My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 223 The Hateful Person?

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Made a deal with Ye Cuilian to wake up Li Guang,

An entrustment was made to Li Guang, and the medical expenses paid in advance will not be returned...

[Even if you don’t entrust me, I’ll check it out, damn, I’ve grown up so much and I’ve never been beaten like this.]

[Heavenly Court is it!I must find out his organization structure clearly!]

[Wait for my good news, I will find out exactly what kind of underwear the boss likes to wear!]

Jiang Shouzheng did not expect that the entrustment of Li Guang would go so smoothly, and the price he paid in the early stage was that the medical expenses paid for him could not be recovered. Excluding the remuneration to Ye Cuilian, he only lost a day's mana.

When I meditate at night, it will be filled.

This is a very good deal.

Hiding the mana he planted in "Wang Qiang", Jiang Shouzheng completely eliminated the possibility of encountering the head teacher.

He could understand the old class in the hospital. After all, in the past few days, the class group also said, "The teacher is about to give birth" and "I expect to be a female baby".

But why are Wan Niannian and Ke Zhenyuan also in the hospital?

The distance between the two of them seems to be a bit far away.

Under Jiang Shouzheng's induction, Ke Zhenyuan stayed in place, only moving a few occasionally, but Wanniannian seemed to be walking back and forth...

Could it be that the pearl fetus is secretly knotted?

Wan Niannian checked his body in various places, but Ke Zhenyuan was waiting outside?

Wan Niannian's father would hate Ke Zhenyuan to death, right?

If this were the case, the mana that he kept in Ke Zhenyuan's body should be able to ensure that Ke Zhenyuan would not be beaten to death by Wanniannian's father.


Some of the mana in Ke Zhenyuan's body has been consumed, and it seems that it has probably been beaten.


"How long will it take for your volunteer work to end?"

Ke Zhenyuan sent a message to Wanniannian and continued to exercise his physical fitness in the aisle.

Diamond push-ups, poppy jumps, squats...

The college entrance examination results are coming soon!

This time, he felt that he was doing quite well.

He had secretly got the answer right. Going to a military academy, there was no problem at all.

Now you must exercise your body well, and don't be brushed off during the first round of physical fitness test!

My father had asked his comrades in the army to bring in class schedules and books. He had never thought that the father of the gatekeeper had such "abilities"...

[Son, I have already greeted your teacher. If your grades are not in the top ten of the same year, you will not be arranged to board the plane.]

[Although I really want you to be a pilot, I don’t want you to waste our country’s aircraft.]

[The old leader told me that resources are limited, and we need to give them to the people who can best play the value of resources!If you are a rubbish, then you deserve someone else!]

Diamond push-ups...narrow push-ups...wide push-ups...kneeling push-ups...

Practice yourself to exhaustion step by step.

After being stimulated by his father's words, Ke Zhenyuan found that he was quite talented.

Even if you’re tired the day before, you can’t walk and sleep for one day, you can recover well the next day. Although your body is not as light as a swallow, the a little soreness in your body will not affect it at all. He continued to exercise.

When you used to improve your sports performance, why didn't you feel so talented?

After completing another set, Ke Zhenyuan struggled to stand up. The plan he set for himself today has been completed. It is time to do a set of stretching...

"~~Your cutest girlfriend sent a message~~"

Ke Zhenyuan just finished stretching, picked up the mobile phone placed on the stairs and connected it.

"Baby, are you over?" Ke Zhenyuan panted slightly, expecting to ask.

However, on the other side of the phone, Wanniannian was sobbing, vaguely, someone was cursing.

"Baby, where are you?"


After hanging up the phone, Ke Zhenyuan held the phone with a calm face and ran upstairs.

In hospitals, for individuals, in most cases, the stairs are faster.

What's more, Wan Niannian is only two stories away from him.


An illusory space, with the earth above and the sky below.

The entire space is misty, chaotic, and full of unrecognizable mist.

He was floating in the air dull, not knowing where to go.I love e-books

"Da da."

"Da da."

The sound coming from the silence attracted him, causing his body to drift away towards the source of the sound.

Wait until he gets closer.

The sound is near!

He was anxious and eager, and his body drifted toward the source of the sound faster!

and many more!

Wait for me!

Finally, he arrived and he saw it.

It was a pair of feet, wearing leather shoes, step by step, walking towards the mist.

He seemed to feel his approach, those feet, those sawed feet, trot up, and quickly disappeared into the mist.

"Do not."

"Do not!!!!!!"

Zhuang Weiwei shouted and sat up. It turned out that everything was a dream.

He opened the quilt and wanted to get out of bed to drink water.

Oh no, that is not a dream.

...The collapsed trouser legs, the wheelchair next to the hospital bed, the plain ward...

Everything around him told him all the time that everything in his dreams was real.

Just when he felt that he was going through all his hardships and wanted to be superior.

God, made a joke with him.

He, Zhuang Gaoshang, lost his feet.

Before the operation, not only his surviving wife Wen Rou agreed, but his blood relatives also agreed to his operation.

[Intractable diseases, I don’t know how much it will cost!Finally, the family has money, don't waste it.]

[A disease like this can be cured by amputation, amputated!]

[It’s all about money anyway!I Wen Rou is at least magnanimous and pure, and I think I have never done anything I am sorry for you!]

Next to the ear, like an illusion, many people's voices appeared.

However, Zhuang Gaoshang knew that these were not all hallucinations, and he had heard most of them.

He hit his head hard, and the sound in his ear disappeared.

Zhuang Gaoshang held on to the edge of the bed and looked around.

——Wen Rou, this woman, didn't know where she went fooling around!——Now that she is already like this, she has not fulfilled her obligations as a wife, and she has not stayed beside her bed!--divorce!——However, who should I marry after my divorce?——I have no feet!I am disabled!I'm scrapped!

Zhuang Gaoshang's anger seemed to be compacted suddenly.

He propped up with his hands, sat on the edge of the bed, and pulled the wheelchair closer.

Sitting in a wheelchair "skillfully", sad skills.

Once out of the ward, Zhuang Gaoshang tried his best to keep himself proud.

His wheelchair is electric and has a metallic texture.

He looks down on the shared ones in the hospital or the manual ones bought by ordinary people. He wants to be different.


Hahahaha, they all have to avoid me!

They don't deserve to stand in front of me!

The speed of the wheelchair was getting faster and faster, and the sound of wind in Zhuang Gaoshang's ear gave him a twist of comfort.

"Sir, slow down, slow down."



"You don't have eyes when you walk!"

"Why, bullying me a disabled person?"

"Also called? Did you call someone?"

"Look, everyone, the nurses in the hospital bullied people, you guys..."

Before Zhuang's noble scream was finished, the loose collar of his hospital gown tightened.

His body "stands up" again.

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