My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 222: You still know how to be a man!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Kong Li sat on the bed with two pillows on her back, looked at Wang Qiang who had just been pushed out by her to join in the fun, and asked:

"Brother Qiang, what happened outside just now?"

"It's okay, it's just a thunderball in the sky, it's all right at once."

Wang Qiang pulled the chair back to the edge of Kong Li's bed, cleared his throat, picked up the story book on the bedside, and started to recite.

It's prenatal education time!

"and many more!"

Kong Li made a pause gesture, and under Wang Qiang's puzzled expression, opened a certain group chat, and quickly tapped her thumb on the Jiugongge.

"Well, wait a minute."

Kong Li's phone kept vibrating, and after less than five minutes, the originally quiet ward suddenly became lively.

Looking at the pregnant women who were surrounded by a circle and clutching their back waists and being accompanied by his husband, Wang Qiang pushed his glasses and approached Kong Li's ear and asked:

"What are they here for?"

"Everyone is here for prenatal education!" Kong Li said to Wang Qiang, then smiled at everyone, "My husband, a teacher, used to teach in No.1 Middle School, now it's'going to the sea', please applaud and welcome ~After the baby is born, I can teach my husband!"

...So...when did Kong Li meet such a group of expectant mothers and fathers?......Although I don't like to talk about the "former unit" (the resignation procedures have not been completed yet), since the baby is about to give birth, it is better not to argue with her whether this statement is correct. ..... It will take 15 or 6 years before the children in these people's stomachs are born into high school...

Silently complaining in his heart, adhering to the attitude of "a sheep is let go, and a group of sheep is let go", Wang Qiang cleared his throat again:

"Today, for babies...we are telling the story of "Seven Snow White and the Queen of Dwarf Gourd"."

"A long time ago, in a certain corner of the world, there was a country where there was no spring, no summer, and no autumn. The only thing there was a cold winter."

"The king and queen of that country are very poor. They don't have computers, TVs, and mobile phones. They count the time when they turn on the lights, so they can only sleep at night."

"After many years, they gave birth to seven daughters, and the family has less money. The king needs to go to work, hold meetings, and call ministers to chat. In order to supplement the family, the queen had to find a part-time job."

"I just said, they are all winter there, so there are very few green vegetables, very valuable!"

"So the queen learned the technique of greenhouse planting. She began to learn to grow winter melon, but winter melon is very short and does not grow means that winter melon cannot be sold for more money."

"Just when the queen was worried, the king came to an old witch who graduated from the University of Witch Magic with a PhD degree. She has a way to grow the short winter melon, but magic comes at a price. It will be shorter."

"But for the sake of her family, so that the king can afford to wear decent clothes when he goes out for inspections, and so that her seven daughters can have beautiful new clothes to wear, the queen asked the witch to perform magic, but the witch needs to be paid, she took it away The beauty of the queen..."


[Sister Xiaobai, what's wrong with brother?]

[do not know.]

The soul-eater and the white fox lying at the door of the Taoist temple were silently communicating.

Looking at the seniors sitting cross-legged in the middle of the square but not cultivating, there was a trace of concern in his eyes.

If Jiang Shouzheng didn't talk to them, they had no choice but to stay by his side through companionship.

However, the white fox lost patience for the first time, transformed into a human, squatted on the threshold and played with a mobile phone.

While playing, he tentatively glanced at Jiang Shouzheng...

No response, so it should be the default.

Just as Jiang Shouji was about to start, Jiang Shouqin crawled out of the urn and sat beside her.

"Let's go black~"

Regarding everything that happened in the Qingfeng Temple, Jiang Shouzheng could "see" clearly even if he closed his eyes.

After all, this courier party is full of his power.

However, regarding Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin's behavior, he decided to let it go after "pecking into" Xu Nian's memory.

They are not ordinary people, maybe there is no need to be too strict.

Look at Xu Liang, he is too strict and it's useless.

Everything is going to happen~

Thoughts, understanding.

The suppressed sense of insight dispelled his frustration of losing the clues of the old view.

...He is still just a student. Without a clue, he can't find any clues. Besides, he has no experience...professional people have to be found.. .... Can't directly find the old master, no one remembers him... You have to start from the den in the heaven... Who is the professional person I know?

Jiang Shouzheng thought of Li Guang, who was killed by the blood puppet. He is a detective and should be professional.

Moreover, speaking loosely, his experience with the blood puppets in the Heavenly Court "just" crossed the front, asking him to find the Heavenly Court, it does not count as involving him in the world of strange people.


He should still be lying in the hospital now, now, he must wake up!29GG Novel

And the medical expenses that I paid him in advance, I have to make him wake up and pay it back!

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouzheng opened his eyes and stood up.

Looking at Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji, who were a little stiff, Jiang Shouzheng smiled:

"It's okay, you can play with ease. I thought about it. In the future, you only need to study the content of compulsory education seriously in the view, and exercise hard. I will not interfere with you how you want to play."

Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and heard Jiang Shouzheng continue to say: "So, have you read today's book? Have you started playing games?"

Jiang Shouqin: "..."

Jiang Shouji: "..."

After the mobile phone was confiscated, watching Jiang Shouzheng's figure go away, Jiang Shouqin asked weakly:

"So, how many seniors do we have to learn today to let us play?"

"I do not know."


When I came to Linjiang, my only purpose was to visit Jiang Shouzheng, and I didn't bring many things.

Wang Fei's things were packed quickly, and he wanted to practice for a while without wasting the spiritual food in his stomach.

But Xu Liang's call just now was amplified, and he heard everything.

Now, the weather outside is clear, and even the luck is showing.

I guess there is an answer.

Unconsciously brushing the "Cultivation World" app, ten new ones were added, and nine of them were discussing the strange weather in Linjiang.

Some people think that they are purely natural creations, some believe that Taoists are transcending the catastrophe, and some suspect that a strange treasure was born——

"The landlord's brain is flooded, and the identification is completed? When is it, and the strange treasure was born?"

"Support upstairs, there are strange treasures, those historical diggers have long passed by."

"If you have time to think of a different treasure, it is better to think about whether you have paid for your medical insurance!"


If the user base is too small, the background is probably "exploded" now...

Wang Fei browsed through a few messages again, turned on the anonymous mode, and left a message: "Sand sculptures! I'm in Linjiang. I tell you, this is a miracle!"

One minute, one hundred floors——

"The original poster's brain is really big! The gods are almost dead now, even if they are not dead, there is not much else ** how can they be hunting everywhere!"

"I said, we should establish a gods protection association so that our native gods can live longer."

"It's meaningless to establish an association for the protection of the gods, and the gods can't eat them. Why do you raise them in captivity? It's not economical at all."

The keyword to be blocked should be "Heavenly Court".

Wang Fei passed over one by one, and after he was comfortable, he deleted this hot post.

Turning off the screen, Wang Fei cocked the corners of his mouth with some complacency, looking at the luck that had been blown away by the wind, spread his right hand, and then squeezed his fist:

"The truth is often in the hands of a few people."

"What minority?!"

Xu Liang's voice sounded behind Wang Fei, and Wang Fei was so scared that he jumped up: "I'm going, there is no sound when you enter the door..."

Before Wang Fei's words were finished, he looked at Xu Liang's stomach and "snarled":

"Didn't you just go to Uncle Xu? Why did you come back so full? Did you eat alone with me behind?"

According to Wang Fei's idea, Xu Liang must have sneaked into Luo Shi's noodle restaurant behind his back!


Xu Liang covered his mouth and slapped, there was a smell of beef in the room.

"Xiao Fei, Liangliang didn't eat alone. I drank all Qingfeng Shui."

As soon as he heard this sound, Xu Liang's eyes rounded, turned around, and looked around behind him:

"You follow me?"

"Don't say it so badly, I'm just following you." There was a ripple in the doorway, and Xu Nian's body "emerged" out, "Xiao Fei, my Jia Liangliang is giving you trouble. I heard you are going back. Kyoto, shouldn’t mind taking me a ride, I’m going out on foot and I don’t have money to go back to Kyoto."

"That seems to be the blessing of Uncle Xu, Xu Liang and I will accompany you to sit down for a while."

"You still know how to be a man!"

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