My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 229 You Beast!

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This topic, like a storm, began to sweep the Internet and reality.

Even those who did not take the college entrance examination began to talk about it.I remember that the children of the seven aunts and eight aunts seem to be taking the college entrance examination this year. Then make a call to express their greetings, even if they no longer remember the total score of the college entrance examination, they can directly ask about the ranking!

Ranking, from high to low, how can I not know the meaning of the score?

Therefore, college entrance examination candidates not only need to deal with their immediate family members, but also have to welcome all kinds of weird greetings. Some people, you don’t know at all, have to laugh and tell their achievements in three years. Others, in exchange for information.

In case the test scores are not good, or you have asked others before greeting you, you will probably hear, "Wow, a child from a certain family, the grade is a bit higher than yours, and your ranking is so bad. What a lot! The competition for the college entrance examination is fierce." Such words.

However, those words contain deliberate exaggeration.Then, with a few words of greeting, the next call will come.

Of course, the question that everyone is most concerned about is still-"Has this year's college entrance examination No. 1 person revealed himself?"

National rankings need to be delayed for a few days, but the province’s rankings have been made clear on the day they were announced.

However, this result has a certain degree of privacy, and if the candidate is unwilling to say it, it will not be known immediately.

However, sooner or later everyone will know.

If you say it earlier, there will be less rumors. If you say it later, even if you are the top student in the college entrance examination, you may become another person in the public's perception.

After all, they are all number one, why don't you say?

Not to mention, do you want the scholarship for the top scholar in the college entrance examination?

Jiang Shouzheng has already revealed that he opens mobile banking from time to time, only to find that there is no collection information except for the pop-up information other than advertising, promotion, and fund products.

"Be calm, it's my money, it's my money after all, don't worry too much."

"Although I want to determine the cause and effect, but the cause has already been established, then I have to get the effect."

"After getting the scholarship, I can't say that I can buy a car in full, and then I can start my life of running and renting part-time."

Jiang Shouzheng felt that everything in his life was on the right track, but found that in the private group of the class (without teachers or parents), everyone was chatting enthusiastically.

"My sister had a major operation, should we donate money to the old class?"

"The old class must be short of money, let's pool some."

"But we don't know the old class's personality. He is so strong. There is definitely no way to pay directly. We need to think of a good way."

A good way?

After all, a good way is not a conclusion that can be drawn in a group chat.

Jiang Shouzheng threw the phone to Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji, and after instructing them to use their eyes moderately, they left the Taoist temple.

"Sister Xiaobai, let's put the smoked chicken and duck back into the kitchen first."

"It makes sense. We can't repeat the mistakes of yesterday. Otherwise, if we play the game halfway through, we will be reported if we don't play, and the game account will be suspended for a while!"

"By the way, Sister Bai, you didn't drink too much of the walnut dew today, did you?"

"Of course not. Playing games is so cumbersome. I must save a few drops for my eyes."

Jiang Shouzheng, who hadn't walked far, paused. Mana gave him feedback. He wanted to go back and admonish him several times, but "there is no fish when the water is clear."

After taking another two steps, he heard Jiang Shouji say:

"However, we should learn first before playing!"


When Jiang Shouzheng came to the ward in an invisible barrier, he happened to see the old squad sitting upright, signing something solemnly.

He stepped forward and took a look--


"Today I borrowed 50,000 yuan from student Chen Yuan, and I will pay back 51,000 yuan a year later." Tiantian Novel

"The debtor: Wang Qiang."

"Time: XX year XX month XX day"

Chen Yuan took a look, put the "IOU" in his pocket solemnly, then took out a bundle of money from his schoolbag and placed it in Wang Qiang's hands.

"Laoban, don't worry, I have earned all my money over the years, which is different from them."

"In the class, Jiang Shouzheng and I have the ability to make money independently. They both spend family money!"

"Jiang Shou is an orphan, and he always donates money. Therefore, in the class now only I can lend you money like an adult!"

Speaking of this, Chen Yuan stepped forward and patted Wang Qiang on the shoulder: "Comrade Xiao Wang! Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about lending you money!"

Before Wang Qiang had an attack, Chen Yuan jumped out like a rabbit.

...It seems that I don't need me anymore...

Jiang Shouzheng looked at Wang Qiang, then at the private group of the class——

This guy Chen Yuan, while lending money to the old class's turnover, is constantly vetoing the proposals of his classmates in the group. It is really a scheming.However, I like it, at least I will not get new cause and effect.

Jiang Shouzheng followed Chen Yuan out the door, only to find that he had reached a corner and leaned against the wall, his expression constantly changing.

Jiang Shou was standing in front of him, but he didn't react at all, muttering to himself——

"Ah, so much money! I have worked so hard for so many years!"

"Return to the pre-liberation overnight! The current situation of the old class, definitely can't repay the money in one year."

"Forget it, just solve this matter according to my original idea!"

Chen Yuan seemed to have made up his mind, with a serious expression, took the "IOU" from his pocket, spread it out, and looked at the contents again.

In the end, he was cruel and tore this IOU.

With a beginning, the following actions are relaxed and coherent. The IOU in Chen Yuan's hand has become fragmented.

"Old class, you must pay me back!"

"If you don't pay me back! I will, I will, I will..."

Chen Yuan talked about it for a long time, but didn't say why, someone next to him suddenly asked.

"What if he doesn't pay the money?"

"I will wait until his daughter is eighteen years old! I'll go fall in love with her! Get married! Let him pay me for the dowry for her daughter!"

After saying this, Chen Yuan felt comfortable for a while, but... he felt something was wrong. Who was the person who just asked the question?Why does it sound so familiar.

Look in the direction of the sound source.

"Hey, old class, why are you here!"

At this moment, Wang Qiang standing on Chen Yuan clenched his fists pretentiously:

"My daughter is less than a day!"

"You beast!"

Chen Yuan hugged his head, and Wang Qiang chased him away.

The ward of this meeting belonged to Kong Li's parents, and Wang Qiang just came out to breathe.

He just came out, just saw him, just asked.

Jiang Shouzheng squeezed the money in his pocket and prepared to go to the supermarket.

"Yesterday, the smoked chicken and duck was a little wet from the rain, so I might not be able to eat it anymore. Go buy some more."

"I hope there will be a discount today."

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