My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 211 If people don't know, the ending is good or bad.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Table 7."


"The number 15 table."


"Table 6."


The savory lamb skewers, the more crystal clear lamb hooves...

The fireworks hovered and floated, arousing people's purest appetite, sprinkle a handful of cumin, brush a handful of hot sauce...

The cold beer is lifted high, bumping, shouting, and laughing, the splashing foam reflects the friendship that puts down the disguise.

This is Lin Ru's last day of part-time job, because he has a better job, because he has to wait for someone to take over her job.

Since her eyes can see the world clearly, she has seen too much kindness and realized too much moving.

The wrinkles on the faces of her parents are sculptures of the years, enveloping the love for her;

Jiang Shouqin's exaggerated actions and scornful words are bold but cautious;

God Guden is sacred, but he can provide appropriate help at a critical moment. Look...He visited a small stall with poor business today.

"Hahaha, boss, I ate the skewers favored by the gods, give me free!"

Diners who were still lingering and wondering which one to choose, rushed past.

Popularity is booming.

The only thing she regretted was that she never saw the man that night, the man who only ordered vegetables.

He is very clean.

It is pure and clean like crystal.

Whenever she passed by him, she would be throbbed and immersed in peace.

This is a contradictory feeling, but it is extremely coordinated.

Handsome, she hasn't seen it since she recovered her eyesight.

Videos, posters, variety shows...

But it can leave a deep impression on her that can't be erased, only three——

Jiang Shouzheng's flawless, Jiang Shouqin's ruffian, and that man's clean.

The first two have the power to transcend the mortal, so that she can't bear the "blasphemy" mind.

"If he doesn't come today, then I will probably never see him again."

Lin Ru squeezed the love letter in his pocket, feeling a little nervous.

The blemishes are repaired, and the once suppressed emotions need a catharsis.

She imagined that as a normal girl, she mustered up the courage to confide in her heart-beating men.

Even if that love letter is lost or torn off.

At least, I will not leave regrets for my feelings.

It's my business to like you, even if you don't like me.


"Come on!"

"The god of skewers must be blessed!"

A glimmer of joy flashed in Lin Ru's eyes, and she stepped forward to record the other party's needs. When reporting to the boss, she "privately" ordered a special skewers-"disguise".

Disguise, make the meat look like a vegetarian dish, so that diners can take pictures and send them to friends.

Of course, she paid out the money for the skewers.

After serving the dishes, blushing and handing over the pink envelope, he hid aside and looked forward to watching the man take a bite of "disguise"...


"Have you counted?"


"Which one to choose?"

"do not know."

Wang Qiang and Xu Liang, from the street to the end, have ordered the pure skewers stall.

The only thing that makes them a little entangled now is that they don't know how to choose.

Daily tangles.

Smelling the scent of meat intertwined in the air but in harmony with each other, Xu Liang felt that he urgently needed to make a choice.

He is a warrior and needs to supplement "protein" to synthesize his own muscles!

This street, there are a lot of proteins waiting for his luck!

Think quickly, eat quickly, and go to sleep after eating.

Just between the two of them thinking...

"I go?"

"Enemy attack? In such a crowded place?"

A frantic aura suddenly rose in front of him, coming in the direction of both of them.

Xu Liang didn't even think about it. He pushed Wang Fei aside with skillful strength, and also raised his aura, and shot at the white shadow that came forward.

"Entangled!" Huaxia Library


Before he could react, Xu Liang's body was pushed away, but fortunately, the opponent accidentally hurt him.

He rolled a few times in the air and landed steadily.

"I was pushed away so easily?"

"Linjiang not only has the view of Qingfeng, but there are also big people in the market!"

Around, it became quiet.

Xu Liang's face changed. In order not to expose his "differentness", he took out a plastic QR code from his pocket.

"Those who have the money hold a money market, and those who don't have money hold one."

"Do not miss passing through."

The quiet atmosphere was broken by Wang Fei's first applause, "Okay!"

'So... it's a performance.'

With Wang Fei's start, there were sparse "applauds" around him.

Xu Liang yelled a few more words, and the onlookers immediately dispersed again.

It’s free and crowded.

If you charge a fee, then stop.

"Isn't hurt." Wang Fei walked to Xu Liang's side and asked concerned.

"No, the other party is not malicious." Xu Liang shook his head.

"That's good."

This short match.

Start without warning, end without warning.

Wang Fei pointed to the position where the "Baiying" got up, Nunu said, "Let's go over there and settle that person's account. It is a good fate."

"It's up to you, I have no money anyway." Xu Liang agreed indifferently.

Wang Fei is very good at being a man, even if the other party may not know, he will take the initiative to do it.


View of Qingfeng, with lights on in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion

"Brother, when can I eat those smoked chickens?"

"Brother, what clothes do you think I wear better?"


No matter how Jiang Shouji was talking about him, Jiang Shouzheng checked the folders in the computer without changing his face.

"Jiang Shouji, you can't interfere with me in this way."

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at Jiang Shouji who was pulling his sleeve. Jiang Shouji lightly "hummed" and let go.

"People didn't interfere with you~" Jiang Shouji looked very unhappy, "You can't look at people with a discriminatory perspective just because I am a fox, they will be unhappy."

Jiang Shouzheng ignored it, and continued to open folder after folder...

"Yes, no game download."

With Jiang Shouzheng's affirmation, Jiang Shouji quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The part of the game is hidden... In order to be more secure, she opened two users on one computer.

Now Jiang Shouzheng is checking her "secure account", so naturally there is nothing wrong with it.

"Jiang Shouqin."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Shouqin handed the phone forward. Compared to Sister Xiaobai, his phone was more refreshing.

Before the brother came back, he had already checked the phone.

Anyway, the APP re-downloaded and came back quickly, the big deal is to use a small program...

Jiang Shouzheng, who couldn't detect anything, felt like he was being teased.

"They must have a guilty conscience, otherwise they won't have such a reaction. But I checked, there is nothing wrong, what should I do?"

Jiang Shouzheng swiped the phone screen unconsciously to switch the page back and forth.

After thinking about it, he had inspiration, opened the sky eye, and tried to simulate the power as the hallucinogenic effect of vampire pupil...

After 1 minute of trying, it should work.

Jiang Shouzheng said to Jiang Shouqin:

"Look into my eyes. Tell me, did you play on your phone more than the prescribed time today?"

Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouzheng glanced at each other, and said generously, "No nonsense, of course."


small theater

"Sister Xiaobai, do you know? I just checked the balance of my mobile phone bill. Do you know how much it is?"

"How many?"

"A few hundred thirty thousand short"




Ps1. Thanks to the book friend for the 200 rewards.

Ps2. At the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket.

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