My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 208 Spiritual

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The sun is rising and setting again, and the road is already blocked.

At this time, four wheels are not as good as two wheels, so you can overtake by bike.

Shutting through the gaps in the workshop, Jiang Shouzheng counted the days. He will get his college entrance examination results in about, maybe ten days, right?

Without going to school during this time, the days are a little unclear.

Just in time, the red light came, and Jiang Shou was braking, preparing to count a day, and there was a car behind him beeping constantly.

Moving aside, a small red-painted car drove to his seat just now, stopped, the window of the passenger seat was rolled down, and the woman sitting in the passenger seat raised her middle finger to Jiang Shouzheng:

"It's in the way, I don't know!"

"no quality!"

"Poor ghost!"

Before Jiang Shouzheng could figure out what was going on, the car windows shook up again.

The body trembles, the throttle is roaring...

A sharp whistle sounded, and a traffic policeman who didn't know where he was hitting, slammed on the window of the passenger seat.

"Go, have you modified it!"

This time, the window did not roll down.

The next moment, the car seemed to rush forward, and the traffic police subconsciously grabbed the doorknob.


The four wheels of the car frantically rubbed against the ground, sparks of fire came out, a smell of rubber came out, and smoke came out of the tires.

However, no matter how fast the wheels turn, the body will not move...


Four tires burst open one after another.

"come out!"

Three more traffic policemen came, one of them arrested the driver, and the woman in the co-pilot got off the car, shouting "Hit someone", while she was about to scratch——

"Madam! Warning once!"

"Madam, calm down, and now warn you for the second time!"

"Madam, I warn you for the third time, I am going to take enforcement measures!"

While retreating, persuade.

Seeing to no avail, the traffic policeman who had just grabbed the doorknob pulled out the swing stick that was pinned to his waist. Maybe he thought it was a bit cruel. He threw it on the ground and took out the "chili water" from a pocket.

When the woman covered her eyes and shouted "Help! My eyes! I can't see it!", she waited.

As a passerby watching for a while, Jiang Shouzheng continued on his bicycle after the next green light...

Behind him, the crowd was whispering--

"I'm going! Did you just see it?"

"I've seen a burnt tire. It burned before and after. It's really fresh."

"Interesting, there are law enforcement recorders now, do they really dare to make mistakes?"

On the next road, there were no accidents.

Stopping at the intersection, Jiang Shouzheng locked the car and walked back to watch.

Today, I didn't see Ge Zhu who was being followed by a group of chickens. There was no chatting to delay time, so I looked back quickly.

Inside the view, under the shade.

A white fox covered with snow sits upright, swinging its tail, and tilting its head...

If its eyes are not the smoked chicken or duck hanging under the poplar tree, the picture is absolutely beautiful.

"Brother, you are back~"

The white fox got up and rushed towards Jiang Shouzheng. When it was about to pounce on his arms, it had already become a little girl.

Jiang Shouzheng calmly turned sideways and avoided.

"You look like a girl now, pay attention to your image." Jiang Shouzheng warned, and he was about to walk to the hall.

Jiang Shouji stopped in front of Jiang Shouzheng, looked up at Jiang Shouzheng, opened her arms: "Brother~ I just want a hug~"

With a sweet voice, Jiang Shouji was about to hug it as she watched.

It's a pity... Jiang Shouzheng doesn't take this set.

Jiang Shouji's hand passed through Jiang Shouzheng's afterimage, and Jiang Shouzheng himself followed his breath and found Jiang Shouqin in the kitchen.

I happened to see that Jiang Shouqin was holding the jar of pickled vegetables and seemed to be considering how to move the seat upright.

"Hi, brother, good afternoon...ah!" Jiang Shouqin held the jar and raised his hand to say hello. The jar fell. Fortunately, Jiang Shouzheng caught it with his mind, otherwise it would be broken.

...Weird, how come it feels a little light?

Jiang Shouzheng took a few steps forward, opened the jar, and it was empty.

"Where's pickles?" Jiang Shouzheng's voice didn't fluctuate.

"Eat by... a guest."

Although it was the truth, Jiang Shouqin was subconsciously guilty under Jiang Shouzheng's gaze.Gougou Novel Network

This mentality is like a child secretly taking the medicine separately, trying to hide the secret, but being caught by the parent!

"Brother, it was really eaten by the guests!" Jiang Shouji chased him up, took out a greeting note from his pocket, and handed it to Jiang Shouzheng, "They are Xu Liang and Wang Fei. They come to visit you in Guanli. , Junior Brother and I had nothing to greet them, so we had to take out pickles and Qingfeng Shui."

Jiang Shouqin nodded in approval.

Under Jiang Shouzheng's suspicious gaze, the real fox Jiang Shouji still held the greeting letter and said hurriedly:

"Senior brother, don't you look at people like that!"

"They eat very happily by themselves!"

"Xiaohun, aren't you videotaping! Hurry up and show it to the brother."

After receiving Jiang Shouqin’s mobile phone, Jiang Shouzheng clicked on the video——



[good to eat!Can you still clip it!......Thank you!]

[Wang Fei, don't fight with me!]

[This is so delicious!]

Watching Wang Fei and Xu Liang flying chopsticks, picking pickles and clear fengshui, Jiang Shouzheng was silent.

... is actually true?!...Are they not salty?...I added at least seven sachets of salt to the jar, and they even drank the salt water in the end, still looking satisfied?...People in Kyoto, are they so heavy?

"Okay, count you honest." Jiang Shouzheng returned the phone to Jiang Shouqin, took the greeting card from Jiang Shouji, and opened it—

[Dear Qingfeng Viewer Jiang Shouzheng:


I hope to visit you when you are free.

You can scan the QR code under the greeting card and choose a time when you are free. I will come home on time.

——Wang Fei, who is late in school, enthusiastic, kind, and handsome without yours.]

"Really, where are the QR codes?"

Jiang Shouzheng murmured, scanned it with his mobile phone, and chose the interval between 9:00-11:00 tomorrow morning.


Inside the bathroom.

"Guru Guru Guru..."

Holding a bucket of water, Wang Fei poured it desperately, his abdomen bulged obviously, and then he received Xu Liang's punch.


Under the light, there was a rainbow in the mist.

The solid residue that can be vomited has already been vomited...

"How about, are you going to the hospital?"

"If you don't go or not, it's about time."

Wang Fei waved his hand, looking weak, but his complexion was quite good.

"It's too expensive to go to the hospital for gastric lavage. It's a good deal to save a little money and bring Jiang Shouzheng to Kyoto."

"Yeah." Xu Liang acknowledged this deeply. "We are all spiritual practitioners, and we get used to it occasionally."

...Xu Liang, you have changed. You weren't like this before.

Wang Feigang wanted to vomit, and the bracelet vibrated to remind him of a short message——

[Jiang Shouzheng: 9:00-11:00 tomorrow morning.]

Xu Liang saw the news and quickly changed into pajamas.

Wang Fei asked strangely: "What are you doing?"

"Sleep, use the fullest mental state to deal with Jiang Shouzheng." Xu Liang said excitedly.

Wang Fei looked at the sky that hadn't darkened, and said helplessly: "No need, I'm not so excited!"

"You are stupid!" Xu Liang said in a ghostly voice, "Jiang Shouzheng told us to go at 9:00, we can arrive at four or five o'clock, and wait for Qingfengguan to open the door. A jar of pickles is a spiritual meal, so you don't want to try it. Try their breakfast?"

Wang Fei froze for a moment, yawned heavily, and rubbed his eyes:

"Speaking of which, I am also a little sleepy. I go to sleep."


small theater


"Pure gold?"

"No, no, I won't sell it! I won't sell it for much money!"

Wang Qiang took the trophy back from the owner of the gold shop, said apologetically, and left in a hurry.


Listening to the complaint of the shopkeeper behind him, Wang Qiang smiled bitterly, but did not look back.

...Yao Genmin clearly said that it is gilded...Pure gold, how dare I ask...This is a mistake. Even if I lack money, I can't make a mistake. ...Return it in person, surely not, then...send it back.

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