My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 228 Fortunately, I was witty!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Chen Yuan originally thought that he was miserable enough, but he didn't think about it, there is actually a "baby" worse than him.

He was “ignored” by his father when he was just born.

He hooked his mouth and wanted to tease, but found that Jiang Shouzheng, who was still next to him just now, didn't know where he had gone.

I looked around, but it was nowhere to be seen...

"It's weird. The person was still around just now, so why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?"

However, this matter was quickly left behind by Chen Yuan.

He watched as his classmates flock to the old class, and after receiving the confirmation that there was nothing wrong, he reported his own good news one by one.

"Cut, a bunch of scum, like me, the second in the class, the top 20 people in the province, didn't come forward, what are you guys making up for?"

Of course, Chen Yuan didn't have any thoughts about this, it was simply because of the resentment he had caused by squeezing from the front to the back.

He just wanted to report his results for the second time!

He finally got such a good score and didn’t want to share it with his parents. His brother is still in class, and grandma doesn’t know much about scores...


"Master Jiang Shouzheng, according to the mother god and your instructions, I performed a miracle. I made many coincidences for the doctors who performed the operation, and made them more focused and attentive, who were a little tired of staying up late and working overtime."

"Also, let me report to you that before you came to the hospital, Wang Qiang burst out with a strong power of faith, because there is no specific target, and we are adhering to the fine tradition of our Linjiang gods who are diligent and thrifty. I will absorb it."

"Moreover, because of my limited power in the initial stage, I had to borrow the mana you planted on Teacher Wang Qiang. However, I will return these mana after you go to the hospital to supplement me. I am absolutely useless. I hope you forgive me for my procedural errors."

Jiang Shouzheng was walking in the aisle of the hospital, listening to Ye Cuilian's machine gun-like "debriefing" beside him, and finally waiting for the other party to talk, Jiang Shouzheng interrupted:

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Huh?" Ye Cuilian originally wanted to elaborate on the "trivial" role she played in the operation just now, but was disrupted by this question.

"I want to ask, is the old class a boy or a girl?"

"Oh oh oh, it's a girl." Ye Cuilian responded quickly.

"That girl, she will be very happy in the future."

After such an interruption, he could see Jiang Shouzheng's unnatural complexion, he bowed slightly, and retreated back into the void.

With an invisible barrier, Jiang Shouzheng walked through like a ghost.

No one can see him, no one will notice him.

Jiang Shouzheng likes how he feels now.

"It seems that I am still doing superficial kung fu to determine the cause and effect. After feeling that the old class is out, I almost subconsciously become anxious. There is no way to control this kind of emotion."

"Analysis on a deeper level, this should be the panic and uneasiness after the subject left me. After all, this is really similar. It seems that I am not a mature cultivator..."

"However, I at least managed to leave when it was time to leave, and did not stay excessively."

Jiang Shouzheng carried out a self-analysis in his heart. The excitement and concern of coming to the hospital before had been smoothed by his thoughts. When there was no disturbance in his heart, he just came to the elevator entrance. By the way, I clicked the down button of the elevator.

"Damn it? This light turned on by itself?!"

Jiang Shouzheng slightly lowered the strength of the invisibility barrier, and said to the somewhat frightened uncle: "This is what I pressed."

A riot that had not erupted, calmed down.

"You kid, looks pretty, how come you have such a low sense of presence, it scares me to death!" 187 Novel


"I finally stabilized my realm!"

"The feeling of imminent disaster may be my illusion. It should be a sequelae caused by my lack of stability."

"These days, I am suffocated! It is really a tiring job to build God's Domain."

"This requires precise calculations, scientific use of power, and careful planning. I really envy the mother god. When he built the gods' realm, he seemed to rely entirely on feelings, but she actually succeeded in one shot!"

"Is this the benefit of being attached?"

"Fortunately, my power reserve is quite abundant. Although I don't have the attachment of the body, it is stable, but I still complete this breakthrough."

Kaoshen sensed that he had enough stable strength, so he pressed his hands virtually and made a door push.

He walked out of his own realm of God.

"According to what the mother god told me, my current strength should be regarded as Tongxuan inferior, which can control the force of nature to a certain extent."

Kaoshen's figure appeared outside Qingfeng View.

He looked at the sky vigorously and shouted: "The wind is coming!"

The power in the body resonated with nature. An unannounced wind, at the moment when His voice fell, it was carrying fallen leaves and smoke and swelling in the air.

Kao Shen was able to raise the corners of his mouth, and he shouted again: "The rain is coming!"

This time, there was a clear gap in the test of God, that his own power was connected with the clouds in the sky. When his power was lost, the clouds that were in peace and gathering water vapor began to collide and merge...


A burst of thunder blasted in the sky, and Kao Shen felt that his breakthrough this time was very valuable.

He can influence nature, but he is limited by his power and cannot fully control it for the time being.

It completely meets the people's standard thinking about gods.

"Come on, rain, come on!"

Kao Shen looked up at the sky, and the fine rain fell all of a sudden.

"This rain, just let it fall, Gu Dengshen's report today is not very accurate!"

"Xiaohun, stop complaining, hurry up, put away the smoked chicken and duck!"

The wind summoned by the god of examination brought him the scene in the Qingfengguan, and the dialogue with Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji.

"To suffer!"

A clever test of God, I seem to have used my power!It seems to have brought a bad influence on Qingfeng View!

However, he is now an inferior Tongxuan who can mobilize the power of nature, but he can't stop it!

Therefore, the only thing he can do right now is to take advantage of the demon's unpreparedness, and quickly go off!

Otherwise, waiting for you to be served by Jiang Shouqin as a ration?

Kao Shen had just pushed away his own God Realm, hid it, and manipulated God Realm, and began to "speed" in the void.

"Is this the imminent disaster that I sensed?"

"Fortunately, I am witty!"

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