came, he had already passed the anger with Xu Liang——

It is very likely that Qingfengguan will have two transformation bosses!

This news, to Xu Liang, who worships power, is tantamount to the meaning of carrion to vultures.

[go!go with!Visit now!Immediately!]

And to ensure that Xu Liang will not be too young because of the big guys, Wang Fei also specially provided photos of Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji...

As soon as the Taoist Temple opened, Wang Fei and Xu Liang froze at the door.


The transformation boss will be responsible for opening the door!

This is something they two never expected.

What makes them even worse is that the big guys don't know the reason, and their eyes are full of malice.


A strong sense of danger came, and before Wang Fei and Xu Liang had time to respond, they had a pain in their necks and fainted.

"Quickly, put away their phones!"

"By the way, don't those two ropes need to be put away? They are tied!"

Jiang Shouji looked outside the door, and there was no one, so he dragged Wang Fei and Xu Liang to the Taoist temple and closed the door.

"Sister Xiaobai, do you kill the knot?" Jiang Shouqin gestured a few times

"No, just go around a few more times and tie a bow. This person should be Wang Fei. We have reached a consensus with them not to find a senior, and we can let them go!"



"It hurts..."

Xu Liang's physical fitness is higher than that of Wang Fei. He woke up first, opened his eyes in a daze, wanted to move but couldn't move.

Looking down, are you wrapped up in zongzi?

I looked around and recalled the memories before fainting——

...The transformation boss Jiang Shouji did something to him and Wang Fei for some reason...moving fast, she couldn't react at all, so she was knocked down... The vampire who is good at speed is just a baby in front of her... The old man is doing his best, maybe better than her... But why?He obviously didn't do anything?!

"Wake up?" A crisp voice sounded beside Xu Liang.

Xu Liang turned his head and looked at Jiang Shouji.

"Jiang Shouji...sir, may I ask, why?" Xu Liang asked dryly.

"You know me?"

"Wang Fei told me."

"It's like this, me, there is no malice, as long as you all agree to my request..."

Jiang Shouji sat cross-legged on the ground, whispering her own request and reason...

After talking about what she thought in her heart, Jiang Shouji had a sincere gaze. He took a prepared "prop" stone from the ground, held it in her palm, put a pinch of force, spread her hand, her palm was already fine sand, and the wind blew, drift:

"I have told you frankly, I hope you can cooperate."


Xu Liang can also achieve this kind of power effect, but it is definitely not so easy.

"Cooperate! Cooperate! Absolutely cooperate." Xu Liang nodded like garlic.

"Um... it hurts..."

Wang Fei also woke up.

......... Nuwa Book Library

"Thank you so much for your cooperation!"

Jiang Shouji folded her hands together and looked grateful.

Wang Fei and Xu Liang, who were rubbing their necks, shook their heads: "It should be, it should be."

Wang Fei handed over the greeting card again, and Jiang Shouji took it and put it in his pocket.

This greeting note is for brother, so he will show it to him when he comes back.

"Then let's go first?!" Wang Fei asked tentatively.

"No, no, no! According to your brother's teachings, you are guests, so you have to eat and drink before leaving!" Jiang Shouqin carried his hoe with a sincere expression.

"No need, no need to be so troublesome!" Wang Fei and Xu Liang waved their hands again and again...This place, without Jiang Shou, would dare to stay?!

Just for a phone call, I knocked them out!

Too random!

However, seeing their sleeves being caught by Jiang Shouji, they didn't dare to go on...

Wang Fei and Wang Fei were led to sit down at the table in the main hall. Jiang Shouji instructed Jiang Shouqin to take care of the guests and went to the kitchen.

The two siblings had finished the lunch Jiang Shouzheng had prepared, and there were no snacks and extra cooked food in Qingfengguan. Jiang Shouji opened the pickles that Jiang Shouzheng was still pickling, and picked out two full stacks. ...

I tried to eat a small slice, and the taste was still good under the treatment of the mana of the senior, but it was too salty.

Bah baah baah.

I poured two more bowls of Qingfeng Shui backed up by Jiang Shouqin, and it was almost done.

Just be polite and meaningful.

If the other party doesn't eat, she has reason to throw away the two stacks!

Anyway, brother is already marinating normal meat, this pickle or something, just don't need it!


A stack of pickles (with obvious grains of salt), a bowl of water (don’t know what you’ve added to turn green).

This is a hospitality configuration that Wang Fei has never seen before.

He looked up and looked at Jiang Shouji helplessly, but what was greeted was the sincerity of the other side.

Picking up the chopsticks and looking at Xu Liang, Wang Fei took the lead and put a piece of pickled vegetables in his mouth, his expression instantly distorted...

So salty!!!

Jiang Shouji pursed her lips in embarrassment, expecting:

"Isn't it delicious? Then throw it away!"

"No!" Wang Fei chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed hard, "I will never disappoint your kindness!"

... Damn!Spirit meal!...It's just a bit salty, and there is nothing else to be faulty about...Look, isn't this the water distribution?...Guru Guru, Lingshui?!

Xu Liang looked at Wang Fei, who was gobbled up with pain on his face, and began to try, and then became like Wang Fei.

Jiang Shouqin watched this scene and pulled Jiang Shouji back, whispering:

"Sister Xiaobai, how can they eat it so salty?"

Pickles, Jiang Shouqin also tried it, delicious is delicious...

"I don't know, maybe it's... polite?" Jiang Shouji didn't know why, so he had to respond.

Two stacks full of pickles were quickly eaten.

Jiang Shouji asked in a cold voice, "Do you want more?"

Wang Fei: "Is it really possible?"

Xu Liang: "Okay!"

The voices of both were hoarse and sounded a bit big tongue.

"of course can."

Someone is willing to deal with pickles, Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin are eager.

Jiang Shouji went back to the kitchen and took out the jar directly...

"How much you want to eat, grab it yourself!"


small theater

Xu Liang: "I feel my stomach is burning!"

Wang Fei: "Don't talk nonsense, practice, digest the spiritual energy inside, let's go to the stomach lavage!"

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