My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 227: Are You Getting Boys And Girls?

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!One second, heaven.

One second, hell.

Even if Wang Qiang is not squatting now, he still feels dizzy in front of him!Black!

The teeth were trembling uncontrollably, and then the body twitched slightly, the muscles on the neck seemed to twitch...

The numbing sensation of electricity is constantly walking on the body surface...

Suddenly, his body suddenly lost strength.

His head hung down.

"Impossible, impossible."

"It shouldn't be like this, how can it be?"

Wang Qiang muttered to himself.

He clasped his hands tightly and his fingertips were white, so that he could control his body to stop shaking.

Lifting his head mechanically, like a puppet, the lower lip that had just been bitten was bleeding.

"Doctor, what can I do?"

"If you can maintain the current mood and don't make trouble, you can go in and accompany her...the kind through the glass."

"it is good."


"Huh? Why did he get in? Nothing will happen, right?"

"No, how can you have a baby?"

"If you move forward, you will be found."

"I will listen, I will go up and listen to see if there is any movement."


"What the hell!"

Jiang Shouzheng ran out of the school gate and hired a taxi.

"One doctor, hurry up, it's troublesome." Jiang Shouzheng took a breath, "hurry up trouble."

Looking at the empty road ahead, Jiang Shouzheng almost couldn't help pouring mana into the car...

...How could the mana ball on Wang Qiang show such strong fluctuations?...Death?...No, calm down, Jiang Shouzheng, you shouldn't be so excited....Yes, you can't get excited. You are a monk who wants to determine cause and effect. Wang Qiang is just a passer-by in your life. The mana ball you give him is to prevent terrible things from happening, right?...Now that this happened, he could save his life, and it would pay back the cause and effect....Yes, that's it, Wang Qiang has a problem, it has nothing to do with you?...


That's it!

It doesn't matter.

Jiang Shouzheng's heart, an iron, said to the driver:

"Master, please be quicker, as fast as you can. If you can get there within ten minutes, I will transfer you three thousand in addition to the fare for the meter."

"One minute every night, one hundred less."

Compared to cause and effect, he didn't want to lose a person's news unexplainably.

He was going to see what was going on.

After reading it, leave.

Definitely just leave after watching.

The driver said "good", stood up slightly, kicked the accelerator, and the speed of the car was firmly controlled at the "highest" speed that can be maintained on this road...

Jiang Shou was watching the fast backwards outside the car window, and said in a low voice:

"Gu Yu, let's make a deal."


"It's okay, nothing will happen."

Through the glass, Wang Qiang saw his wife closing his eyes, busy doctors, and machines displaying various values. They were beeping.

At the scene, except for the instructions from the chief surgeon, everything seemed extremely depressing.

I heard that the doctors talked about what to eat during the operation, which reassured patients the most.

At this time, Wang Qiang's mind was blank, and he could only watch like a bystander.

He can't do anything.

The operation looks messy, but it can still grasp the inner orderly logic.

Although Wang Qiang wanted to go in and held Kong Li's hand, he still restrained his current impulse.

Reason tells him that this will make things worse.

Perhaps, all he can do now is pray—

"No matter who it is, please." The second Chinese website

"Save my wife, we love each other very much, very much, she is a good person."

"When she sees stray dogs on the road, she will buy food for them. She has donations every month. She will bring timely comfort when her friends are gloomy. She..."

"Whatever price I pay, it's okay, it's okay, even if I replace her with my life, it's okay, I don't have parents, I'm dead, not many people will remember me."

"She also has parents, she has many relatives, she can find someone better than me who loves her more..."

Talking, talking, tears blurred his vision.

In a daze, he seemed to hear someone whispering in his ear:

"I will take away the most valuable things from you."

He suddenly raised his head and looked around. There was no one beside him.

Is it an illusion?

"Take it, take it, take it..."

One hour......

Two hours...

Every minute, every second, is suffering for Wang Qiang.

Until the doctor took off the mask, smiled at him, and gave a thumbs up.

"Sir, it's okay, you can go out first."

"Oh, good, thank you, thank you thank you."

Pushing the door out, Wu Yangyang stood with a group of people outside the door.

Kong Li’s parents rushed up to grab him, swayed him, and kept asking--

"how about it."

"How's it going!"

When she heard the phrase "It's okay" in Wang Qiang's mouth, Kong Li's mother covered her head and sat on the ground with a sigh.

Wang Qiang carefully helped her up and sat her on a chair in the aisle.

Kong Li's father took Wang Qiang's eyes seriously and said silently:

"From now on, you can bring your children to live at home, live first, don't waste the rent."

"Save money, buy a house, and then move out."

Wang Qiang nodded unconsciously.

"Old class, are you okay." Chen Yuan's voice pulled back Wang Qiang's consciousness.

"It's okay! I'm okay!"

It is Wang Qiang's instinct to pose as a teacher in front of the students.

Replied, wiped away the tears, Wang Qiang turned his eyes with red eyes.

The leading student is Jiang Shouzheng.

Next to him, stood Chen Yuan.

Wang Qiang turned his back and twitched the corner of his mouth, pretending to be relaxed and asked:

"How's your grade?"


"Ah? That's it, the test was broken, and I didn't eat anything, the first thousand, it's good."

Wang Qiang subconsciously thinks this is a ranking, and Chen Yuan can't help but complain:

"Old class, this is the score. Jiang Shouzheng is a pervert. He scored 743 points in the test, the first in the province!"


"Old class, isn't Feng Shaojun the first to last in our class? He is also the last one this time. Guess how many points did he score on the test?" Although it was a question, Chen Yuan asked himself, "The birdman, 643 Points! 1,000!"

Although Feng Shaojun's results show the ranking range is 1407-1564, but the number of registrations must be higher!

1407, rounded up, is not 1,000.

I stayed outside the door for a long time, although I don’t know why Jiang Shouzheng knew that Old Ban was in this operating room, and what happened to Old Ban...

But, you can guess!It's easy to guess too!

Isn't the sister going to give birth!

There must be an accident.

But this accident now seems to have been ruled out.

"Old class, boy or girl?"

Wang Qiang digested the news that "Feng Shaojun is ranked 1,000th in the province as the last one." At first hearing of Chen Yuan's jumping problem, Wang Qiang was also taken aback:

"Did I have a boy or a girl?"

I was too nervous just now and didn't write it down.

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