My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 221 The clue is broken.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!......In Xu Nian's memory, the disciple of the gatekeeper may be the son of the old Guanzhu?Or relatives, the sound is similar!...But why is there no picture?...Xu Nian, is Xu Liang's father?...Wang Fei seems to have ridiculed Xu Liang's poor grades, not even a college.......Xu Liang was raised by Xu Nian as an educator. It seems that the strength of the stick is not directly related to the performance......

Withdrawing his magical powers, Jiang Shouzheng turned many thoughts in his mind, with complex emotions, of course the most were excitement and embarrassment.

In the absence of clues about where the master of the old view is, the voice of the guard disciple is undoubtedly valuable.

Maybe you can come to visit!See if the other party has any contact with the old master!

Embarrassingly, he had just had dinner with Xu Liang in the morning, and his father was "caught" just a few hours before...

Xu Nian's eyes were in a trance, and after Qingming, he took a step back:

"what did you do to me?"

Jiang Shouzheng put away the mana he had released, completely restrained, and owed himself:

"I just looked at your memory and discovered that you are Xu Liang's father. I have a discussion with his peers. I should call you Uncle!"


In the end, you still have to rely on that bastard!

Xu Nian straightened his posture, trying to look like an elder, but thinking about the power contained in Jiang Shouzheng, he felt that his posture should not be too high.

"Jiang Shouzheng...little brother! I saw you, and it was the same as before!" Xu Nian said hurriedly as he looked at Jiang Shouzheng and wanted to refute, "We have different opinions."

Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while and nodded.

......As a junior for advice, what the elders say may be reserved or exaggerated.... among the same generation, there is usually something to say.

"Right! That's a good comrade!" Xu Nian stepped forward, raised his hand, and wanted to pat Jiang Shouzheng's shoulder. When he was about to touch him, he paused and changed to pat his own shoulder and face. Without changing his lust, "I said, this person will always have shoulder pain when he gets older."

Jiang Shouzheng took advantage of Xu Nian's speech and interjected:

"Brother Xu, the doorman disciple in your mouth, where can I find him?"

"Janitor disciple? What janitor disciple?"

Xu Nian frowned and asked incomprehensibly, "I said that?"


The spherical lightning in the sky looked more and more solid, and suddenly burst, like fireworks...

The roaming electric snake outlines a layered three-dimensional pattern in the air, which covers the sky above Linjiang, and then disappears.

The sky dyed with purple rhyme was quickly covered by white clouds, a cloud like a dragon totem, with a little yellowish color, especially prominent...

"This ghost... the lovely weather is finally normal!"

"Is that luck?"

Xu Liang got out of the car, glanced at the sky, before he had time to think about it, he has more urgent things now!

In the direction of the library, Xu Liang ran wildly!Look anxious!

...Xu Nian, an old man who doesn’t repair, just said on the phone that the thunderball in the sky was caused by him. It was a divine punishment from the gods...Then, now the weather is back to normal, it should be There is a result!...I don't know what happened!

I don't know if he has already ran to the library to avoid the "disaster"!

Jiang Shouzheng, should you stop it?!

"Ding Ding Dong, Ding Ding Dong, I'm so hungry to beg for food~~"

"La la la, la la la, I'm so hungry!"

The phone rang, Xu Liang wanted to hang up directly, but found that it was Jiang Shouzheng's contact information.

Maybe Dad and Jiang Shouzheng met.

Xu Liang swiped the answer button, and he heard a familiar voice:

"Little bastard, look behind you."

Xu Liang turned around and found that not far away, Jiang Shouzheng was standing side by side with his father, who kept waving at him.

It seems that it's all right.

A stone in Xu Liang's heart fell to the ground.Tianlai Novel

But immediately, the anger came up!

After trotting to Xu Nian, Xu Liang cursed:

"You are sick! How old are you still making trouble? I cut a few vampires, and you just make irresponsible remarks, you are fine, the trouble is bigger than me!"

"The whole city! The whole city has been involved in your troubles! Everyone in this city! I have seen it!"

"If the thunder strikes you, you will still live!"


Xu Nian's expression ranges from joy to gloomy.

Raising his hand, a shadow dangled, and Xu Liang rolled his eyes and fainted.

Before he collapsed to the ground, Xu Nian carried him up:

"Brother Jiang, my boy, I really don't fight for three days and go to the house to reveal the tiles!"

"I think he has such a free temper, it must be because he didn't find his wife to discipline him, and he is not as stable as me."

"Do you know someone who is suitable, can you recommend me to my brother?"

"If it succeeds, I promise to have a big red envelope!"

Jiang Shouzheng waved his hand absently, "No."

After Xu Nian said that he did not know the "door disciple", Jiang Shouzheng took the liberty to "check" his memory...

That blank, only the memory of words, was blurred and covered up.

To be precise, it is gone.

The clue just got cut off?

However, it is not completely unprofitable, at least there must be a connection between the "gatekeeper" and the "old watcher"!

They are all wiped out by this world!

Not retained by memory!

"Hey, it's okay now, I'll introduce it to my brother when I have it!" Xu Nianshun took out his mobile phone from Xu Liang's pocket and opened the mobile banking, "There is still money, it seems that Wang Fei is not bad!"

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Xu Nian asked, "Brother Jiang, do you know where to eat? Just now, brother, I...worked out and ran all the way. I was a little tired and needed to eat. Something to make up."

"I know there is a noodle restaurant nearby, I'll take you there." Jiang Shouzheng sighed silently, leading Xu Nian to the direction of Luo Shi's shop.

It just so happened that Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji were also there and took them home.

When Xu Nian saw the noodle restaurant, he couldn't help but stop, then walked forward in small steps, side by side with Jiang Shouzheng, and whispered:

"Brother Jiang, what is the relationship between the two transformation monsters outside the store and you?"

Jiang Shouzheng glanced at Xu Nian in astonishment, and at a glance he could tell that Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji were not humans. This cheap brother was still a little capable.

At least good eyesight.

"That's my second junior sister and younger junior brother."

"Then your master?"

"He...don't know where he went."

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng's expression of not wanting to talk in detail, Xu Nian closed his mouth with interest.


"Brother head, why are you here?"

"I'm not here, the doors are blown up for me! Tell me, what did you do outside? Did you stay behind?"

"Hahaha...Senior brother, you know, the current generation of human beings belong to Homo sapiens. We and them are not the same race. There is reproductive isolation. How can I stay behind!"

"That's right, but horses and donkeys can also give birth to mules."


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