My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 210 Our common night.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Lin Ru drank his own Qingfeng Shui, ending a day of exhaustion.

After receiving today’s partnership share, carefully put it in the pocket, zip it up, and make sure that the money will not fall, he said to Luo Shi:

"Boss Luo, I'm going to the barbecue stall to work part-time~"

Luo Shi waved his hand and smiled, the flesh on his face squeezed together, in a joking tone:

"Go go, boss Lin, don't work too hard."

"No, I drink a little fresh feng shui every day. I feel that my physical fitness is getting better and better." Lin Ru licked his hair and stuck out his tongue playfully.

Watching Lin Ru's figure go away, Luo Shi also flipped the "Welcome" sign at the door——

"Closing of business".

The business of the noodle shop mainly depends on the scholars in the library.

According to the law, not many people go to the library at night, and even fewer people come to eat in the store.

According to the business situation of his grandma when she was still alive, Luo Shi would consider continuing to operate.

According to existing common sense, with a little more money, life will be more resistant to risks.


Luo Shi looked at the iron bucket with the "herbal tea" attached, and couldn't help showing a grateful look in his eyes.

This "product" has attracted a large number of customers!

Therefore, there is now one more menu in the store——

The beef noodle herbal tea set is limited to 100 servings at noon and 100 servings at night.

If you want to drink herbal tea, you must pair it with beef noodles!

Bundled sale, love to drink or not!

So now the daily turnover is five or six times what it used to be!

He wanted to divide the profit of the beef noodles, but the boss Jiang Shouqin firmly disagreed, so he had to give up.

Turn sideways and squeeze into the kitchen.

Two hours later, I was sweating profusely.

In addition to reducing the fire in the casserole of simmering chicken soup, the hygiene of the kitchen is improved.

Take off the clothes, wipe off the sweat, put on gloves, and carefully uncover the casserole to reveal a seam.

The fragrance overflows.

The saliva in his mouth became abundant, and he resisted the urge to take a bite.

Luo Shi knew that if he tasted a bite, it would be endless.

This is for filial piety to Sister Jiang Shouji!I can't move myself.

Cover the casserole and Luo Ya squeezes out the kitchen.

He's going to wash clothes--

When you exercise, you will sweat. When you sweat, you have to change your clothes.

Most people will find it troublesome, but Luo Shi will not.

He is fat and sweats without exercise.

Put the washing powder in the basin, stir, foam, set the washboard, and wash one by one...

Because the clothes are changed today and washed the same day, there is nothing dirty or dirty.

After a while, it's almost there.

Wring out and place in another clean basin.

It's all sweat again, but it's okay to wear only one pants, just wipe the sweat, no need to wash one.

Get up, wrap a piece of cloth, tie it in a knot.

The drying racks in the store were assembled and placed outside the door, and then the clothes in the basin were hung one by one.

This drying rack cannot be placed at the door arbitrarily to affect the appearance of the city.

Only put it aside at night.

But this is enough. Now, clothes are hung out all night, and they are dry in the morning.

Like his collection at three or four in the morning, it may be a bit damp, but this is a minor problem. You can wear it with an electric wind.

Everything was cleaned up, Luo Shi closed the door, turned off the fire under the casserole, turned off the gas, took a shower, wiped his body...

Everything is done, so go to sleep.Butterfly Man Novel Network

Turning off the light, lying back on the bed, Luo Shi opened his eyes in the dark and smiled relaxedly:

"Grandma, thank you for giving me this common sense."

"I will make good use of it, and I will study hard."

"I will live a good life as you think."

"I will find you a grand-daughter-in-law and give birth to you, no, two great-grandchildren..."

As he said, Luo Shi's voice lowered, and then there was a rhythmic snoring.




On the hillside, the graves are bound up, and the phosphorous fires a little.

"The third one. It seems to have similar techniques. It should belong to the same organization. Who will it be?"

"Heaven? Those guys are gods who are bullying and bullying. The staff is messy. The members speak according to their fists. Although they are a team, they emphasize independence. In my opinion, they belong to the unconvinced after the defeat. They have the same temperament as Xu Liang, simple and cute. They use their power mainly by themselves, and rarely use external forces, so that most of the members are monsters, and some are naturally awakened."

"There is basically no way to teach their abilities unless they rely on the power of blood. These three places are a little far apart, and they don't seem to be made by a'family'. Think about it this way, it should not be Heaven."

"Netherworld? Well, this is a possibility. Those guys still have some sort of screening for personnel. They have mostly yin attributes, their techniques are yawning, and their whereabouts are more secretive than heaven. However, their boss Jiang Xiaoshi is naturally raised and doesn't like manual labor. The nurturing guy, even in the underworld, this craft is forbidden! He will think he is offended! Cremation is still strongly promoted by this guy.

"Think of it this way, the underworld is unlikely."

"Bingxue Pavilion? Their core members should have mastered this knowledge, but most of them have gone hiking and swimming in the Antarctic. It shouldn't be... Wanjianmen? Now the focus is on developing traditional immortals. On the Xia Page Tour, even if you will, you should have no time and energy to do your right work... Listen to Yuxuan? This is a bit possible. Their philosophy is'close to nature, everything can be used', and corpses are part of nature... ..."

Xu Nian counted the strange people organizations he knew while restoring the cemetery, leaving a "present" as usual.

His inventory at the moment is more like a memory...

These days, he pursued the breath of Shangqingmen, deliberately not counting the days.

Counting days is not a bad habit, especially in the Shangqingmen, it will be "fatal". You have to adjust your time view before you enter it now.

"I don't know Xu, no, I just thought about him, now I can't think about it anymore, I can only think about it once a day, once is enough."


"Wang Fei, are you asleep?"

"I...woke up."

"...Ah, so...what to do! There are still five hours before four o'clock! I can't sleep at all now."

Inside the house, there was silence for a while.

Wang Fei leaned sideways, moving towards Xu Liang's bed, and said tentatively:

"Or, let's go out for a stroll and come back to sleep when we get tired?"

Xu Liang thought for a while, turned on the bedside lamp, and sat up:

"I think your proposal is pretty good!"

The two got up and changed their clothes.

When you go outside, you have to pay attention to the place.

In five hours, I will visit Qingfeng Temple, and there are still many places I cannot go.

Bar, with alcohol;

Internet cafes smell of smoke;

At the clubhouse, there is no way to have a full mental state...Playing billiards, bowling, playing cards...Which one can't stop when you get started?

watch movie?Go to the supermarket?...They are two great lords!

After thinking about it, set the tune--

Go skewer!


small theater

"I reflect, I review, I reflect...Why didn't I spit out that piece of meat when I was so strong?"

"I definitely didn't want to vomit at the time! It's not because of anything else, you can't blame others, oh, don't be a monster!"

"After reflection, I promise, I am absolutely, I am sure... will not eat meat anymore!"

"Eating meat again, I swear, I wish I will never return to the vulgarity! Being a monk is no longer a duty to fulfill my job!"

Wang Dazhuang looked at the mirror and compared a "V"...

"It's old fashioned, this is the most popular swear gesture right now!"

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