My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 218 Residence Permit.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Is Gu Deng taking drugs? Is my brain watts?

"Is he going to clean Linjiang again? It looks like he is going to use this thunderball as a base..."

Although the tortoises in the zoo had their heads out of their shells, the tortoises in the sky looked at the "thunderballs" in the sky, the white light was filled with purple rhyme, if they were up and down, it would definitely kill the turtle.

But in the tortoise's muttering of life, he did not see the slightest fear.

For the gods, after so many years, Turtle Shou has his own opinions.

Those like them who feed on faith and are able to listen to their hearts, their "psychological" endurance is absolutely strong, or the threshold is absolutely high.

And this threshold will gradually rise as the strength becomes stronger!

After all, the power of gods depends on the power of faith.

The more beliefs you absorb, the more you listen, the stronger your power, the more it looks like a "clay sculpture", and there won't be too many emotions.

So, as long as you don't provoke yourself, it won't hurt.

Look at that thunderball in the sky!

It is God Gudeng who is showing his power!

These powers now have absolutely absorbed a lot of power of faith.

Therefore, as long as you don't blaspheme him, or destroy his body, or do things that harm Linjiang, then there will be no problem.

"Really! I admire people by seriously disturbing the old turtle!"

Although Gui Shoukou was stunned by Gu Deng, the regret in the words was real.

When the weather was fine just now, outside the turtle garden, a "gentleman" successfully attracted its attention.

He wore a suit that didn't fit well, and he twisted his body from time to time, rubbing his palm against his trouser legs, looking uncomfortable.

The briefcase in his hand exudes the smell of artificial leather, but it also has a hint of rose aroma.

Although Turtle Shou is an older and knowledgeable turtle monster, he bet it is definitely roses, or rose essential oil, or rose-flavored lipstick, or rose-flavored perfume... and other gifts. .

Of course, these are not the most attractive tortoises.

What caught his attention was the strong courtship aura on that gentleman!

Look at his face, mixed with nervous, scared, and flattering expressions.

From time to time he glanced at the female companion beside him, we can know that that is his favorite object!

Turtle Sui Shou decided to use his own power to promote the "burn", and let the gentleman confess directly outside the turtle garden, so that it can enjoy a "stage play".

This is not only to satisfy itself, but also to be a good turtle!

That woman doesn't call that gentleman at all.

Instead of keeping that gentleman entangled, let him...

Of course, these considerations were all lost at the moment the thunderball appeared.

Everyone is gone, still look at their heads!

Thinking of this, Turtleshoushou wanted to spit out Gudengshen again: "Gudengshen is really..."


A bolt of lightning fell out of thin air. Before it could retract its head, it was struck upright, leaving a "brand" on its forehead...

What followed was the majestic words:

"Stop killing evil in the reservoir!"

"Don't urinate and urinate anywhere in the reservoir!"

"Stop falling from the sky in the reservoir at night, don't I want to sleep?"

Although the tortoise opened its mouth, a white smoke came out of its mouth.

...Fuck, didn't you just ate a few fish in the reservoir?Are you calling for a thunder to strike me?...I'm swimming in the water, do I have to build a toilet or how to drip?...You are a god anyway, even if you were born on the main body, but you can completely break away from the main body?...God, still sleeping?...Huh, what is this branding for?

Turtle Shou Shou put his own power into it, and he sensed seven characters-"Linjiang Monster Residence Permit".

It felt that its eyes were about to roll over, but it didn't dare to say what it wanted to say in its heart.

This god is wrong, right?It's so humane...

He is so strong and has absorbed so much power of faith, it shouldn't be!!!

Even if the heart ranted again, the truth happened.

Turtle Shou is going to return to her nest, using sleep to comfort her little soul from the trauma.202 e-book

As soon as it climbed a step, its body was stiff.

"What did you just call me for?"

This majestic word exploded in the ears of Turtle Shoushou.

Turtle said without changing his face:

"Gu Dengshen is really... great!"

"Let us praise Him!"

Under the mobilization of Turtle Shou, the other female tortoises in the tortoise garden, as well as his tortoise sons and daughters, all raised their heads...



Big Black lay on the blanket and yawned lazily.

During this time, eating, drinking, and sleeping with Lazarus seriously took up his cultivation time.

Not only did the demon power not rise, but it was also “diluted” because of his own reminder.

"Boss, what kind of cultivation practice, but can't live long, I think it's pretty good now. Meow~"

After saying this, the second fat brother lowered his head and licked the water from the cat's automatic drinking fountain.

But after licking, he stiffened, twitched back a few steps, and fell softly to the ground.

"What's wrong with you? Meow~"


Brother Big Black glanced at the drinking fountain, watched it bubbling, leaned forward, and licked curiously.

...What can be done with this water?Drinking every day, can it be poisonous?...Isn't this all made by Wang Ruoxin?No taste, if you can add some catnip to it...

The tongue touched the water.

A tingling sensation spread throughout the body, and the hair on Big Black's body suddenly exploded.

Although it is very curious, it still maintains a certain degree of vigilance, just touched it a little...

He jumped up high at once, "meow meow", and jumped wildly at home.

"Stop screaming, if you call me again, you will be sterilized!"

Wang Ruoxin's words caused Big Black Brother to shut her mouth suddenly, ran to Wang Ruoxin's feet and rubbed frantically.

"What are you doing? Wasn't it? The snack was eaten by the second fat brother?" Wang Ruoxin bent down, picked up the big black brother, and put it in her arms to blow the hair out to Shunping. Guy, very smart, but unfortunately can't talk."

... I'll scare you to death!...

Brother Big Black carefully bit Wang Ruoxin's finger without exerting any strength, and then jumped to the ground and called out in a low voice. The fat and round head confessed in one direction.

"What's the matter?"

Wang Ruoxin got up, with surprise in her eyes.

Although it is not the first time I have seen Big Black make such a gesture similar to a human "signing", it is still very fresh.

Before she wanted to come, Big Black Brother, should have been trained before.

Followed the big black brother to the cat drinking fountain and watched it poking its paw in the direction of the drinking fountain.

Wang Ruoxin squatted down, pointed to the drinking fountain and asked:

"Is there a problem with this?"


Wang Ruoxin looked at the water dispenser carefully, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, but she quickly remembered the "rumors" about this water dispenser on the Internet.

Turning around, I found an electric pen in the drawer and inserted it into the water.

Electric pen, slightly shiny.


Wang Ruoxin, very angry!

Seeing Wang Ruoxin's voice questioning the merchant, Big Black brother was lying on the belly of the second fat brother, just when he was going to sleep soon.

The second fat brother suddenly spoke:

"Boss, there is something strange on my tongue."

"It looks like a document, meow~?"

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