My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 233 After being bored...

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Jiang Shouzheng sensed that the mana in his body was less, but the sky remained unchanged.

Xu Nian said with certainty that he was superior in Tongxuan, and he could speak with the law.

Then, he may open it in the wrong way.

Perhaps, you should be certain when you speak, and you should not have doubts.

Jiang Shouzheng cleared his throat and said again:

"The rain is coming!"

The mana in the body still beats, and the mana is less.

But the sky remained unchanged.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Jiang Shouzheng told Jiang Shouji about Xu Nian's affairs. Jiang Shouji rolled her hair and her eyes lit up: "Brother, is your order wrong?"


"Yeah!" Jiang Shouji said, breaking his fingers, "Look, it rains in order. You have to have clouds first, then wind, with a little thunder and lightning, and then rain. You rain directly like this, no It makes sense!"


It must conform to the laws of nature.

Jiang Shouzheng tried to open his mouth and said, "The clouds are coming! The wind is coming! The thunder is coming! The rain is coming!"

This time, the mana in the body was consumed more, but the sky remained silent.

Jiang Shouqin lay down on the ground and did a set of push-ups, stood up, panting slightly:

"As far as I know, the current realm should be the fourth level of Transcendence, Cunzhen, Imperial Envoy, and Tongxuan.

"The first three levels are not much different, and are essentially close to mortals, while the fourth level is different from the first three levels."

"For an analogy, the first three realms are water, while tongxuan is ice!"

"Perhaps, our senior's mana is only large in quantity, but in quality, it is not sublimated."

"It's like the water in the sea, and the water in my urn, both are water, but even if the urn is frozen, it won’t hurt the uniced sea, but the sea is still sea water, it’s not ice. ."

"According to my estimation, the senior apprentice should be a superior imperial envoy, and he has not arrived in Tongxuan."

Jiang Shouqin finished speaking in one breath, only to find that both Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouzheng were looking at him directly.

"Why are you all looking at me like this?" Jiang Shouqin took two steps back subconsciously.

"You already knew the division of realms?" Jiang Shouzheng asked.

"Yeah, this is common sense? I haven't transformed myself. When I stayed at the Jinmu Dharma Temple, when I had nothing to do all day, there was a big-headed melon seed beside me talking and talking! I was about to be killed. He was dead to Nian."

Speaking of this, Jiang Shouqin raised his eyebrows and said mysteriously: "Do you know? What do you often say about melon seeds?"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, Jiang Shouqin said to himself:

"What he often said is,'Above Tong Xuan, there should be something else, I can't see through, I'm not willing to die!'"

"However, after so many years, he must have died early. Talking about unwillingness to die is all bullshit."

The more he said, the more excited Jiang Shouqin became, because he found that the senior brother and sister didn't mean to stop him when he said so much today, as if he said common sense, they liked listening.

Don't they have common sense?


"This generation is no good!"


"This generation is on the technological side. I hope they can find a way to escape sooner before nature is almost destroyed by them. Just now it was a tornado, thunderstorm, and heavy rain. It took me too much to disperse them. A big price!!! I have lost a lot of my beloved artifacts!!!" v5 novel


"You guys, why are you looking at me like this? You guys, shouldn't you show it?"

The inner disciple looked at his other three brothers with dissatisfaction. Seeing that they were pretending to be stupid, he had no choice but to open his hands and say, "Should you not give me more opportunities to get on the plane? Especially your senior brother. , Don’t look at your seniority..."


A falling thunder struck out of thin air, and his figure disappeared in place...

After a while, the door of the treasure pavilion opened, and the disciple of the inner door took a slender iron rod, slammed it to the ground, and stood beside him with extreme dissatisfaction:

"Brother head, it's too much! How many times have you hacked me during this period? Let's be reasonable. I have a lightning rod now, I see you..."


The purple thunder fell one after another. The slender stick first caused the thunder to fall to the ground, so that the disciple of the gatekeeper and the disciple of the gatekeeper could feel the soles of their feet.

Finally, the stick was smashed, and the last thunder hit the inner disciple’s head again...

The next second, the door of the treasure pavilion was opened again, but this time, the inner disciple did not come out.

He sighed and squatted directly at the door:

"Let's do it, you're a brother, can't it be done if I don't say you?"

Everyone can hear the resentment in the tone.

"Aren't you coming out?" asked the senior brother.

"I won't come out, I'm very angry now! Although I won't die, I hurt!!! I tell you, after a thousand years, I will never pay attention to you!" The inner disciple glared fiercely. Senior Brother Men glanced at him and said vows.

"That's just right!" The senior brother in charge had a look of joy, licked his tongue, and said to the guard disciple, "Brother, let's open another self-heating hot pot."


The inner disciple suddenly appeared next to the head brother, with a serious expression on his face, taking things from his pockets and throwing them to the ground——

Eight immortals table, agarwood chair, colored glaze chopsticks.

By the way, I took out an incense burner and lit it.

"Come on, sit down, brother, sit down," the inner disciple greeted.

"Aren't you going to take care of me for thousands of years?" Senior Brother Sect sat down in a chair and joked.

"Hey! I didn't say a word with the head brother..." The inner disciple said halfway, and the closed disciple said, "I feel like thousands of years have passed."

The guard disciple tore open the packaging bag of the self-heating hot pot, vomiting.

"Hey! Junior brother, hurry up, don't waste time!"

"I know, I know." The janitor looked speechless, took the self-heating hot pot and brought it to the table.

The disciple of the inner door took a look, hooked his hand, and the lid was opened, and the packaging inside flew out of thin air and scattered side by side on the table.

"This self-heating hot pot, after my deliberation and consideration, it would be a pity to eat it directly. We have to cook it with good things."

After that, the inner disciple took out a purple stove tripod from his pocket, and before he could light the shamisen fire, he was pushed aside by the closed disciple.

"You don't know how many pills have been burned in the Zisha Ding. The smell of the medicine has penetrated in. The cooked food will definitely be unpalatable and will destroy the original taste of the self-heating hot pot. Moreover, your three flavors are really hot. These are mundane. The material will definitely be as gray as it is, it would be too wasteful."

Speaking, the disciple of the closed door took out a bamboo slip from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and said to the disciple of the inner door.

"Aren't there some vanilla irons in your treasure chest for collection? You put up a pot, according to the game, it is the one without attribute bonuses. By the way, you give me a knife I sharpen the bamboo slips and drill wood to make fire..."

The senior brother in charge interrupted and said: "I can use lightning strikes to ignite, and the junior brothers don't have to work too much."

"Very good, very good."

The gatekeeper murmured:

"Damn, you're crazy, are you bored like this?"

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