My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 231 Oh, my dear brother~

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Looking back, Jiang Shouzheng saw from a distance that there were already several people wearing suits and carrying briefcases outside Guanwai.

They seem to be waiting for someone.

These people have neat suits, but their faces are tired, but their expressions are intertwined with excitement and anxiety.

Although they are all dressed in suits, there are big differences in fabrics and patterns.

It can be seen that they know each other and some of them seem to be friends, but they seem to be in a strange state of competition now.

What do they argue about outside Qingfeng Temple?

What's so controversial in Qingfeng View?

Jiang Shouzheng had already seen it with his heavenly eyes. They were ordinary people and there was nothing special about them.

So, it shouldn't be here to fight Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin.

However, there are few laymen in Qingfengguan.

Match it with the "school badge" on their briefcase.

Then, the identity of these people is easy to guess-

Teacher of university admissions office.

Jiang Shouzheng strengthened the input of mana into the invisibility enchantment. After it was determined that the admissions office teachers did not have the power of faith, he walked from under their eyelids to the Qingfeng Temple, and then jumped into the Taoist Temple.

He has already chosen a major, school, anyway, there is nothing that he particularly likes. If nothing else, choose the same as Wang Fei.

There were more people recommended, but he had difficulty choosing.

Jiang Shouzheng probably didn't realize it himself, but he subconsciously chose people to know people.

As soon as Jiang Shouzheng landed, Jiang Shouji, who turned into a white fox, leaped onto his shoulder and said through the voice:

"Brother, what school do you choose?!"


"Don't worry, sister, I will ask brother!"

Yao Qian glanced at the news, threw herself on the bed happily, and rolled.

Rolling to the center of the bed, the word "big" was placed without lady.

In the eyes, they are all longing!

For the school, for the major, she personally does not have much expectations.

Before high school, learning was a kind of coping for her.

Deal with teachers, deal with parents, deal with yourself.

In high school, studying is an expectation for her!

Only second in the class can I sit at the same table with Jiang Shouzheng!

This is the rule set by the old class Wang Qiang!

In three years of high school, her position was "robbed" twice by Chen Yuan!

This is also the reason why she sees Chen Yuan unhappy!

In this college entrance examination, Chen Yuan got second in the class.

If she hadn't graduated, she would definitely be angry and angry.

However, after graduation, there is no need to struggle!

Now, she has new expectations--

I hope I and Jiang Shouzheng can still be classmates!

The direction Jiang Shouzheng chose was law!

His own and honorable Mr. Yao Genmin had already told her about this.

She will also choose law!

The information that is still missing is that I don’t know which school Jiang Shouzheng will choose.

Who can get the information from Jiang Shouzhengkou to his choice of school?

It is nothing more than Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji!

This is also the main reason why she wants to have a good relationship with them.

The sentence just now was sent to her by Jiang Shouji.

She can already predict that when she arrives at university, she will be Jiang Shouzheng's tablemate!

I heard that when she was in college, the seat was not fixed. At that time, she must arrive early to reserve a good place for Jiang Shouzheng!

Jiang Shouzheng didn't know how to refuse.

If he has a good position, he will sit down even though he is a little awkward.

It's just like the previous school sports games!

Now, waiting for the good news from Jiang Shouji.

"Qianqian, another teacher from the admissions office is here, do you want to come and meet?"

"Don't pull it, don't pull it, look at it, dad, I don't know anything anyway!"

Yao Genmin hurriedly greeted the teacher to sit down, made him a pot of tea, and apologized: "I'm sorry, my daughter is spoiled by me."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! Daughter, it's normal to pet a little bit. If I have a good child like your daughter, Mr. Yao, I will do it!"

The topic gradually shifted from Yao Qian to the school's teaching level, quality, superior majors, and special activities.

At the end——

"By the way, can you ask, what is the house price next to your school?"

"Uh...Mr. Yao, do you want to ask about the rent? Are you planning to go to the school by yourself or your wife? I don't think it is necessary. The university is just for the children to be independent Let them grow independently and give them..."

Yao Genmin raised his hand, interrupted the teacher in front of him, and shook his head:

"No, I just want to buy her a house outside of school, it might be more convenient for her to live in."

" doesn't seem to be very cheap, you know, the land price in Kyoto is there."

"It doesn't matter. I am either buying a central area or buying a house on the edge of the university town. My financial resources should still be available. I am also asking about the price.


Chen Yuan thought about the "IOU" that he had torn up--

"It's over, I regret it a bit now."

"However, if I don't tear it up, I am sure I have already asked the old class for money now."

"Ah~~ The little money I saved over so many years was taken by the old class."

"It's all right, one day, one day, you can get it back, if it really doesn't work... then..."

Chen Yuan's self-conceited muttering words were picked up by a person behind him.

"How about then?"

Chen Yuan was familiar with this voice. He turned around in surprise and looked at his brother Chen Guang, who had not seen him for a long time, whose hairline seemed to have moved on the Internet.

"Brother, why are you here?! At this time, aren't you still in the final exam?"

"It's not because of you." Chen Guang, who was a little lean and had some purple prints on his neck, hooked Chen Yuan's shoulders, "Didn't you tell me your college entrance examination score? I was in my bedroom with my friends We show off, they said it, and then passed it to the admissions office."

Speaking of this, Chen Guang wailed: "The teacher from the Admissions Office told me that if you don't go to our profession, I will definitely fail in abstract algebra this time!!!"

Chen Yuan was angry: "Brother! If your teacher asks you to drop your course because I didn't go to your major, then the teacher is too careful!"

"Uh... just kidding, kidding." Chen Guang waved his hand, just a gust of wind hung over, the hairline, and climbed up a bit, he tried to press his hair to cover it, but unfortunately The wind is too big, useless, give up!

"Actually, if you go, I may not be able to pass... I heard from the senior elder sister of the previous year that the pass rate of this course is horribly low!"

Chen Yuan broke away from Chen Guang's hand, took two steps back, with a look of alert:

"Are you my real brother? You actually hurt me?!"

Chen Guang took out his mobile phone, opened the e-wallet, and showed Chen Yuan a little bit of contentment:

"Well, let's take a step back. You go to my school, you don't need to go to my major. As for me, I will give you all the money earned from my part-time job in college!"

There are one hundred thousand in the electronic wallet.

"Oh, my dear brother, are you going to grab it?!"

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