My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 226 Haha, please raise your hand if the grade is worse than mine!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Doctor, let me say it again. If my wife can't give birth, I'll have a C-section. Please don't come out and ask me. It will waste time."

"I know, I know."

"Also, if there is an accident, I will protect you! Do you want me to sign in advance?"

"I see, I don't need it."

"You don't have my signature to protect the university?"

"Our practice recorder has a recording function. We have already written down what you said, and it will be fine to make a new sign at that time."

"Oh oh oh, this is good, doctor..."

"Made made..."

Wang Qiang took Kong Li's hand, followed in small steps, and kept talking to the doctor in the white coat...

At this moment, he is completely different from the self-confidence and passion on the podium.

The only thing in common is a lot of talk.

Teacher, if you don't talk much, how can you explain the question thoroughly?

Approaching the delivery room, Kong Li, with fine beads of sweat on her forehead, let go of Wang Qiang's hand and said weakly and painfully:

"My mother, I will go back!"

Wang Qiang shook his head with a wry smile, watched the delivery room door close, and exhaled heavily:

"At this time, it's skinny! Waiting for you to come out, see you."

Looking back, not far behind him, followed two middle-aged couples.

I saw Wang Qiang turning around, turning his back suddenly, pretending that he hadn't been discovered.

"Mom and dad, they are here as expected."

At this moment, his phone kept vibrating.

It should be the student reporting the good news, but he has no intention of listening.

...Waiting for my child to be born, I will listen to it...just right, I can also make my child feel happy...Well, this kind of mentality is worse, or It should be more scientific...

Wang Qiang was in the corridor, pacing back, standing on the spot, then leaning against the wall, sitting on a chair, and finally, he squatted on the ground...

...How can it be so long?How can it take so much time to have a baby?...But how long does it take to have a baby?...

The idea that popped in his mind touched Wang Qiang’s knowledge blind zone. He took out his long-muted cell phone, SMS messages, phone messages, social software messages, etc., functional "software" that can communicate with the outside world. , Now all 99+.

These are not the key points. After all, as a mature teacher, especially the head teacher, if you don't answer the phone after the college entrance examination, you can definitely produce this effect.

What makes him care is...The key is that the phone he has been reluctant to change has stuck.

Long press the shutdown button, there is no response.


"When you get rich, change your phone."

After tossing for a while, the phone restarted, and Wang Qiang was finally able to log in to the browser.

#Q: How long does it take to give birth?#

Click on an answer that seems more authoritative, click to enter, and read it word by word.

#Score situation discussion.#

......Is not this nonsensical?...

#If it is the first birth, the labor process is relatively longer.#

...Well, it makes sense, after all, I wasn't very skilled the first time...

#The uterus will not be opened until the pregnant woman has regular abdominal pain.#

... Gongkai?Well, what does this mean?I seem to have heard this term from a nurse just now, so I have to check...

After some searches, Wang Qiang still doesn't know how long it will take.

Ask, dare not ask.

What if you get bad news?

Hey, this person, when teaching others, is always confident, and it is still difficult to "face" when it is his turn...

Wang Qiang got up, probably because he had just squatted for too long. He turned black for a while, and after he could see clearly, the door of the delivery room opened.

A doctor in a white coat came out.

"Sir, the child is born. It's a girl."

Before Wang Qiang's face showed joy, he heard the doctor continue.

"But she is bleeding heavily." Xiaofei e-book


Now the college entrance examination results, as soon as they come out, the province's ranking will be set.

Those with the same score will get an interval ranking. Everyone generally does this.

After all, it is normal for thousands of troops to cross the single-plank bridge and squeeze in a seat.

Otherwise, there will be no such saying that "one more point will kill a thousand people."

However, everyone looked at Jiang Shouzheng's mobile phone interface, um, this is a ranking without a range...1.

"First in the province?"

"Are you nonsense?"

"Then...No. 1 in the country?"

"It's not necessarily, isn't it a perfect score before."

"But I heard that after the full score came out, Chinese and English always got points deducted."

"Crazy, damn it, although I know it's not very polite now, but I still want to say...Fuck, you deduct seven points? 5 points for Chinese, 2 points for English, Jiang Shouzheng, you still Human? Beast!!!"

Chen Yuan's vulgar scolding was approved by everyone, and even Yao Qian nodded in agreement.

There was a long period of noise in the class, which made it impossible for the two experimental classes next door to go to class, and the two teachers knocked on the door.

"You restrain yourself, you are still in class!"

"Wang Qiang!"

They are the "most outstanding" teachers. They used to teach the experimental class for senior three. After the college entrance examination, they will teach the new experimental class.

The results of the college entrance examination today are nothing but that for them.

For the teachers who sent batch after batch of candidates to the examination room, the only thing worth noting about the college entrance examination is that the scores of a few people this year did not meet the scores of key universities.

In the past, they might have guessed which student they could win the top prize or something, but with the existence of Jiang Shouzheng, they stopped thinking about it.

Unless Jiang Shouzheng performed abnormally, but in the past three years, Jiang Shouzheng has never performed abnormally.

The scholarship for the first place has never been dropped...

Why didn't Jiang Shouzheng enter the experimental class?

Can't remember...

Really, except for the number of people who did not enter the key university and the champion, the others are not so painful to them...




After the excitement, the experimental class is no longer in class.

What else

Emergency organization "training"!

Bring high school sophomores!

Banners have been prepared for a long time. Jiang Shouzheng has not given public classes before...

Jiang Shouzheng was "taken away" in this way, leaving only a group of people in the classroom.

"Now, I invite Feng Shaojun, who is the last to last in our class, to take the lead in facing his own achievements. Everyone is welcome." Chen Yuan stood on the stage and applauded.

This was nothing, but Feng Shaojun listened and was very happy.

He came on stage, scratched his somewhat messy hair, and blew a kiss to Wan Sisi!

"Hahaha, I promise, I'm not the last one this time, I'm playing thief!"

"Me, Feng Shaojun, 643, ranked 1407-1564 in the province, wow hahahaha! The score is lower than me, please raise your hand!"

People in the audience, look at me, I look at you...

The atmosphere gradually became awkward.

However, this awkward atmosphere did not last long.

Chen Yuan broke the silence--

"Something happened to the old class!"

"Jiang Shouzheng just shared his experience, and after sharing, he left, leaving a sentence, something happened to the old class!"


①If there is any problem with the content, revise it at noon tomorrow morning, and the sleep time has not exceeded 4 hours in the past few days, which is a bit difficult to carry;

②My girlfriend’s black company, it has been a few days since I left my job. Tomorrow morning I will accompany her to go through the final resignation procedures. In the future, when you look for a job, you should also pay attention to the company’s reputation!

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