My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 230 Backstab!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Wang Qiang chased him for a while, but finally lost the trace of Chen Yuan.

He chased Chen Yuan for many reasons, including, but not limited to, the hospital was not suitable for chasing, he stayed up all night too hard and tired, his mood was up and down yesterday, and he stayed up all night last night. Said to lend him money at night...

Borrowing money is also because of a mixture of many reasons.

However, the money he borrowed from Chen Yuan was enough for him to last for a while.

"It is really lucky for me to meet a student like him."

Wang Qiang held the wall with one hand and knees with the other, his lungs opened and closed like a bellows, and the thick gasp in his mouth converged into a "hoho" sound.

"Sir, are you okay." The passing nurse squatted down and looked up at Wang Qiang slightly, with a look of concern.

"It's okay." Wang Qiang twitched the corner of his mouth, and turned back to Kong Li's ward while supporting the wall.

The calf feels a little cramping.

He decided that after leaving the hospital with his daughter and wife this time, he must exercise his body.

The body is the capital of the revolution.

Moreover, because of the announcement of the college entrance examination results, his future is no longer obscure.

Now, there are two paths before him.

First, continue to serve in the first middle school.

This is almost unimaginable. The "organization" of the teachers in No. 1 Middle School is just that.

A radish has a pit, and some people want to get out of the pit, so the number of people who want to stand in line behind him is unknown.

There is almost no possibility of going back when I propose to resign.

However, there are always exceptions. Now he is the top teacher in the province's college entrance examination and the class teacher with the worst score of 643 in the college entrance examination.

Even if he says that these results are the hard work of the students, but there will always be part of the "credit" shared on him. The results of the college entrance examination this time are an affirmation and endorsement of his teaching ability and management level. .

Of course, he would not hesitate to go back if the salary was still the same, but...

This time he can be promoted directly without preparing a thesis!

Wages will naturally rise.

It won't break ten thousand, but it should be close.

Second, naturally let him choose a training institution.

A large part of the people who called him yesterday were those who had submitted their resumes...

"I used to be, you don't care, but now I..."

Wang Qiang passed by the toilet, glanced at his slightly swollen face in his glasses, and grinned: "It's like a piece of pork with enough spices. Everyone wants to take a bite."

In addition to greetings, most of the SMS messages from training institutions are about salary.

Their content is similar, with the worst basic salary of 20,000 yuan.

From his personal point of view, he prefers to return to the First Middle School, where the teaching environment is pure and clean as he likes.

However, training institutions can get more material rewards.

"At the beginning, Kong Li hoped that my salary would be around 7,000. If I returned to the No. 1 Middle School, I could have this level now.

"But how to choose? After Kong Li wakes up, let's discuss and decide. Home, it's the two of us. Oh, no, it's the three of us now."

Thinking of this, Wang Qiang's face overflowed with a happy smile.

When he walked to the door of the ward, he opened the door and saw a man standing beside his daughter's bed.

"Well, Jiang Shouzheng, why are you here?"

Under Wang Qiang's gaze, Jiang Shouzheng's body seemed to be stiff, but he soon became normal.

"Good old class."

It should have just been called the name suddenly and was shocked.Haha Literature Network

Wang Qiang did not doubt that he was there, and walked to his daughter's bed, and patted Jiang Shouzheng on the shoulder heavily.

"You came just right, let my daughter come and get a chance of being the top student in the college entrance examination." Wang Qiang stared at his daughter's face, and his voice was deliberately lowered.

"Old Ban, don't you believe this?" Jiang Shouzheng's questioning voice was as deep as Wang Qiang.

"Huh, it will change." Wang Qiang let go of Jiang Shouzheng's shoulders, pulled two chairs, and sat up by himself, putting his hands on the edge of the bed, his eyes beckoning Jiang Shouzheng to sit down too, when Jiang Shouzheng was seated, he Continued, "I told you, if the doctor happened to find the problem yesterday, or if the blood was brought in by the bloody battle yesterday, if it wasn't for the doctors' mental state, or the machine was running well... I told you, there is a machine, I can't tell what it is, it just happens to be broken when it runs out. Damn, it scares me to death..."

If Jiang Shouzheng hadn’t graduated, Wang Qiang wouldn’t say so much, he would naturally assume the posture of a teacher...

However, isn't it graduated now?

After talking about it for a while, Wang Qiang looked at the time and said: "At this point, I have to go see my wife. Are you staying here or not?"

Jiang Shouzheng straightened up and said, "I came to the hospital to see you. Since I have seen you, I'll just go back."

"Okay, I won't send you off."

Jiang Shouzheng nodded and left.


Wang Qiang patted his head and remembered one thing!

Pushing the door out and looking around, Jiang Shouzheng's figure was no longer there, and asked the nurse desk in front, saying that he hadn't seen anyone coming out of the ward.

"It's weird, how come you go so fast."

Wang Qiang muttered a few words, and left without paying attention.

What he forgot just now is to confirm again that Jiang Shou still wants to go to sports cars in the future...

If it is, then he has to keep Jiang Shouzheng for a while before persuading him!

However, now that everyone is gone, calling him back again does not seem appropriate.

Forget it, another day when I take the time to take a trip to Qingfeng Temple, he hopes that with his sincerity, Jiang Shouzheng can change his mind, even if it is a little...

"I hope he can't learn to drive."

"But how is it possible?"

"Don't think about this all day long..."


"It seems that because of this invisibility enchantment, it is useless for people with strong beliefs."

Watching the entry about "the strongest class teacher" rushed to the top of the hot search list, Jiang Shou was just like reasoning——

It was the first time that he looked at Chen Yuan at close range to lend money to Wang Qiang. The power of faith in him was still thin. He had also seen the source. Most of them belonged to his classmates and their parents.At that time, he used the invisibility barrier to hide perfectly in front of Wang Qiang.

However, when Wang Qiang returned to the ward for the second time, he was able to see the power of faith in him.

"Then my invisible barrier, in front of the celebrities, isn't it useless at all?"

"According to their reputation, the power of belief is stronger and stronger than that of Lao Ban."

"The old class can see me, and they should be able to."

After analyzing and analyzing, Jiang Shouzheng suddenly felt that some of the invisibility enchantments he had learned from the god of agriculture had accumulated.

The spiritual sense moved, feeling a force of faith coming from behind him like him.


The "traffic" on my body is flooding the Internet again.

Don't worry about it, when the power of faith approaches him, you will be led by the rules to test God.

But this time, things weren't what Jiang Shouzheng predicted. When he realized that the power of belief was a bit wrong, it was already too late.

That strange power of faith directly "back-stabbed" into his body, and then dissipated.

He closed his eyes and mobilized the mana around him, but he didn't find anything wrong, and there seemed to be no changes in his body.

"Odd... weird..."

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