My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 219 I look familiar to the big guys.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Coming!"

Xunian finally saw the iconic "Big Bell" of the Municipal Library, and then walked through this street to arrive.

If he doesn't care about the eyes of others, he can directly...

Go up to the second floor, climb to someone else's house, and then jump out...

But in this case, he believed that not only lightning, but also police officers were chasing him.

If they can find out that they are strange people, hand them over to the Special Office, and he may have to fight with his son.

In general, it's not worth it.

Facing the wall, ran quickly, behind him a flash of lightning shot straight towards his back!

With spiritual consciousness, Xu Nian's body leaned forward, slammed his hands on the ground, and pressed hard toward the front left. According to the inertia, he immediately turned his body to the right 90 degrees.

The lightning, too late to turn, hit the outside of the air conditioner.

The electric beeps twice, and the fan blades of the air conditioner's outer machine spin frantically. The sound of cutting the air makes people scared...

"Is there enough electricity?"

Xu Nianchao glanced back and immediately quickened his pace.

Among them, there must be the irritability that the gods here hold him for a long time, and it is more likely that he is closer to the city library, afraid that he can run into it to get him.

"Boy, you didn't lie to me this time!"

Xu Nian pushed hard on the ground again and kept running in the crowd.


A low tone made Xu Nian lower his head subconsciously.

The soles of his shoes were completely worn out, and the uppers ran to the ankles.

"When you see that stinky boy later, you must let him pay for me a pair of shoes."

On the other side, Xu Liang, whom Xu Nian mentioned, was sitting in the back seat of an online car-hailing car.

"Master, can I trouble you to hurry up?"

Xu Liang patted the back of the driver's seat.

"Little brother, it's not that I don't want to hurry. You have seen it. The front is blocked." The driver turned his head and said helplessly, "Look, the car in front doesn't move, I can't help it."

In order to show his sincerity in speaking, the driver still buzzed his horn twice.

"Can't you overtake the auxiliary road first?" Xu Liang pulled down the window and pointed to the auxiliary road next to him. There was just enough room for the next car to pass through, so he turned directly in, unobstructed.

"That's not good." The driver shook his head firmly, "If there is an oncoming car coming over, it will not be able to drive at all, which will further delay your time."

Xu Liang leaned heavily on the back of the chair and rubbed his eyebrows: "All right, you can drive to the city library as fast as possible. I'm really in a hurry."

"Don't worry, I will send you as fast as I can."

The driver patted his chest to promise that it would be of no avail to the status quo.

Because Xu Liang saw that the driver in front got out of the car, raised his phone and raised his hand...

"Damn! What's so good about this ghost weather?"

Just after saying this, a thunderstorm rang out, and all the sounds between the sky and the earth disappeared.

Xu Liang subconsciously covered his ears, and the sound just now made him feel a bit tingling in his eardrums.

"Sir, what's the matter?" The driver looked at Xu Liang suspiciously, covering his ears and bending over. "Are you unwell?"

"Did you not hear the thunder just now?" Xu Liang raised his head, his expression a little painful.

"No, there was no thunder just now." The driver looked at Xu Liang dumbfounded, looking at the other person not looking like a joke, and asked in a low voice, "Sir, why don't we go to the city library right now? Go to a doctor, you may seem to have tinnitus."

"No, no need." Xu Liang waved his hand again and again. He looked at the spherical lightning hung in the air outside the window, and there was a throbbing in his eyes.

...The thunder just now, only I heard, this is a warning?...What the hell did the old man offend?Gods?How could the gods now have such a strong power?...Here, the person in the mirror has been here, so the gods shouldn't be the reserve of the heaven... By the way, the person in the mirror is belching.

Thinking of this, Xu Liang's eyes flashed Jiang Shouzheng, Jiang Shouqin, and Jiang Shouji.

This place is so remote, but the god is so powerful. Perhaps, this god will have something to do with Jiang Shouzheng.

Even if it doesn't matter, as a local god, he believes that the other party is not unfamiliar with the existence of Qingfeng View.

In this case, let the old man go to the city library, the safety factor will be higher.Everyone reads novels


"Just thunder and not rain, what is the difference between occupying a pit and not shit?"

The conversation in the library became louder and louder.

Even the staff joined the conversation.

Jiang Shouzheng had to memorize the book first. In such an environment, it was impossible to understand the meaning of the book.

Moreover, this book has a lot of content and citations. In order to understand this book systematically, the citation journals, papers, and books must also be reviewed.

Jiang Shouzheng withdrew most of the mana in the barrier, returned the book and left the reading area.

When I got to the first floor, I swept a shared umbrella.

I wanted to talk to God Gu Deng. I don't need to "take care" of the library. He has already left.

But now seems to be a critical period for the other party, and both the momentum and strength have reached the apex.

Then, don't bother.

Walking to the door, a figure rushed towards him.


Jiang Shouzheng turned sideways, letting the other party pass in front of him.

"Huh! I finally got to the library, it's safe!"

"You have the ability to come in!"


An arc stopped outside the library, and stopped straight in front of the figure, but made no further progress.

...It turns out that God Gu Deng made such a big show, is it related to the uncle in front of him?...I am familiar with God Gu Deng. Although I am usually annoying and childish, he is still kind in general....Because of this uncle, God Gu Deng was so aggressive, it seems that he is not a good person.

"Little brother..." Xu Nian took a breath and saw Jiang Shouzheng who was staring at him. He pointed to the arc in front of him awkwardly, and smiled, "I performed this, magic! Do you believe me? ?"

Seeing that there was no one around, everyone was out to watch the excitement, Jiang Shouzheng's hand turned slightly, and all the monitoring turned around...

"Uncle, I also perform a magic trick for you."

As soon as Jiang Shouzheng's words fell, Xu Nian felt that his body was bound.

"Bird show·Birds fly!"

Xu Nian's body soared into the air, fleeing before Jiang Shouzheng Nianyu!

"Guan Bishop's Five Animals Show!!!"

Jiang Shouzheng's heart jumped and he became a little serious.

Xu Nian, who was just a little proud, found that his body was completely unable to move in the air.

"Do you know my master?" Jiang Shouzheng put Xu Nian on the ground, stepped forward, and asked politely.

"How could I know who your master is, but you can show me his picture, I might..."

While talking, Xu Nian began to struggle...struggling desperately...Three seconds later, he gave up struggling.

Damn, I can't move at all!

My own power is completely invisible!

are you crazy?How could there be such a powerful young man in this corner of the corner?!

I already have the power to communicate with Xuan, this young man, at least he is in harmony, but how could there be people in harmony in the secular world!This does not conform to the rules!How about playing?...However, why does this boy look so familiar...I seem to have seen it somewhere...oh!!It's him!Jiang Shouzheng!The saliva and hair he provided broke the company's super calculator for qualification testing five times!


Jiang Shouzheng felt that what the other party said was reasonable, and before he sent the other party out of the library and was stunned, he invited a pen and a piece of paper, and quickly painted a portrait of the old man.

"This person...I don't know."

Jiang Shouzheng waved his hand disappointedly, and was about to send Xu Nian out of the library to be charged.

The arc waiting outside the library seemed to be much more cheerful.


"I know someone who looks a lot like him."

Xu Nian shouted loudly and quickly: "He is the disciple of Shangqingmen!"

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