My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 217 Under the Lightning.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"This weather was caused by Gu Yu?"

Looking at the spherical lightning hanging high in the air outside the window, Jiang Shouzheng opened his eyes. Under his gaze, he could clearly see that God Gu Deng stood directly above the spherical lightning, and his whole sky was floating with strange-looking gods. .

They were surrounded by God Guden, looking like a fanatical——

The hand holding the flower ball, swinging rhythmically,

The one without hands jumped in the air, looking at the mess, but it was similar to the great god he had skipped.

"Linjiang City Gods Cheerleader?"

"The gods dance the great gods? Oh, no, they are gods themselves, should they be the gods square dances?"

This thought came to Jiang Shouzheng's mind, and it felt a little funny.

The worry that smoked chickens and ducks might get wet just now also faded slightly.

Since this kind of weather is made by God, it means there is room for maneuverability.

He looked in the direction of God Gu Deng, his lips moved: "If it is convenient, please don't let the breeze rain. I still have smoked chickens and ducks, and don't hit your thunderball in the library. By the way, I still have to read a book."

This burst of sound transmission, wrapped in Jiang Shouzheng's mana, "thrown" it to God Gu Deng.

That mana is counted as a "facilitation fee."

God Gu Deng is good, and his operation naturally has his reasons. Jiang Shouzheng does not intend to interfere, nor is he interested in understanding the story behind it.

After all... he is very busy.

Since he knew that epiphany would not hurt the foundation in the morning, he planned to read, record, and understand some other books to see if he could effectively promote epiphany. At present, the effect is not significant...

Maybe it was because you didn't find the right way, or maybe it was because you had a lot of enlightenment on those weird problems in the past few days, resulting in "insight tolerance"?

Jiang Shouzheng thinks it may be the cause of the latter.

Well, this is the same as taking medicine.

Should you not wait for a moment when you feel an epiphany, and then hold back, forbearance and forbearance, to achieve an epiphany, can the water flow?

once a week?Three times a month?Or according to the quarter?

...I was thinking about how to make the mana that Jiang Shouzheng thrown out of the "interrupted insights in ordinary life practice to effectively improve his own progress".

The spherical lightning in the sky suddenly lit up, making everyone who looked directly at it closed their eyes subconsciously, but those who raised their phones and stared at the phone screens were slightly better, they only had to squint their eyes. , To slightly lower the brightness of the screen.

And some of the live broadcasts are already full of "666", "Special Effects Classic", "My Titanium Dog Eye Is Blind", "You Have Money", "It's All My Trumpet" and so on. Repetitive words...

At the same time, a head-sized frog jumped out of the void and landed in front of Jiang Shouzheng.

This is the god of agriculture, and Jiang Shouzheng asked God of Gu Deng to introduce him.

The main purpose of the meeting is to find out whether there is a fear of heights if plants are not planted in the soil...

It’s a pity that the God of Saturn doesn’t understand, he can only give an answer vaguely--

"It turns out that if plants that should be planted in the soil but not planted in the soil, if pure hydroponics, probably, maybe, should feel unsteady... right?

Of course, he was definitely not here this time to discuss with Jiang Shouzheng the issue of "failure to step on".

The god of agriculture croaked twice, and a barrier that was harmless to Jiang Shouzheng unfolded.

Jiang Shouzheng glanced and found that the only effect of this enchantment seemed to be to make his sense of existence "weak".

Hmm... a very useful enchantment.

Jiang Shouzheng looked at it for a while and learned it.

The God of Agriculture lay quietly on the ground, and after Jiang Shouzheng's eyes fell on him, he respectfully said:

"I'm in charge of farming, and I will meet Master Jiang Shouzheng. Gua~"

"You don't need to be so polite, haven't we seen it? Get up." Jiang Shouzheng said this subconsciously, and saw the frog farm god "stand up", revealing his white belly.


Jiang Shouzheng felt a crow hovering above his head and yelled "Wow".

"You still lie on your stomach."

"Master Jiang Shouzheng, do you still want to lie down? Lying on your side or on your side, I can do whatever you want." Hearing this, the God of Agriculture returned to the ground and raised his head carefully. It seems to be thinner. If you tell me, I can show you upside down. Hey~, one foot or two feet is fine! One finger is fine!

Seeing that the God of Agriculture was about to "act", Jiang Shouzheng squatted down and shook his hand with a wry smile and said, "No, you should have brought a message for Gu Yu?"

"Gu Yu? Gua?" Saturn's big eyes rolled three times clockwise, "Are you talking about Mother God?"

"Yes." Jiang Shouzheng nodded.

"Yes, quack~ The mother god asked me to tell you, he knows, and will not go against your wishes."

Jiang Shouzheng nodded and waved, and smiled: "Then please bring another word with him, trouble him."

The God of Agriculture stood up, patted "chest", and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely take your words."

After saying this, the God of Agriculture jumped, turned around and turned to look at Jiang Shouzheng:

"Master Jiang Shouzheng, can I trouble you to write a sentence on my back?"

"What are you going to write?" Jiang Shouzheng took out the pen in his pocket and asked.

"I, Saturn, super cute."

"Obviously there is good looks, and I rely on talent to eat."

"no problem."

Jiang Shouzheng removed the cover of the pen, only to find that the fountain pen was unable to keep the words from the god of agriculture, and went "through".

Of course, this is not an unsolvable problem.

Jiang Shou is condensing mana at his fingertips, using the pen to refer to, and leaving the handwriting——

"I, Saturn, super cute."

The breath of Saturn was suddenly alive, and he seemed to be very happy and excited:

"Qa~Qa~Qa~, to see who dares to laugh at me, saying that I am ugly and useless, I will show them, my god of agriculture is also a good-looking meal, Master Jiang Shouzheng confirmed. It's just useless."

Regarding his uselessness, the God of Agriculture also said to Jiang Shouzheng...

The improvement of current crops, the design of greenhouses, the upgrade of farming tools, the improvement of cultivation level, the replacement of waste...

All the above, let Linjiang farmers, oh, no, they should be called people engaged in planting now, they basically get rid of relying on the sky for food, do not need to pray at all, if there is a problem, call an expert, online remote pair As soon as the guidance, experts came to the scene directly when they encountered problems that could not be solved verbally.

At these times, they often bring "long guns and short guns" to record these problems through videos, make them into courses, and share them for free, so as to comprehensively and overall improve the level of Linjiang agriculture...

That's why, people who are engaged in planting nowadays can't get any faith from them...

Only occasionally when the harvest is harvested, they will pray for "price increase, price increase", but this idle belief is very weak. When they pray, they don’t believe that the price can be increased. Even if the price increases, it will increase. Not much.Love Wenxue

The big data over the years is there, and the expected benefits will only fluctuate at best...

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouzheng suddenly felt that God of Agriculture was a bit pitiful, patted him on the back, and asked:

"How do other gods know that I left this word instead of you changing it yourself?"

As soon as he said this, he directly extinguished the laughter of the God of Agriculture. Before the God of Agriculture became depressed, Jiang Shouzheng continued to write--

"Jiang Shouzheng, stay, address:..."

These words will be "hidden" as soon as they are written. Jiang Shouzheng nodded in satisfaction and said:

"If there are gods questioning you, you can use your power to activate the handwriting I just buried in your body, and let them come to Qingfengguan to check with me."

"Of course, I don't want too many gods to come to me. If you can persuade them, it is better."

The God of Saturn spit out his tongue into the air. The limit of the tongue ejection and the place where the tip of the tongue retracted was "bounced" for a while, and the center turned into a channel that seemed unstable.

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at it and found that there was nothing to learn.

This kind of passage should only be able to pass through the spirit body. He is a human being and is useless.

"Guah~ Thank you Lord Jiang Shouzheng, I will definitely not cause you trouble."

The God of Agriculture turned around and stood up facing Jiang Shouzheng, with his forelimbs close together, and bowed.

Maybe it was the first time to do this kind of movement, the movement of Saturn was a bit stiff, but he did it very seriously.

Just when the passage was about to close, Saturn flipped (assisted by the forelimbs) and jumped into the passage.

"So, just before he left, was it to prove to me that his forelimbs were powerful?"

Jiang Shouzheng smiled and shook his head, yanked and erased the enchantment, picked up the book just placed on the seat, and took it away from the crowd who were still watching the excitement.

With the help of Ge Daying and Gu Dengshen's promise, the stone in his heart fell to the ground and he wanted to continue reading...

I found a corner and turned the page silently, unconsciously exuding a calm and focused breath.

"That person is so pretentious, what else can you see in this dark?"

"That's it, another pretending offender."


Even if Jiang Shouzheng is already immersed in the world in the book, but because of his sharp five senses, the whispers of others can still be heard clearly, especially those "targeted" him...

I feel a little bored, in the library, why don't you read him?!


Didn’t you just learn a barrier that reduces your sense of existence?Try it.

Using his own mana, Jiang Shouzheng formed a "enchantment membrane" around his body.

"I'm going! Why are there clothes standing there!"

To suffer!

In his mind, Jiang Shouzheng expanded the barrier membrane a little bit, wrapping his clothes and the book in his hand.

"You are sick, yelling."

"Uh, I'm sorry, I may be dazzled just now, and I saw a dress that stood up by myself."

"Over there, there is obviously nothing."

Jiang Shouzheng, who was "pointed", nodded in satisfaction. It seems that this enchantment power has been injected too much, not only has the effect of being weak, but also can be hidden.

Well, this is called an invisibility enchantment.

It’s great, I learned a little life trick again. When I was in college, I would use this enchantment on my body. I used a little less mana to make others not pay attention to me...

Reduce cause and effect!

Squeezing out the scattered thoughts, Jiang Shouzheng continued to carefully read the book in his hand. The name of this book is "General Education that You Have to Know in Life". The content seems to have opened up a new world for Jiang Shouzheng. door......

"Well, there is a feeling of epiphany again, suppress it, suppress it!"

"Hey! Ha! Hmm~"

"Hoo~ Very good, suppressed and went back."


"Damn it, is he going to clean up Linjiang?"

"His goal is me, but it's not all me."

Xu Nian's figure kept running on the road, and tried to avoid "electric shock."

Through his observations, he found that the arcs escaping from the spherical lightning chased him like a soul, hitting ordinary people, but it would not cause them any harm.

At most, he closed his eyes and screamed with horror, "Oh," "God," "I was struck by thunder", and then opened my eyes and said excitedly, "Wow, I'm okay, could it be... ....I am Superman"?

"No, you are not a superman, but this electric current is for God's sake." Xu Nian vomited silently.

These currents, for Xu Nian, as long as they get closer, they will also give him a tingling sensation and slow his movements.

In order to ensure that he can run to the city library, he has to run among the crowds. In fact, when he encounters areas with less traffic, he will pick up the old man and old woman and say "I will help you cross the road" and then rub Rushed towards the library...

"Young man, rush! The speed is fast!"

The old man, who is now being carried by Xu Nian, seemed to be very excited. He raised the crutch in his hand and threw it off.

When he found that there was nothing wrong with the electric current hitting him, his eyes were embarrassed, he looked at the crutch in his hand, tentatively clenched and lifted it, his voice trembled and tentatively said:

"Transform! Body?"

His body sank, this was not the effect of the transformation, but he was put down by Xu Nian.

Well, it seems there is no way to transform.

The uncle shook his head, propped on a cane, glanced at Xu Nian who was continuing to run wild in the crowd, and then walked slowly towards his home.

"I thought I could become Ultraman, so my grandson would like to chat with me, right?"

No one is destined to hear what the old man said, everyone looked up at the sky, patted and photographed...

"Perhaps, I can also buy a mobile phone, next game or something, with my grandson, and let him teach me alive."

"I will be his grandfather and he will be my master."

The spherical lightning in the sky lighted up again, and the uncle's eyes seemed to be brighter.


"How long has it been? Is there such a ball lightning again?"

"Isn't it just awarded to Anping real estate some time ago? Didn't you just win the bid for a piece of land? ... If I remember correctly, that piece of land should be built for an administrative and commercial building? To live, that building not only needs to be a landmark building, but also has enough lightning protection."

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